Lots of people like this news item:
"When 35 Greenpeace protesters stormed the International Petroleum Exchange (IPE) yesterday they had planned the operation in great detail. What they were not prepared for was the post-prandial aggression of oil traders who kicked and punched them back on to the pavement. "We bit off more than we could chew. They were just Cockney barrow boy spivs. Total thugs," one protester said, rubbing his bruised skull. "I've never seen anyone less amenable to listening to our point of view." Another said: "I took on a Texan Swat team at Esso last year and they were angels compared with this lot." Behind him, on the balcony of the pub opposite the IPE, a bleary-eyed trader, pint in hand, yelled: "Sod off, Swampy."
Greenpeace had hoped to paralyse oil trading at the exchange in the City near Tower Bridge on the day that the Kyoto Protocol came into force. "The Kyoto Protocol has modest aims to improve the climate and we need huge aims," a spokesman said. Protesters conceded that mounting the operation after lunch may not have been the best plan. "The violence was instant," Jon Beresford, 39, an electrical engineer from Nottingham, said. "They grabbed us and started kicking and punching. Then when we were on the floor they tried to push huge filing cabinets on top of us to crush us." When a trader left the building shortly before 2pm, using a security swipe card, a protester dropped some coins on the floor and, as he bent down to pick them up, put his boot in the door to keep it open.
Two minutes later, three Greenpeace vans pulled up and another 30 protesters leapt out and were let in by the others. They made their way to the trading floor, blowing whistles and sounding fog horns, encountering little resistance from security guards. Rape alarms were tied to helium balloons to float to the ceiling and create noise out of reach. The IPE conducts "open outcry" trading where deals are shouted across the pit. By making so much noise, the protesters hoped to paralyse trading. But they were set upon by traders, most of whom were under the age of 25. "They were kicking and punching men and women indiscriminately," a photographer said. "It was really ugly, but Greenpeace did not fight back." Mr Beresford said: "They followed the guys into the lobby and kept kicking and punching them there. They literally kicked them on to the pavement."
More here
Greenie restrictions on new housing come home to roost "A new report Wednesday fueled concerns that the high cost of doing business in Los Angeles and much of California puts the region at a serious disadvantage in trying to compete for high-tech businesses against less-expensive Western and Midwestern cities.... "The harsh reality is your state is suffering today not only from a corporate exodus but intellectual capacity (too). Some of your best and brightest college graduates cannot afford to live here; that's a huge problem," said John Boyd, whose company's report is based on information from corporate executives."
Islamic gratitude to GWB? "The Islamic Prophet Muhammad's original choice of a successor, Ali, was a Shiia whose claims were never recognized by the early leaders of the Islam. Ironically, it is the "infidel" Bush who had made it possible to restore legitimate Shiite rule to Iraq. And it is the "evangelical" Bush who has finally made more legitimate the incoherent war at home and abroad by pushing for democratic reforms in Iraq even when the silent goals of the war remain geo-strategic"
Israel betrayed by its own politicians: "As a courageous refusenik in the Soviet Union, Natan Sharansky became a hero to free people everywhere — nowhere more so than in Israel, the country to which he yearned to emigrate. His fight for human rights cost him nine years in the KGB’s dungeons, and when, in February 1986, he finally arrived in the land of his forefathers, it was to an ecstatic welcome by thousands of cheering Israelis.... But if Sharansky’s thinking carries great weight in America, in his adopted homeland it carries none at all. ‘‘I understand that in the Soviet Union your ideas were important,’’ Israel’s current prime minister, Ariel Sharon, told him last year, ‘‘but unfortunately they have no place in the Middle East.’’ No place, in other words, for the idea that peace between Israel and the Palestinians depends not on unilateral Israeli concessions but on the transformation of the Palestinian Authority. No place for the idea that freedom and democracy can have the same power in the West Bank and Gaza that they had in Japan and Germany after World War II. No place for the idea that Palestinian terror and violence will never cease until Palestinian dictatorship and repression cease".
Farmed robbery: "In his newly-released federal budget President George W. Bush promises to reduce farm subsidies. Predictably, on the day the budget was made public there were well-choreographed 'protests' by all the usual suspects, mostly millionaire corporate farmers camped out at the Mayflower or Four Seasons hotels in Washington, D.C. for a few days. The 'protesters' made it on to the evening news in their latest attempt to dupe the American public into believing that they were not really the millionaire owners of large corporate farms, but lowly dust bowl families just trying to make ends meet and feed their families."
EU arrogance faltering: "Probably it's a bit too much to say, on the eve of President George W. Bush's fence-mending trip to Europe next week, that a specter is haunting Europe, but let's say it anyway: A specter is haunting Europe and it is the possibility, after the elections in Iraq, that perhaps Bush is less of a dangerous bungler than so many Europeans previously believed him to be.... Certainly there has been no seismic alteration of the European view. Yet there are at least some strong anecdotal signs that Europeans are struggling with the difficult proposition that there might even be in the Bush doctrine of messianic democracy a dollop of what the other President Bush famously called "the vision thing.".... . ."The pictures of the people voting, even though it's hard to say it was worth two years of war, psychologically it was a turning point," Hassner said.... "
Tim Worstall spells out well the inconvenient fact (for Leftists) that the bigger the government gets the more they have to tax the poor. There are just not enough taxable rich people to go around once the State gets beyond a certain size.
An amusing email from a feminist moonbat accusing the Los Angeles Times of not printing enough stuff written by women. But what got her really charged was one particular story they DID print -- you guessed it -- by a woman! -- as the L.A. Times editor subsequently pointed out.
My latest posting on MarxWords shows that he thought Jews looked ugly. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" looks at Isaiah 9:6 -- "And his name will be called "Wonderful Counseller, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace"
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame Blogger.com and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
THE RIGHTFUL PRESIDENT. He gave us a reprieve from Leftist authoritarianism and hate. He was defeated not by a majority of American voters but by a flood of fraudulent postal votes. Some Lessons from history in support of Trump thinking: http://jonjayray.com/trumpism.html
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
Friday, February 18, 2005
The hunting Act vindictive in its aim and discriminatory in its effect. It takes away liberties from law-abiding people, destroys a deeply-rooted way of life and confers no benefit on any person or animal. It permits the dogs of Labour voters to pursue their favourite quarry, and forbids the dogs of Tories to go after theirs. It reflects no understanding either of hunting or of wildlife, and was passed in defiance of the conclusions of the Government's own official inquiry..... When, why and how is it right to disobey the law? If it is never right to disobey, then tyrants have carte blanche. The racist laws of Nuremberg, the Hindu law of suttee, sharia that condemns adulterers to stoning and a thousand other cruelties become obligatory on those who are commanded to obey them.
So what should we do? It was in answer to that question that Gandhi developed the strategy of "civil disobedience", directed against the authorities in British India. Civil disobedience does not mean breaking the law and then trying to evade it. It means breaking the law overtly and peacefully, while surrendering yourself for punishment. In this way, Gandhi thought, you put a spotlight on the law, draw attention to its injustice, and emphasise that you yourself are no criminal, either by nature or by intention, but simply labelled as such by a sovereign power that has overstepped the bounds of legitimate government....
It seems to me that the crucial point is not the grandeur of the cause but the social impact of the injustice and the lack of an alternative remedy. In our society rules and regulations can be altered, and majority opinion will eventually have its way with them. However, minorities do not enjoy the benefit of majority opinion. Consider what a Muslim should do, when faced with a law that bans halal butchery. Majority opinion will never rescue him, for it is only the Muslim minority that is affected. A strategy of civil disobedience would make it obvious, even to the majority opposed to halal butchery, that you cannot go on sending law-abiding butchers to prison simply to satisfy your beliefs about a matter that does not affect you.
More here. For news on the law see here
The hunting Act vindictive in its aim and discriminatory in its effect. It takes away liberties from law-abiding people, destroys a deeply-rooted way of life and confers no benefit on any person or animal. It permits the dogs of Labour voters to pursue their favourite quarry, and forbids the dogs of Tories to go after theirs. It reflects no understanding either of hunting or of wildlife, and was passed in defiance of the conclusions of the Government's own official inquiry..... When, why and how is it right to disobey the law? If it is never right to disobey, then tyrants have carte blanche. The racist laws of Nuremberg, the Hindu law of suttee, sharia that condemns adulterers to stoning and a thousand other cruelties become obligatory on those who are commanded to obey them.
So what should we do? It was in answer to that question that Gandhi developed the strategy of "civil disobedience", directed against the authorities in British India. Civil disobedience does not mean breaking the law and then trying to evade it. It means breaking the law overtly and peacefully, while surrendering yourself for punishment. In this way, Gandhi thought, you put a spotlight on the law, draw attention to its injustice, and emphasise that you yourself are no criminal, either by nature or by intention, but simply labelled as such by a sovereign power that has overstepped the bounds of legitimate government....
It seems to me that the crucial point is not the grandeur of the cause but the social impact of the injustice and the lack of an alternative remedy. In our society rules and regulations can be altered, and majority opinion will eventually have its way with them. However, minorities do not enjoy the benefit of majority opinion. Consider what a Muslim should do, when faced with a law that bans halal butchery. Majority opinion will never rescue him, for it is only the Muslim minority that is affected. A strategy of civil disobedience would make it obvious, even to the majority opposed to halal butchery, that you cannot go on sending law-abiding butchers to prison simply to satisfy your beliefs about a matter that does not affect you.
More here. For news on the law see here
Good to hear: "Contending that Americans benefit from free trade, President Bush said Thursday he would keep pursuing liberalization agreements around the world, even as critics say his policies have resulted in record trade deficits and millions of lost jobs. Bush's pledge came in his annual economic report to Congress, a 438-page document which argued that his economic policies, ranging from making his first-term tax cuts permanent to overhauling Social Security, will lead to greater prosperity. "I believe that Americans benefit from open markets and free and fair trade and I am working to open up markets around the world and make sure that the playing field is level for our workers, farmers, manufacturers and other job creators," Bush said in his message to Congress".
A teeth-grinder for Leftists: "The two largest U.S. retailers, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Target Corp. reported higher fourth-quarter profits on Thursday on double-digit sales growth. Wal-Mart, the world's No. 1 retailer, said quarterly earnings rose 16 percent as sales gained from store expansion, beating Wall Street expectations".
Futile but good for attention-seekers: "Perhaps no company has come under as fierce an attack as Wal-Mart, the nation's largest private employer. A 22-page report last year by Rep. George Miller, D-Martinez, echoed what many critics have said for years: Because nonunionized Wal-Mart pays lower salaries and health benefits, its employees must use subsidized medical care, free school lunches and other taxpayer- supported welfare services. Wal-Mart will be the target of a fresh campaign in the next couple of months, when the Organic Consumers Association will band together with labor and environmental groups to promote a "buy local" crusade".
Another setback for the food fascists: "Drinking coffee regularly can reduce the risk of liver cancer by more than one half, according to a study carried out in Japan on more than 90,000 people and published in the United States by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Taking into account anti-cancer properties of caffeine on lab animals, a team of Japanese researchers analyzed a public health report spanning a decade which allowed them to track a large number of patients, many with liver cancer, and their coffee consumption habits".
The future of the U.S. Supreme Court too? "The [Australian] High Court has been remade in John Howard's image. It is now so legally conservative that Michael Kirby [a Left-leaning homosexual] has become the biggest outsider in the court's history".
The wicked John Stossel has some good examples of where sharing is bad and selfishness is good.
Nathan Tabor has a comprehensive debunking of the "gay gene" theory. It is so typically Leftist that the one claim of hereditary influence that they accept is scientifically unfounded. Reality just does not suit Leftists at all. No wonder they have taken so fervently to calling themselves "reality-based" lately. Denial is a well-known psychological defence-mechanism.
Absurd demands on Israel: "There's lots of land in the Middle East. Most of it is populated sparsely by Arabic-speaking people, culturally, linguistically, religiously and ethnically at one with the so-called 'Palestinians,' a people who have never had a country of their own in the history of the world. Why then is it Israel's obligation to carve itself up to create this Palestinian state? The tiny sliver of land that represents the current state of Israel is only about one-tenth the size of the original United Nations mandate that created the Jewish state in 1947. Now, I'm not a Jew. I'm a Christian Arab-American journalist who believes in freedom first, peace second. And I've got to tell you that the demands on Israel right now are demands for the nation to commit political, military and cultural suicide."
A good email: "Paradoxically, the same (white) liberals who blame the "imperialist western countries" for the hatred some other peoples and religions have towards us, are the very main cause of such hatred: they themselves produced the culture of drugs, free sexuality and abomination which more traditional cultures of Asia and Africa deeply despise. How ironic".
There is another appalling news report on SOCIALIZED MEDICINE and some VERY interesting media quotations on LEFTISTS AS ELITISTS today.
My latest posting on MarxWords shows what a parasite and a cheat Marx was. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" looks at the concept of the afterlife in the OT and the NT.
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame Blogger.com and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
Good to hear: "Contending that Americans benefit from free trade, President Bush said Thursday he would keep pursuing liberalization agreements around the world, even as critics say his policies have resulted in record trade deficits and millions of lost jobs. Bush's pledge came in his annual economic report to Congress, a 438-page document which argued that his economic policies, ranging from making his first-term tax cuts permanent to overhauling Social Security, will lead to greater prosperity. "I believe that Americans benefit from open markets and free and fair trade and I am working to open up markets around the world and make sure that the playing field is level for our workers, farmers, manufacturers and other job creators," Bush said in his message to Congress".
A teeth-grinder for Leftists: "The two largest U.S. retailers, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Target Corp. reported higher fourth-quarter profits on Thursday on double-digit sales growth. Wal-Mart, the world's No. 1 retailer, said quarterly earnings rose 16 percent as sales gained from store expansion, beating Wall Street expectations".
Futile but good for attention-seekers: "Perhaps no company has come under as fierce an attack as Wal-Mart, the nation's largest private employer. A 22-page report last year by Rep. George Miller, D-Martinez, echoed what many critics have said for years: Because nonunionized Wal-Mart pays lower salaries and health benefits, its employees must use subsidized medical care, free school lunches and other taxpayer- supported welfare services. Wal-Mart will be the target of a fresh campaign in the next couple of months, when the Organic Consumers Association will band together with labor and environmental groups to promote a "buy local" crusade".
Another setback for the food fascists: "Drinking coffee regularly can reduce the risk of liver cancer by more than one half, according to a study carried out in Japan on more than 90,000 people and published in the United States by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Taking into account anti-cancer properties of caffeine on lab animals, a team of Japanese researchers analyzed a public health report spanning a decade which allowed them to track a large number of patients, many with liver cancer, and their coffee consumption habits".
The future of the U.S. Supreme Court too? "The [Australian] High Court has been remade in John Howard's image. It is now so legally conservative that Michael Kirby [a Left-leaning homosexual] has become the biggest outsider in the court's history".
The wicked John Stossel has some good examples of where sharing is bad and selfishness is good.
Nathan Tabor has a comprehensive debunking of the "gay gene" theory. It is so typically Leftist that the one claim of hereditary influence that they accept is scientifically unfounded. Reality just does not suit Leftists at all. No wonder they have taken so fervently to calling themselves "reality-based" lately. Denial is a well-known psychological defence-mechanism.
Absurd demands on Israel: "There's lots of land in the Middle East. Most of it is populated sparsely by Arabic-speaking people, culturally, linguistically, religiously and ethnically at one with the so-called 'Palestinians,' a people who have never had a country of their own in the history of the world. Why then is it Israel's obligation to carve itself up to create this Palestinian state? The tiny sliver of land that represents the current state of Israel is only about one-tenth the size of the original United Nations mandate that created the Jewish state in 1947. Now, I'm not a Jew. I'm a Christian Arab-American journalist who believes in freedom first, peace second. And I've got to tell you that the demands on Israel right now are demands for the nation to commit political, military and cultural suicide."
A good email: "Paradoxically, the same (white) liberals who blame the "imperialist western countries" for the hatred some other peoples and religions have towards us, are the very main cause of such hatred: they themselves produced the culture of drugs, free sexuality and abomination which more traditional cultures of Asia and Africa deeply despise. How ironic".
There is another appalling news report on SOCIALIZED MEDICINE and some VERY interesting media quotations on LEFTISTS AS ELITISTS today.
My latest posting on MarxWords shows what a parasite and a cheat Marx was. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" looks at the concept of the afterlife in the OT and the NT.
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame Blogger.com and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
Thursday, February 17, 2005
While President Bush's sweeping vision of worldwide democracy was never more vividly conveyed than in his recent inaugural speech, he has thus far failed to acknowledge an alarming anti-democratic movement festering within America's own hemisphere: the increased radicalization of Indians in South America's Andean region and their assumption of anti-democratic, reactionary and strikingly fascistic attitudes. This trend is increasingly powerful in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru and, if not dealt with quickly, will lead to the region's collapse into a political, economic and social Stone Age, posing a danger to the entire world.
In addition to their vocal opposition to capitalism, the United States and democracy-all characteristics that explain their close ties to the Left in their countries as well as to the Chavez regime in Venezuela and to Castro's Cuba-these movements are also openly racist. Indeed, they advocate a return to the pre-Columbian Inca state, with the European cultural and ethnic (i.e. "white") additions removed-by force. In any other circumstance, the combination of racism and historic nostalgia would instantly produce cries of fascism from the politically correct Left. But, not surprisingly, it views the situation in South America far differently-after all, to the Left, the "oppressed" races cannot be racist, only the white "oppressors" can and are.
More here
Is Rupert Murdoch sheltering his own Eason Jordan? Peter Wilson, foreign correspondent for Murdoch's Australian, has also accused the American military of targeting journalists
Social security: how the Dems will cost you $3 million If you are under 55 years of age and don't read and understand this essay you will only have yourself to blame for not acting now and saving yourself and your family $3 million
The Democrats' drug-running links Rangel and other black Congressmen were told of Castro's drug running. Rangel's response was to blame it on the CIA
Chinese economy and savings The Chinese tend to have a low rate of time preference - and it is this rate that can quickly propel the Chinese economy. But how to do it?
More on immigration myths and wages So long as there is real economic growth, i.e., capital accumulation, then the means to support a growing suburbia will be generated
Details here
While President Bush's sweeping vision of worldwide democracy was never more vividly conveyed than in his recent inaugural speech, he has thus far failed to acknowledge an alarming anti-democratic movement festering within America's own hemisphere: the increased radicalization of Indians in South America's Andean region and their assumption of anti-democratic, reactionary and strikingly fascistic attitudes. This trend is increasingly powerful in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru and, if not dealt with quickly, will lead to the region's collapse into a political, economic and social Stone Age, posing a danger to the entire world.
In addition to their vocal opposition to capitalism, the United States and democracy-all characteristics that explain their close ties to the Left in their countries as well as to the Chavez regime in Venezuela and to Castro's Cuba-these movements are also openly racist. Indeed, they advocate a return to the pre-Columbian Inca state, with the European cultural and ethnic (i.e. "white") additions removed-by force. In any other circumstance, the combination of racism and historic nostalgia would instantly produce cries of fascism from the politically correct Left. But, not surprisingly, it views the situation in South America far differently-after all, to the Left, the "oppressed" races cannot be racist, only the white "oppressors" can and are.
More here
Is Rupert Murdoch sheltering his own Eason Jordan? Peter Wilson, foreign correspondent for Murdoch's Australian, has also accused the American military of targeting journalists
Social security: how the Dems will cost you $3 million If you are under 55 years of age and don't read and understand this essay you will only have yourself to blame for not acting now and saving yourself and your family $3 million
The Democrats' drug-running links Rangel and other black Congressmen were told of Castro's drug running. Rangel's response was to blame it on the CIA
Chinese economy and savings The Chinese tend to have a low rate of time preference - and it is this rate that can quickly propel the Chinese economy. But how to do it?
More on immigration myths and wages So long as there is real economic growth, i.e., capital accumulation, then the means to support a growing suburbia will be generated
Details here
I am sorry to hear that Sam Francis has just passed away after heart surgery. I did not agree with everything he wrote but he was a great campaigner for conservative causes.
Great news: "Coming soon: a non-stop, 19-hour flight from London to Sydney. For the first time in civil aviation history, a long-haul passenger jet was being unveiled last night that is capable of flying virtually halfway across the globe, making it possible in theory to link any two important world cities. The new Boeing 777-200LR rolled off the US company's assembly line in Washington state for the first time and is scheduled for delivery in the first three months of next year. It is expected to carry 300 passengers and cost up to $225 million (119 million pounds). It promises travellers the holy grail of air travel - no more layovers. Ever. The launch came less than a month after Boeing's bitter rival, the European company Airbus, revealed its very different vision of the future of air travel - the A380 "superjumbo" which can carry up to 850 passengers over just 9,000 miles"
Janet Albrechtsen: "Note to self: Wednesday: celebrate the right of women to be treated as equal to men; Thursday: cheer for the right for women to be treated differently; Friday: sort through conflicting messages scattered about by modern feminists on what women want."
Marginalizing unions aids prosperity: "Twenty years ago, workplace deregulation in Australia was a new and largely untested phenomenon that opponents characterised as bad and unfair for employees. The past decade, marked by historic levels of prosperity, has shown these claims to be unfounded. Far from leading to a "race to the bottom" in terms of wages, employment conditions or lower living standards, workplace reforms have underpinned strong productivity, real income growth, job creation, low unemployment, low inflation and rising wealth per capita".
There is a libertarian version here of the Mommy/Daddy account of politics -- much pushed by nutty Leftist linguist George Lakoff. It's a popular story but if it were true most women would be Leftists and most men would be Rightists -- but "it just aint so". In the last U.S. Presidential election the female vote split roughly 50/50 for and against GWB.
Leftists hate one-another too. They all want to be king: "While Republicans have been marching the family through precise formations and drilling them on party catechism, the Democrats are still chasing each other around the coffee table. They seem almost hopeless, really, unable to get themselves organized into a cohesive unit that can confidently articulate, and consistently follow, its shared values."
Good comment from India: "Nepal's Maoists may believe that power flows from the barrel of a gun. However, prosperity and happiness do not. Democracy is not a magic wand, but neither is Maoism a miracle-cure. Communism is an ideological tool for non-industrious people who want the state to take care of their needs. It will not make the Nepalese any better off. Incidentally, historical experience is not in favour of the communists. They often end up in Gulags (of Stalin) or killing fields (of Pol Pot), without any share of the chimera they were chasing. The Indian communists should be aware of this."
Pat Buchanan has an interesting history of how the arrogant Leftist monopoly of the MSM has gradually been eroded -- a process that started in the Nixon era.
Carnival of the Vanities is up again with a wide range of blogospheric reading.
My latest posting on MarxWords notes that Marx was a social Darwinist -- something modern leftists say is "Rightist". My latest posting on "A scripture blog" looks at Luke 16: 22-25 -- "The rich man also died and was buried; and in Hades, being in torment.... "
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame Blogger.com and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
I am sorry to hear that Sam Francis has just passed away after heart surgery. I did not agree with everything he wrote but he was a great campaigner for conservative causes.
Great news: "Coming soon: a non-stop, 19-hour flight from London to Sydney. For the first time in civil aviation history, a long-haul passenger jet was being unveiled last night that is capable of flying virtually halfway across the globe, making it possible in theory to link any two important world cities. The new Boeing 777-200LR rolled off the US company's assembly line in Washington state for the first time and is scheduled for delivery in the first three months of next year. It is expected to carry 300 passengers and cost up to $225 million (119 million pounds). It promises travellers the holy grail of air travel - no more layovers. Ever. The launch came less than a month after Boeing's bitter rival, the European company Airbus, revealed its very different vision of the future of air travel - the A380 "superjumbo" which can carry up to 850 passengers over just 9,000 miles"
Janet Albrechtsen: "Note to self: Wednesday: celebrate the right of women to be treated as equal to men; Thursday: cheer for the right for women to be treated differently; Friday: sort through conflicting messages scattered about by modern feminists on what women want."
Marginalizing unions aids prosperity: "Twenty years ago, workplace deregulation in Australia was a new and largely untested phenomenon that opponents characterised as bad and unfair for employees. The past decade, marked by historic levels of prosperity, has shown these claims to be unfounded. Far from leading to a "race to the bottom" in terms of wages, employment conditions or lower living standards, workplace reforms have underpinned strong productivity, real income growth, job creation, low unemployment, low inflation and rising wealth per capita".
There is a libertarian version here of the Mommy/Daddy account of politics -- much pushed by nutty Leftist linguist George Lakoff. It's a popular story but if it were true most women would be Leftists and most men would be Rightists -- but "it just aint so". In the last U.S. Presidential election the female vote split roughly 50/50 for and against GWB.
Leftists hate one-another too. They all want to be king: "While Republicans have been marching the family through precise formations and drilling them on party catechism, the Democrats are still chasing each other around the coffee table. They seem almost hopeless, really, unable to get themselves organized into a cohesive unit that can confidently articulate, and consistently follow, its shared values."
Good comment from India: "Nepal's Maoists may believe that power flows from the barrel of a gun. However, prosperity and happiness do not. Democracy is not a magic wand, but neither is Maoism a miracle-cure. Communism is an ideological tool for non-industrious people who want the state to take care of their needs. It will not make the Nepalese any better off. Incidentally, historical experience is not in favour of the communists. They often end up in Gulags (of Stalin) or killing fields (of Pol Pot), without any share of the chimera they were chasing. The Indian communists should be aware of this."
Pat Buchanan has an interesting history of how the arrogant Leftist monopoly of the MSM has gradually been eroded -- a process that started in the Nixon era.
Carnival of the Vanities is up again with a wide range of blogospheric reading.
My latest posting on MarxWords notes that Marx was a social Darwinist -- something modern leftists say is "Rightist". My latest posting on "A scripture blog" looks at Luke 16: 22-25 -- "The rich man also died and was buried; and in Hades, being in torment.... "
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame Blogger.com and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Australia has long had what GWB is advocating and it is uncontroversial here. I have said nothing on the U.S. debate so far because Dick McDonald does such a good job on it but here are some recent interesting excerpts anyway:
Leftists: Do as I say, not as I do "In the Democratic response to President Bush's call to make Social Security a better deal for younger workers through voluntary personal retirement accounts, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid likened the plan to a risky game of 'roulette.' New York Times columnist Paul Krugman called it a 'system in which workers engage in speculation that no financial advisor would recommend.' In opposing personal accounts, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) launched national ads stating: 'Winners and losers are stock market terms. Do you really want them to become retirement terms?' Given the way the Democrats and some commentators are talking about stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, you would assume that none of them invest any of their own money, and instead keep sacks of cash in their mattresses."
Pension funds invest in the stockmarket anyhow: "The debate over allowing younger workers to invest a portion of their Social Security payroll taxes in personal retirement accounts has become increasingly politicized, with some groups charging that the plan will amount to "gambling" in the stock market and giving billions in Social Security dollars to Wall Street pension fund managers. For example a recent series of television ads sponsored by the AARP depict a middle-aged man and woman saying, "If we feel like gambling, we'll play the slots... According to the Federal Reserve Board, public employee pension plans alone had nearly $2 trillion in assets as of September 2004. Overall, 54.8 percent of these assets were invested in corporate equities"
That wicked cigar fancier: "Perhaps hoping to win over undecided Democrats to President Bush's Social Security reform proposal, White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove told FOX News on Wednesday that former President Bill Clinton did 'a courageous thing' by pointing out the retirement program's problems. 'President Clinton did a courageous thing when he pointed out the looming insolvency of Social Security,' Rove said, adding that the current program is facing 'a demographic time bomb that's going to go off with certainty.' Social Security currently is taking in more money than it pays out, and is expected to do so for the next 13 to 15 years. But after that, the program will be paying out more money than it collects and is likely to go bankrupt by 2042 or 2052, depending on whose calculations are used."
Social security reform is anti-black? "Milloy contradicts himself. He lays out all the ways that we blacks are killing ourselves: cigarettes, unprotected sex, obesity and high salt intake. Then he indicates that somehow these self-inflicted wounds are about a "slave health deficit," and that some researchers say they have found links between hypertension and racism. He then concludes that somehow the president not only does not care but is a cheerleader for this black dance of death -- all because he wants privatization of Social Security so badly that he wants blacks to die early to make a case for it."
Jeff Jacoby: "You don't have to be a financial wizard to know that Social Security is a lousy investment. Unlike the money you deposit in a bank or salt away in an IRA, you don't own the money you pay into Social Security. You have no legal right to get those dollars back, and when you die you can't pass them on to your heirs. Nor can you use your Social Security account before you retire -- you can't borrow against it and you can't cash it in. You aren't allowed to put the money into a balanced portfolio. You can't even watch as the interest accumulates, since your Social Security nest egg doesn't earn any interest".
Australia has long had what GWB is advocating and it is uncontroversial here. I have said nothing on the U.S. debate so far because Dick McDonald does such a good job on it but here are some recent interesting excerpts anyway:
Leftists: Do as I say, not as I do "In the Democratic response to President Bush's call to make Social Security a better deal for younger workers through voluntary personal retirement accounts, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid likened the plan to a risky game of 'roulette.' New York Times columnist Paul Krugman called it a 'system in which workers engage in speculation that no financial advisor would recommend.' In opposing personal accounts, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) launched national ads stating: 'Winners and losers are stock market terms. Do you really want them to become retirement terms?' Given the way the Democrats and some commentators are talking about stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, you would assume that none of them invest any of their own money, and instead keep sacks of cash in their mattresses."
Pension funds invest in the stockmarket anyhow: "The debate over allowing younger workers to invest a portion of their Social Security payroll taxes in personal retirement accounts has become increasingly politicized, with some groups charging that the plan will amount to "gambling" in the stock market and giving billions in Social Security dollars to Wall Street pension fund managers. For example a recent series of television ads sponsored by the AARP depict a middle-aged man and woman saying, "If we feel like gambling, we'll play the slots... According to the Federal Reserve Board, public employee pension plans alone had nearly $2 trillion in assets as of September 2004. Overall, 54.8 percent of these assets were invested in corporate equities"
That wicked cigar fancier: "Perhaps hoping to win over undecided Democrats to President Bush's Social Security reform proposal, White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove told FOX News on Wednesday that former President Bill Clinton did 'a courageous thing' by pointing out the retirement program's problems. 'President Clinton did a courageous thing when he pointed out the looming insolvency of Social Security,' Rove said, adding that the current program is facing 'a demographic time bomb that's going to go off with certainty.' Social Security currently is taking in more money than it pays out, and is expected to do so for the next 13 to 15 years. But after that, the program will be paying out more money than it collects and is likely to go bankrupt by 2042 or 2052, depending on whose calculations are used."
Social security reform is anti-black? "Milloy contradicts himself. He lays out all the ways that we blacks are killing ourselves: cigarettes, unprotected sex, obesity and high salt intake. Then he indicates that somehow these self-inflicted wounds are about a "slave health deficit," and that some researchers say they have found links between hypertension and racism. He then concludes that somehow the president not only does not care but is a cheerleader for this black dance of death -- all because he wants privatization of Social Security so badly that he wants blacks to die early to make a case for it."
Jeff Jacoby: "You don't have to be a financial wizard to know that Social Security is a lousy investment. Unlike the money you deposit in a bank or salt away in an IRA, you don't own the money you pay into Social Security. You have no legal right to get those dollars back, and when you die you can't pass them on to your heirs. Nor can you use your Social Security account before you retire -- you can't borrow against it and you can't cash it in. You aren't allowed to put the money into a balanced portfolio. You can't even watch as the interest accumulates, since your Social Security nest egg doesn't earn any interest".
PETA doesn't care about evidence. They KNOW! "Somebody pass the butter. A recent Norwegian study reports that lobsters and crabs don't have the capacity to feel pain. And the animal rights nuts at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ... must be steaming. Animal rights wackos have a long history of pursuing 'lobster liberation.' PETA's own website offers helpful 'tips' on liberating lobsters from restaurants and supermarkets. ... The Guardian helps explain why lobsters and crabs can't feel pain, pointing out that they have only 100,000 neurons, whereas many vertebrates have upwards of 100 billion. Meanwhile, continuing its long tradition of ignoring inconvenient facts, PETA turns to supposed scientific evidence from the Coalition to End Animal Suffering and Exploitation to 'prove' that lobsters feel pain anyway."
Fighting fire with bureaucracy: "Firefighting is a dangerous occupation. Firefighters face an occupational fatality rate two to four times the rate of average Americans. In an attempt to mitigate the risks faced by firefighters, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration requires the use of protective equipment such as self-contained breathing devices and fire retardant clothing, and there the troubles begin. To achieve OSHA compliance, firefighters must carry the 30 pound breathing device and another 30 pounds of protective clothing for the duration of interior firefighting activities. Those 60 pounds increase the excessive physical stress a firefighter experiences and likely contribute to the leading killer of firefighters, cardiac arrest."
Competition undermines tobacco/government alliance: "Big tobacco was supposed to come under harsh punishment for decades of deception when it acceded to a tort settlement seven years ago. Philip Morris, R.J.Reynolds, Lorillard and Brown & Williamson agreed to pay 46 states $206 billion over 25 years. This was their punishment for burying evidence of cigarettes' health risks. But the much-maligned tobacco giants have subtly and shrewdly turned their penance into a windfall. Using that tort settlement, the big brands have hampered tiny cut-rate rivals and raised prices with near impunity. Since the case was settled, the big four have nearly doubled wholesale cigarette prices from a national average of $1.25 a pack (not counting excise taxes) in 1998 to $2.10 now. And they have a potent partner in this scheme: state governments, which have become addicted to tort-settlement payments, now running at $6 billion a year. A key feature of the Big Tobacco-and-state-government cartel: rules that levy tort-settlement costs on upstart cigarette companies, companies that were not even in existence when the tort was being committed. The 1998 scheme came under legal attack almost from the start. While the cartel has fought off most of these challenges, it has just taken a palpable hit. A federal court in New York tossed out a key antidiscounter rule, and the entire settlement could yet crumble. This is due to the doggedness of one Jeffrey Uvezian, who sells cheapie cigs under such brands as Cobra, Boston and Tough Guy, through his company, International Tobacco Partners".
Arlene Peck: "Not that they would notice, but illiteracy in the Arab world is at an all-time high and rising rapidly, with the out-of-control rise in population. It is possible when you're allowed four wives and have an average of ten children with each. Since they keep their women pregnant, barefoot and out of schools, over half of them are not even able to read or write. At the pace they're going in the Arab world now, it will take roughly 30 years to wipe out basic literacy".
On SOCIALIZED MEDICINE I have just put up a story that will make you pray that you never have to rely on socialized medicine. And there is a pretty amazing power-grab reported on LEFTISTS AS ELITISTS.
My latest posting on MarxWords notes what a sponger Marx was. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" looks at Matthew 25:41 and "The eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels ..."
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame Blogger.com and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
PETA doesn't care about evidence. They KNOW! "Somebody pass the butter. A recent Norwegian study reports that lobsters and crabs don't have the capacity to feel pain. And the animal rights nuts at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ... must be steaming. Animal rights wackos have a long history of pursuing 'lobster liberation.' PETA's own website offers helpful 'tips' on liberating lobsters from restaurants and supermarkets. ... The Guardian helps explain why lobsters and crabs can't feel pain, pointing out that they have only 100,000 neurons, whereas many vertebrates have upwards of 100 billion. Meanwhile, continuing its long tradition of ignoring inconvenient facts, PETA turns to supposed scientific evidence from the Coalition to End Animal Suffering and Exploitation to 'prove' that lobsters feel pain anyway."
Fighting fire with bureaucracy: "Firefighting is a dangerous occupation. Firefighters face an occupational fatality rate two to four times the rate of average Americans. In an attempt to mitigate the risks faced by firefighters, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration requires the use of protective equipment such as self-contained breathing devices and fire retardant clothing, and there the troubles begin. To achieve OSHA compliance, firefighters must carry the 30 pound breathing device and another 30 pounds of protective clothing for the duration of interior firefighting activities. Those 60 pounds increase the excessive physical stress a firefighter experiences and likely contribute to the leading killer of firefighters, cardiac arrest."
Competition undermines tobacco/government alliance: "Big tobacco was supposed to come under harsh punishment for decades of deception when it acceded to a tort settlement seven years ago. Philip Morris, R.J.Reynolds, Lorillard and Brown & Williamson agreed to pay 46 states $206 billion over 25 years. This was their punishment for burying evidence of cigarettes' health risks. But the much-maligned tobacco giants have subtly and shrewdly turned their penance into a windfall. Using that tort settlement, the big brands have hampered tiny cut-rate rivals and raised prices with near impunity. Since the case was settled, the big four have nearly doubled wholesale cigarette prices from a national average of $1.25 a pack (not counting excise taxes) in 1998 to $2.10 now. And they have a potent partner in this scheme: state governments, which have become addicted to tort-settlement payments, now running at $6 billion a year. A key feature of the Big Tobacco-and-state-government cartel: rules that levy tort-settlement costs on upstart cigarette companies, companies that were not even in existence when the tort was being committed. The 1998 scheme came under legal attack almost from the start. While the cartel has fought off most of these challenges, it has just taken a palpable hit. A federal court in New York tossed out a key antidiscounter rule, and the entire settlement could yet crumble. This is due to the doggedness of one Jeffrey Uvezian, who sells cheapie cigs under such brands as Cobra, Boston and Tough Guy, through his company, International Tobacco Partners".
Arlene Peck: "Not that they would notice, but illiteracy in the Arab world is at an all-time high and rising rapidly, with the out-of-control rise in population. It is possible when you're allowed four wives and have an average of ten children with each. Since they keep their women pregnant, barefoot and out of schools, over half of them are not even able to read or write. At the pace they're going in the Arab world now, it will take roughly 30 years to wipe out basic literacy".
On SOCIALIZED MEDICINE I have just put up a story that will make you pray that you never have to rely on socialized medicine. And there is a pretty amazing power-grab reported on LEFTISTS AS ELITISTS.
My latest posting on MarxWords notes what a sponger Marx was. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" looks at Matthew 25:41 and "The eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels ..."
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame Blogger.com and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Once again I pick out what I think are my best posts for the week:
On Dissecting Leftism I demolish an anti-American rant by N.Y. journalist Tony Judt.
On Political Correctness Watch I note that racial segregation is now correct again in Canadian schools.
On Greenie Watch I note the latest craze for diaper recycling and show how stupid it is.
On A scripture blog I note that the Church of England has now become the Church of the Environment.
On Socialized Medicine I note evidence that half of America's spending on health care is wasted
On Education Watch I put up a big lot of personal reports about home schooling.
On Gun Watch I note that concealed carry is now regarded as a proven policy in Texas
On MarxWords I note that Engels believed Germans to be a superior race
On Leftists as Elitists I note that the Democrats are now billionaire-oriented rather than people-oriented.
On Majority Rights I note the decline of civility in London.
Once again I pick out what I think are my best posts for the week:
On Dissecting Leftism I demolish an anti-American rant by N.Y. journalist Tony Judt.
On Political Correctness Watch I note that racial segregation is now correct again in Canadian schools.
On Greenie Watch I note the latest craze for diaper recycling and show how stupid it is.
On A scripture blog I note that the Church of England has now become the Church of the Environment.
On Socialized Medicine I note evidence that half of America's spending on health care is wasted
On Education Watch I put up a big lot of personal reports about home schooling.
On Gun Watch I note that concealed carry is now regarded as a proven policy in Texas
On MarxWords I note that Engels believed Germans to be a superior race
On Leftists as Elitists I note that the Democrats are now billionaire-oriented rather than people-oriented.
On Majority Rights I note the decline of civility in London.
Brookes News says Australia has its own Eason Jordan making scurrilous accusations against American troops.
There is a disgusting report here of a Leftist university professor showing a pornographic film to devout Mormon students and mocking them generally -- all in the name of teaching them how to write good English!
Trying to grok has a good example of why there is such high unemployment in Germany
Oppressive Leftist law defied: "About 50,000 people are to defy the ban on hunting which comes into force this week by taking part in choreographed trail hunts at the weekend using foxes that were killed earlier....Although all those taking part will ostensibly be setting off on legal trail hunts, with packs of hounds chasing the scent of a dead fox that has been dragged across the countryside... Mr Worsley warned that there was a higher risk of bad practice than ever before because the new sport would no longer be regulated by the Masters of Foxhounds Association. "The red book is out the window now," he said....With such large numbers of people engaged in the hunts, the expectation is that the police will find it difficult in the extreme to identify the perpetrators of any law-breaking that does take place....However, in its guidance to assistant chief constables, the Association of Chief Police Officers makes clear that the priority is to protect people, not animals."
Amusing conflict of obsessions: "The director of a German zoo has defended her campaign to mate a group of homosexual male penguins with females, arguing that it is the only way to preserve a dying breed from extinction. Heike Kück said that she had been inundated with criticism by the gay lobby after making public her plan. "We're simply trying to help save a threatened species," she said of the Humboldt penguin"
What a brilliant way of discouraging Muslim immigration! "The photograph of Muslim teenagers playing by an advertising hoarding emblazoned with a Nazi swastika and National Front logo could be straight out of a documentary on inner city decay. It is, in fact, just one of a series of grim portrayals being used by the British Council to promote the nation's image overseas. Other photographs in the exhibition include a picture of a smashed-up telephone box and the fenced-off entrance to the Channel tunnel. The council, which is now led by the former Labour Party leader, Neil Kinnock, and which spends tens of million pounds a year on promoting Britain's cultural and artistic achievements, has included the photographs in an exhibition that it claims depict the reality of life in Britain's Muslim community.... Some of the photographs in the exhibition, which is called Common Ground, are accompanied by text depicting British Muslims as the victims of racial hatred and economic oppression".
An email about feminists getting it back to front: "I have always regarded feminism as perverse because it seems to be more about disempowerment than empowerment of women. The whole "fish without a bicycle" line about how much a woman needs a man overlooks the fact that the control some women are able to influence over some men is a very considerable form of power: the capability of getting more done than one could do on one's own."
Most readers of this blog will know that my online book about Leftism is available here or here. In 1974, however, I also had a book published, called Conservatism as Heresy. About half of it I wrote myself and the other half consisted of chapers contributed by various other authors. I got all my own chapters from it online about a year ago but I have been very slack about the other chapters. I have however had a bit of a burst of energy lately and put a few of them up. You can see the result here or here. There is a chapter here (or here) that is particularly good for showing that Leftist hypocrisy and anti-Americanism was alive and well during the Vietnam era.
My latest posting on MarxWords notes that Marx believed in a "Jewish" look. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" looks at Matthew 13:37-43 and the "wailing and gnashing of teeth".
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame Blogger.com and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
Brookes News says Australia has its own Eason Jordan making scurrilous accusations against American troops.
There is a disgusting report here of a Leftist university professor showing a pornographic film to devout Mormon students and mocking them generally -- all in the name of teaching them how to write good English!
Trying to grok has a good example of why there is such high unemployment in Germany
Oppressive Leftist law defied: "About 50,000 people are to defy the ban on hunting which comes into force this week by taking part in choreographed trail hunts at the weekend using foxes that were killed earlier....Although all those taking part will ostensibly be setting off on legal trail hunts, with packs of hounds chasing the scent of a dead fox that has been dragged across the countryside... Mr Worsley warned that there was a higher risk of bad practice than ever before because the new sport would no longer be regulated by the Masters of Foxhounds Association. "The red book is out the window now," he said....With such large numbers of people engaged in the hunts, the expectation is that the police will find it difficult in the extreme to identify the perpetrators of any law-breaking that does take place....However, in its guidance to assistant chief constables, the Association of Chief Police Officers makes clear that the priority is to protect people, not animals."
Amusing conflict of obsessions: "The director of a German zoo has defended her campaign to mate a group of homosexual male penguins with females, arguing that it is the only way to preserve a dying breed from extinction. Heike Kück said that she had been inundated with criticism by the gay lobby after making public her plan. "We're simply trying to help save a threatened species," she said of the Humboldt penguin"
What a brilliant way of discouraging Muslim immigration! "The photograph of Muslim teenagers playing by an advertising hoarding emblazoned with a Nazi swastika and National Front logo could be straight out of a documentary on inner city decay. It is, in fact, just one of a series of grim portrayals being used by the British Council to promote the nation's image overseas. Other photographs in the exhibition include a picture of a smashed-up telephone box and the fenced-off entrance to the Channel tunnel. The council, which is now led by the former Labour Party leader, Neil Kinnock, and which spends tens of million pounds a year on promoting Britain's cultural and artistic achievements, has included the photographs in an exhibition that it claims depict the reality of life in Britain's Muslim community.... Some of the photographs in the exhibition, which is called Common Ground, are accompanied by text depicting British Muslims as the victims of racial hatred and economic oppression".
An email about feminists getting it back to front: "I have always regarded feminism as perverse because it seems to be more about disempowerment than empowerment of women. The whole "fish without a bicycle" line about how much a woman needs a man overlooks the fact that the control some women are able to influence over some men is a very considerable form of power: the capability of getting more done than one could do on one's own."
Most readers of this blog will know that my online book about Leftism is available here or here. In 1974, however, I also had a book published, called Conservatism as Heresy. About half of it I wrote myself and the other half consisted of chapers contributed by various other authors. I got all my own chapters from it online about a year ago but I have been very slack about the other chapters. I have however had a bit of a burst of energy lately and put a few of them up. You can see the result here or here. There is a chapter here (or here) that is particularly good for showing that Leftist hypocrisy and anti-Americanism was alive and well during the Vietnam era.
My latest posting on MarxWords notes that Marx believed in a "Jewish" look. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" looks at Matthew 13:37-43 and the "wailing and gnashing of teeth".
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame Blogger.com and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
Monday, February 14, 2005
There is a big article here spelling out how conservative policies are much better for the poor than Leftist policies are.
Enter the protectionist dragon: "America's rapidly expanding trade with China is awakening a dragon -- the dragon of protectionism. As trade has grown between the two giant economies, so too have trade tensions. Legislation sponsored by Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) would impose a draconian 27.5 percent tariff on imports from China?s because of its allegedly unfair exchange rate. Meanwhile, a recent study sponsored by a federal commission claims that trade with China destroyed 1.5 million jobs in the United States from 1989 through 2003. The study, performed by the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute, did not actually count real people who lost their jobs, but instead applied a simplistic formula based on the shaky assumption that exports create jobs and imports destroy jobs. As usual, reality is more complicated -- and more positive -- than the critics of trade portray."
A free market in workplace regulations: "In a free economy, under what conditions may employees be hired and fired? And should discrimination be tolerated in the workplace? The answer to these questions depends upon who is the source of the discrimination. From a free market perspective, the only factor that matters is whether or not the government is involved in the discrimination. If the government is the entity that forces a company to hire or fire somebody based on whatever criteria it sets forth as official policy, then that is an imposition, a violation of the rights of private property holders, an infraction against the freedom of association."
A new way to make it harder for women to get jobs: "The union that pioneered extra time off work for women suffering painful periods yesterday argued it was time menstrual leave became common in Australian workplaces. The National Tertiary Education Union was the first to negotiate an extra 12 paid days off a year for women at four universities. Eight years later the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union has lodged a log of claims with car manufacturer Toyota including menstrual leave".
There is a big article here spelling out how conservative policies are much better for the poor than Leftist policies are.
Enter the protectionist dragon: "America's rapidly expanding trade with China is awakening a dragon -- the dragon of protectionism. As trade has grown between the two giant economies, so too have trade tensions. Legislation sponsored by Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) would impose a draconian 27.5 percent tariff on imports from China?s because of its allegedly unfair exchange rate. Meanwhile, a recent study sponsored by a federal commission claims that trade with China destroyed 1.5 million jobs in the United States from 1989 through 2003. The study, performed by the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute, did not actually count real people who lost their jobs, but instead applied a simplistic formula based on the shaky assumption that exports create jobs and imports destroy jobs. As usual, reality is more complicated -- and more positive -- than the critics of trade portray."
A free market in workplace regulations: "In a free economy, under what conditions may employees be hired and fired? And should discrimination be tolerated in the workplace? The answer to these questions depends upon who is the source of the discrimination. From a free market perspective, the only factor that matters is whether or not the government is involved in the discrimination. If the government is the entity that forces a company to hire or fire somebody based on whatever criteria it sets forth as official policy, then that is an imposition, a violation of the rights of private property holders, an infraction against the freedom of association."
A new way to make it harder for women to get jobs: "The union that pioneered extra time off work for women suffering painful periods yesterday argued it was time menstrual leave became common in Australian workplaces. The National Tertiary Education Union was the first to negotiate an extra 12 paid days off a year for women at four universities. Eight years later the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union has lodged a log of claims with car manufacturer Toyota including menstrual leave".
A priceless statement from the UNLV about the Hoppe affair: ""The purpose of keeping these proceedings confidential is to protect both the complainant and the faculty member involved," Grey said. "It is unfair for the news media and others who may have read incomplete accounts of this situation to judge the university's intentions and values."" [Let me get this straight: They say that it is unfair for the media to comment because the media don't have the full facts. But the reason they don't have the full facts is because the UNLV is keeping the full facts secret. Sounds a lot like Catch 22 to me! Or a claim that UNLV has a right to prevent discussion of anything they do not want discussed]
Valentines banned: "Saudi Arabia's morality police are on the scent of illicit red roses as part of a clampdown on would-be St Valentine's lovers in the strict Muslim kingdom. The Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, Saudi Arabia's powerful religious vigilantes, have banned shops from selling any red flowers in the run-up to February 14". [I wonder when our Leftist nutjobs will get around to attacking it? There is a SAINT involved, after all! Can't have that! And it's probably "patriarchal" or something too]
There is a useful summary here of a book by a German that gives you the figures to show that the USA is miles ahread of Europe in almost any economic category -- including greater fairness -- contrary to the distortions pushed by Tony Judt. The American poverty level is higher than many average incomes in Europe.
Peg Kaplan has a link to a sustained example of Leftist hate-speech that displays yet again the chronic projection that the Left needs to sustain itself. It portrays Republicans as all being super-rich and uncaring -- quite ignoring the fact that super-rich Americans (like John Kerry and George Soros) are far more likely to be Democrats than Republicans and that donations to charity are far more likely to come from Republicans than Democrats. And the idea that all the Southern "rednecks" who voted for GWB are rich is quite hilarious. And portraying Christians as uncaring despite all their charitable works is just off the planet. Where is the Leftist equivalent of the Salvation Army, for instance? Reality is so pesky to Leftists that it is no wonder they say there is no such thing.
Funny how Leftists used to say IQ is meaningless: "The California Supreme Court cleared the way Thursday for dozens of condemned prisoners to escape their death sentences on the grounds they are mentally retarded, defining the disability more flexibly than prosecutors had wanted. Prosecutors, who fear a flood of petitions from death-row inmates, wanted the court to define retardation using a specific IQ level. They suggested 70 on a scale on which the average is 100. The court declined". [Odd how the Left are not all up in arms about this "meaningless" decision! It shows again how nonexistent their "principles" are]
The recent death of Arthur Miller has spurred a few eulogies of him. This eulogy says that he "wrestled with big moral and political questions in America". Since you are not likely to hear it from the MSM, it might be worth reminding readers that he was a proven Soviet dupe.
Michelle Malkin has some background on the now fortunately ousted CNN "News" head Eason Jordan. His history of frantic anti-Americanism is a long one.
White flight in England now: "White and ethnic minority communities are becoming increasingly separated by growing levels of population movement and immigration, a report says today. More white families are moving from London to the regions while many immigrants arrive in the capital from overseas, the think-tank Migrationwatch says. The change in 10 years has been "extraordinarily rapid'', with 606,000 more people moving out of London than arrived from elsewhere in the country. In the same period, a net 726,000 immigrants arrived in the capital.... Migrationwatch says the changes, even for a city as diverse and as vibrant as London, are "unprecedented''. It says: "Migration within the UK is mainly from areas of high ethnic minority population to those with predominantly white populations. "The effect is a rapid increase in the ethnic minority composition of some boroughs, resulting from an outflow of the white population and an inflow of African and Asian international migrants.
There is a good summary here of how the blogosphere helped Bush win the 2004 election.
My latest posting on MarxWords notes more mockery of Jews. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" has more on both Hell and the environment.
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame Blogger.com and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
A priceless statement from the UNLV about the Hoppe affair: ""The purpose of keeping these proceedings confidential is to protect both the complainant and the faculty member involved," Grey said. "It is unfair for the news media and others who may have read incomplete accounts of this situation to judge the university's intentions and values."" [Let me get this straight: They say that it is unfair for the media to comment because the media don't have the full facts. But the reason they don't have the full facts is because the UNLV is keeping the full facts secret. Sounds a lot like Catch 22 to me! Or a claim that UNLV has a right to prevent discussion of anything they do not want discussed]
Valentines banned: "Saudi Arabia's morality police are on the scent of illicit red roses as part of a clampdown on would-be St Valentine's lovers in the strict Muslim kingdom. The Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, Saudi Arabia's powerful religious vigilantes, have banned shops from selling any red flowers in the run-up to February 14". [I wonder when our Leftist nutjobs will get around to attacking it? There is a SAINT involved, after all! Can't have that! And it's probably "patriarchal" or something too]
There is a useful summary here of a book by a German that gives you the figures to show that the USA is miles ahread of Europe in almost any economic category -- including greater fairness -- contrary to the distortions pushed by Tony Judt. The American poverty level is higher than many average incomes in Europe.
Peg Kaplan has a link to a sustained example of Leftist hate-speech that displays yet again the chronic projection that the Left needs to sustain itself. It portrays Republicans as all being super-rich and uncaring -- quite ignoring the fact that super-rich Americans (like John Kerry and George Soros) are far more likely to be Democrats than Republicans and that donations to charity are far more likely to come from Republicans than Democrats. And the idea that all the Southern "rednecks" who voted for GWB are rich is quite hilarious. And portraying Christians as uncaring despite all their charitable works is just off the planet. Where is the Leftist equivalent of the Salvation Army, for instance? Reality is so pesky to Leftists that it is no wonder they say there is no such thing.
Funny how Leftists used to say IQ is meaningless: "The California Supreme Court cleared the way Thursday for dozens of condemned prisoners to escape their death sentences on the grounds they are mentally retarded, defining the disability more flexibly than prosecutors had wanted. Prosecutors, who fear a flood of petitions from death-row inmates, wanted the court to define retardation using a specific IQ level. They suggested 70 on a scale on which the average is 100. The court declined". [Odd how the Left are not all up in arms about this "meaningless" decision! It shows again how nonexistent their "principles" are]
The recent death of Arthur Miller has spurred a few eulogies of him. This eulogy says that he "wrestled with big moral and political questions in America". Since you are not likely to hear it from the MSM, it might be worth reminding readers that he was a proven Soviet dupe.
Michelle Malkin has some background on the now fortunately ousted CNN "News" head Eason Jordan. His history of frantic anti-Americanism is a long one.
White flight in England now: "White and ethnic minority communities are becoming increasingly separated by growing levels of population movement and immigration, a report says today. More white families are moving from London to the regions while many immigrants arrive in the capital from overseas, the think-tank Migrationwatch says. The change in 10 years has been "extraordinarily rapid'', with 606,000 more people moving out of London than arrived from elsewhere in the country. In the same period, a net 726,000 immigrants arrived in the capital.... Migrationwatch says the changes, even for a city as diverse and as vibrant as London, are "unprecedented''. It says: "Migration within the UK is mainly from areas of high ethnic minority population to those with predominantly white populations. "The effect is a rapid increase in the ethnic minority composition of some boroughs, resulting from an outflow of the white population and an inflow of African and Asian international migrants.
There is a good summary here of how the blogosphere helped Bush win the 2004 election.
My latest posting on MarxWords notes more mockery of Jews. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" has more on both Hell and the environment.
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame Blogger.com and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
Sunday, February 13, 2005
College Far-Leftist propagandizing finally coming under pressure: "A Hamilton College program director has resigned after igniting a furor by inviting to the campus a controversial professor who compared Sept. 11 victims to Nazis. Nancy Rabinowitz said she was resigning "under duress" as director of the Kirkland Project for the Study of Gender, Society and Culture. She will continue to teach comparative literature.... Her departure comes on the heels of a Feb. 3 speaking invitation extended to University of Colorado Professor Ward Churchill, whose essay written shortly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks compared the World Trade Center victims to "little Eichmanns," a reference to Adolf Eichmann who ensured the smooth running of the Nazi system. Rabinowitz also drew fire in November when the program she headed offered a temporary teaching position to 1960s radical Susan Rosenberg.... Churchill was forced to resign as a department chairman at Colorado in the recent aftermath of his essay's revelation. In the piece, Churchill also suggested many of those killed in the World Trade Center attacks deserved their fate, and spoke of the "gallant sacrifices" of the "combat teams" that struck America."
Lying Leftist professor Ward Churchill is down but not out. He still has his job if not his former seniority. I think his university should have sacked him for lying in his job application to them but that has not happened so far. His job is presently "under review". More on his rather unbelievable record of lying, terrorist-support and America-hatred here and here and here. He is one very sick puppy.
Results of a Leftist education: "While authoritarian states in much of the world are routinely jailing journalists and others for expressing their views, a substantial proportion of U.S. high school students believes the government should censor the American press and that the free speech protections of the Bill of Rights First Amendment go 'too far.' These are among the findings of a two-year $1 million study of 100,000 high school students, nearly 8,000 teachers, and more than 500 administrators and principals, carried out in more than 500 high schools by the University of Connecticut. The study, entitled, 'The Future of the First Amendment,' was commissioned by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. Hodding Carter III, president of the Foundation, said, 'These results are not only disturbing -- they are dangerous. Ignorance about the basics of this free society is a danger to our nation's future.'"
A good example here of the far-Leftist trash that is a REQUIRED course at San Francisco State university.
Free speech only for Leftists: "In the Summers affair, free speech and academic freedom barely came up, except among a few conservative commentators and one or two academics who were already known for their political incorrectness. Instead, Summers was a pinata to be bashed for material rewards and to send the message that some subjects are simply taboo even among serious scholars, no matter what the evidence, in closed-door, off-the-record meetings. Meanwhile, Ward Churchill, whose scholarship is a joke, whose evidence is tendentious at best, and who called the victims of 9/11 the moral equivalent of a man who sent babies to the gas chambers, is a hero of free speech."
College Far-Leftist propagandizing finally coming under pressure: "A Hamilton College program director has resigned after igniting a furor by inviting to the campus a controversial professor who compared Sept. 11 victims to Nazis. Nancy Rabinowitz said she was resigning "under duress" as director of the Kirkland Project for the Study of Gender, Society and Culture. She will continue to teach comparative literature.... Her departure comes on the heels of a Feb. 3 speaking invitation extended to University of Colorado Professor Ward Churchill, whose essay written shortly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks compared the World Trade Center victims to "little Eichmanns," a reference to Adolf Eichmann who ensured the smooth running of the Nazi system. Rabinowitz also drew fire in November when the program she headed offered a temporary teaching position to 1960s radical Susan Rosenberg.... Churchill was forced to resign as a department chairman at Colorado in the recent aftermath of his essay's revelation. In the piece, Churchill also suggested many of those killed in the World Trade Center attacks deserved their fate, and spoke of the "gallant sacrifices" of the "combat teams" that struck America."
Lying Leftist professor Ward Churchill is down but not out. He still has his job if not his former seniority. I think his university should have sacked him for lying in his job application to them but that has not happened so far. His job is presently "under review". More on his rather unbelievable record of lying, terrorist-support and America-hatred here and here and here. He is one very sick puppy.
Results of a Leftist education: "While authoritarian states in much of the world are routinely jailing journalists and others for expressing their views, a substantial proportion of U.S. high school students believes the government should censor the American press and that the free speech protections of the Bill of Rights First Amendment go 'too far.' These are among the findings of a two-year $1 million study of 100,000 high school students, nearly 8,000 teachers, and more than 500 administrators and principals, carried out in more than 500 high schools by the University of Connecticut. The study, entitled, 'The Future of the First Amendment,' was commissioned by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. Hodding Carter III, president of the Foundation, said, 'These results are not only disturbing -- they are dangerous. Ignorance about the basics of this free society is a danger to our nation's future.'"
A good example here of the far-Leftist trash that is a REQUIRED course at San Francisco State university.
Free speech only for Leftists: "In the Summers affair, free speech and academic freedom barely came up, except among a few conservative commentators and one or two academics who were already known for their political incorrectness. Instead, Summers was a pinata to be bashed for material rewards and to send the message that some subjects are simply taboo even among serious scholars, no matter what the evidence, in closed-door, off-the-record meetings. Meanwhile, Ward Churchill, whose scholarship is a joke, whose evidence is tendentious at best, and who called the victims of 9/11 the moral equivalent of a man who sent babies to the gas chambers, is a hero of free speech."
My comments yesterday about Tony Judt I posted both here and on Majority Rights. Unlike most of his posters, the blog-owner at Majority Rights has a good sense of humour so he put up a response to my post on Judt that gave me a good laugh: "Euro-coffeeists like Judt are Nazis. Coffeeism is morally reprehensible and personally limiting. It has no place in a decent, progressive society where all the coffees of the world are equally celebrated. Fortunately, coffeeism is a social construct, like everything else. Ergo, we liberals can insist that Mr Judt frees himself from it and sees the native American coffee for the coffee it really is".
Leftist lying never stops. Germany is going to ban rallies by the allegedly "Right-wing" NPD. Yet the NPD is an anti-capitalist, pro-Green party! Read some of an interview with their party chairman here if you doubt it. The NPD undoubtedly have a soft spot for Hitler but seeing he had similar policies to theirs, that is hardly surprising.
Michelle Malkin has a wrap up of "Easongate", the latest triumph of the blogosphere over the lying mainstream media. There's an announcement of Eason Jordan's resignation from CNN here that tries its best to sanitize what he said. My most recent comment on him is here. I am glad to have been a small part of the "pajama" brigade.
A small step forward: "The Senate approved a measure Thursday to help shield businesses from major class action lawsuits like the ones that have been brought against tobacco companies, giving President Bush the first legislative victory of his second term. Under the legislation, long sought by big business, large multistate class action lawsuits could no longer be heard in small state courts. Such courts have handed out multimillion-dollar verdicts. Instead, the cases would be heard by federal judges, who have not proven as open to those type of lawsuits. The Senate passed the bill 72-26. It now goes to the House."
More global warming: "Greg Hunt, MP, Parliamentary Secretary with ministerial responsibility for the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, said today that Victoria's weather records would need a new chapter following unprecedented weather in the past 24 hours. "Victoria has experienced extreme weather during the past 24 hours, with all-time rainfall records tumbling, very cold temperatures for this time of the year, and very strong winds," Mr Hunt said."
Some Hollywood types can see reality: "Actress Jane Seymour waived a small US flag and cheered after she and about 9,000 other immigrants became US citizens during a naturalisation ceremony in Los Angeles today. The British-born actress who once lived in a mansion near Bath and is best known for her TV series Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman, said she has been in the United States since 1976. "I've realised that I've been living here longer than in my home country. America has given me unbelievable opportunities," she said. "I realised that with the US elections I wanted to vote and I couldn't. I felt the time had come to participate more fully."
My latest posting on MarxWords notes that Engels claimed that Germans were a superior race. Yes, that was Engels, not Hitler. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" is about Ludwig von Mises and his views on the churches.
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame Blogger.com and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
My comments yesterday about Tony Judt I posted both here and on Majority Rights. Unlike most of his posters, the blog-owner at Majority Rights has a good sense of humour so he put up a response to my post on Judt that gave me a good laugh: "Euro-coffeeists like Judt are Nazis. Coffeeism is morally reprehensible and personally limiting. It has no place in a decent, progressive society where all the coffees of the world are equally celebrated. Fortunately, coffeeism is a social construct, like everything else. Ergo, we liberals can insist that Mr Judt frees himself from it and sees the native American coffee for the coffee it really is".
Leftist lying never stops. Germany is going to ban rallies by the allegedly "Right-wing" NPD. Yet the NPD is an anti-capitalist, pro-Green party! Read some of an interview with their party chairman here if you doubt it. The NPD undoubtedly have a soft spot for Hitler but seeing he had similar policies to theirs, that is hardly surprising.
Michelle Malkin has a wrap up of "Easongate", the latest triumph of the blogosphere over the lying mainstream media. There's an announcement of Eason Jordan's resignation from CNN here that tries its best to sanitize what he said. My most recent comment on him is here. I am glad to have been a small part of the "pajama" brigade.
A small step forward: "The Senate approved a measure Thursday to help shield businesses from major class action lawsuits like the ones that have been brought against tobacco companies, giving President Bush the first legislative victory of his second term. Under the legislation, long sought by big business, large multistate class action lawsuits could no longer be heard in small state courts. Such courts have handed out multimillion-dollar verdicts. Instead, the cases would be heard by federal judges, who have not proven as open to those type of lawsuits. The Senate passed the bill 72-26. It now goes to the House."
More global warming: "Greg Hunt, MP, Parliamentary Secretary with ministerial responsibility for the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, said today that Victoria's weather records would need a new chapter following unprecedented weather in the past 24 hours. "Victoria has experienced extreme weather during the past 24 hours, with all-time rainfall records tumbling, very cold temperatures for this time of the year, and very strong winds," Mr Hunt said."
Some Hollywood types can see reality: "Actress Jane Seymour waived a small US flag and cheered after she and about 9,000 other immigrants became US citizens during a naturalisation ceremony in Los Angeles today. The British-born actress who once lived in a mansion near Bath and is best known for her TV series Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman, said she has been in the United States since 1976. "I've realised that I've been living here longer than in my home country. America has given me unbelievable opportunities," she said. "I realised that with the US elections I wanted to vote and I couldn't. I felt the time had come to participate more fully."
My latest posting on MarxWords notes that Engels claimed that Germans were a superior race. Yes, that was Engels, not Hitler. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" is about Ludwig von Mises and his views on the churches.
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame Blogger.com and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.