Kudlow on the booming U.S. economy: "Private-sector domestic output -- what Economics 101 students might remember as consumption plus investment (or C+I) -- came in at an outsized 5.5 percent growth. So what did the New York Times do with this upbeat economic story? It buried it. Rather than place the news on the front page of the business section, the Times editors shoved it on page B4. Instead of carrying a senior reporter's byline, the copy came from Reuters News Service.... The Bush-bashing New York Times just won't get honest about America's economic health and the merits of the Bush policies that have led to such strong economic performance. Even more, the Paul Krugman-influenced Times refuses to concede the economic growth power of lower marginal tax-rate incentives. These have got to be angst-filled days over at the Times. It's turning out that Bush has been just as right on the economy as he has been on the spread of freedom and democracy in the Middle East."
Truth trumps outsourcing hysteria: "'Show us the jobs!' chanted union workers at an AFL-CIO rally protesting outsourcing. They were angry that 'their' jobs were going overseas. So let's go look for the jobs that have disappeared. My colleagues at ABC News asked the AFL-CIO for its best examples of workers who lost jobs because of outsourcing. The first people they told us to talk to were Shirley and Ronnie Bernard. The Bernards used to work at a Levi's factory in Knoxville, TN. But then, Levi's sent jobs to Mexico and closed that plant. It 'tore a lot of people up because some people have been here since they were 16 years of age, and they've been here like 20-something-odd years,' one woman told the local ABC affiliate. People 'were in tears,' said a man. ... But it's restricting outsourcing that would be un-American and stupid. Outsourcing benefitsthe middle class by bringing lower prices."
A British outsourcing success: "Mr Dyson ... caused something of a stink a couple of years ago when he announced that he was moving production of his cleaners from Wiltshire, not to euroland but to Malaysia. The move cost 865 jobs, and was seen (by the union officials in particular) as another nail in the coffin of British manufacturing. Well, better that than the business failing altogether, is the obvious riposte. But look what's happened since. Manufacturing costs have come rattling down, with the concomitant impact on profits. Those profits have allowed Dyson to employ 100 extra people in Britain, not simply screwing his machines together, but doing the altogether more rewarding and valuable work of developing new products. In addition to employing 1,200 people in Malmesbury, the lower production costs mean the company pays more corporation tax for our dear Chancellor to squander on more hospital administrators (or whatever)".
THE RIGHTFUL PRESIDENT. He gave us a reprieve from Leftist authoritarianism and hate. He was defeated not by a majority of American voters but by a flood of fraudulent postal votes. Some Lessons from history in support of Trump thinking:
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Saturday, March 05, 2005
Keith Burgess Jackson is still pretty steamed about anonymous bloggers and commenters. I myself am not bothered by that at all and I cannot really see why he is, even after reading his comments and links on the matter. As a conservative I expect human nature to be "fallen" and I go along with the Christian view that faults such as cowardice are more to be forgiven than excoriated. And I think that needing to know the author of an argument is only a whisker away from the ad hominem fallacy, in fact. And if anonymity enables someone to blog who might otherwise (say) lose his job by expressing his views publicly, is that not a plus? Jobs are not easy to come by and if you have a mortgage and a family to support, you cannot afford to take many risks. Iain Murray lost his job because of his blogging so it does happen. Good to see that Iain is blogging again too. He describes himself as a combination of a classical liberal with a Burkean conservative -- which is pretty close to what I am.
A good comment: "The real disgrace in the Lawrence Summers affair is that few biologists or biologically trained social scientists have come to his defense. There is ample evidence that male and female brains differ and that these differences manifest themselves in various ways, including choice of occupation. See here. (If you get a blue screen, click "Refresh.") Also, see here and here. Leftists love to criticize the scientific illiteracy of religious people. When can we expect to hear them criticize the scientific illiteracy of feminists? It's a disgraceful double standard: criticize those you dislike; remain silent about those you like."
Hugh Hewitt notes the almost incredible fact that the L.A. Times is trying to whitewash North Korea: "Have the editors no conscience and no shame? Promoting the left at home is one thing, and an aggravating thing at that, but pimping for a ruthless killer regime that exports nuclear technology and murders hundreds of thousands?" The article that Hugh is commenting on is here. And Powerline has an update.
Value for money: "Britain has paid 100 BILLION pounds to Brussels over 18 years, MPs revealed last night. A staggering 37 billion pounds of that was paid to other EU states or swallowed up by European Commission bureaucracy or projects. Eurocrats returned 63 billion pounds to the UK between 1986 and 2003 through costly schemes - many of them "corrupt, flawed or wasteful". Billions were given to UK farmers through the Common Agricultural Policy. Shadow Europe Minister Graham Brady said: "A great deal of this money could have been spent better by Britain. We want to see powers brought back from Brussels and the EU's bureaucracy slimmed down. British taxpayers have been subsidising Spain, Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Belgium - which all receive more from Brussels coffers than they pay in. Meanwhile, the National Audit Office has rapped Brussels after the European Court of Auditors failed to give EU accounts a clean bill of health for the tenth year running.""
Biased BBC: "The BBC's reputation for fair and balanced reporting was at risk last night after top broadcaster James Naughtie blurted out his pro-Labour sympathies. In a live chat with ex-Treasury chief Ed Balls - weeks before the May 5 election - he asked: "If WE win the election, does Gordon Brown remain Chancellor. He struggled to recover, saying: "If YOU win the election." The blunder came on Radio 4's flagship Today programme. Mr Naughtie has frequently given Conservatives a rough ride in interviews while apparently giving Labour frontmen an easy time.... The slip-up is particularly embarrassing after the Beeb found its newsmen had swallowed pro-EU propaganda without finding out the facts about Europe. The Tories are already at war with the Beeb over its allegedly one-sided coverage of the 1980s miners' strike in last week's BBC1 film Faith. And it follows Lord Hutton's bombshell report last year criticising the BBC's Iraq war coverage."
My latest posting on MarxWords notes what an idealist Marx wasn't. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" discusses whether or not there are bodies in Heaven.
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
Keith Burgess Jackson is still pretty steamed about anonymous bloggers and commenters. I myself am not bothered by that at all and I cannot really see why he is, even after reading his comments and links on the matter. As a conservative I expect human nature to be "fallen" and I go along with the Christian view that faults such as cowardice are more to be forgiven than excoriated. And I think that needing to know the author of an argument is only a whisker away from the ad hominem fallacy, in fact. And if anonymity enables someone to blog who might otherwise (say) lose his job by expressing his views publicly, is that not a plus? Jobs are not easy to come by and if you have a mortgage and a family to support, you cannot afford to take many risks. Iain Murray lost his job because of his blogging so it does happen. Good to see that Iain is blogging again too. He describes himself as a combination of a classical liberal with a Burkean conservative -- which is pretty close to what I am.
A good comment: "The real disgrace in the Lawrence Summers affair is that few biologists or biologically trained social scientists have come to his defense. There is ample evidence that male and female brains differ and that these differences manifest themselves in various ways, including choice of occupation. See here. (If you get a blue screen, click "Refresh.") Also, see here and here. Leftists love to criticize the scientific illiteracy of religious people. When can we expect to hear them criticize the scientific illiteracy of feminists? It's a disgraceful double standard: criticize those you dislike; remain silent about those you like."
Hugh Hewitt notes the almost incredible fact that the L.A. Times is trying to whitewash North Korea: "Have the editors no conscience and no shame? Promoting the left at home is one thing, and an aggravating thing at that, but pimping for a ruthless killer regime that exports nuclear technology and murders hundreds of thousands?" The article that Hugh is commenting on is here. And Powerline has an update.
Value for money: "Britain has paid 100 BILLION pounds to Brussels over 18 years, MPs revealed last night. A staggering 37 billion pounds of that was paid to other EU states or swallowed up by European Commission bureaucracy or projects. Eurocrats returned 63 billion pounds to the UK between 1986 and 2003 through costly schemes - many of them "corrupt, flawed or wasteful". Billions were given to UK farmers through the Common Agricultural Policy. Shadow Europe Minister Graham Brady said: "A great deal of this money could have been spent better by Britain. We want to see powers brought back from Brussels and the EU's bureaucracy slimmed down. British taxpayers have been subsidising Spain, Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Belgium - which all receive more from Brussels coffers than they pay in. Meanwhile, the National Audit Office has rapped Brussels after the European Court of Auditors failed to give EU accounts a clean bill of health for the tenth year running.""
Biased BBC: "The BBC's reputation for fair and balanced reporting was at risk last night after top broadcaster James Naughtie blurted out his pro-Labour sympathies. In a live chat with ex-Treasury chief Ed Balls - weeks before the May 5 election - he asked: "If WE win the election, does Gordon Brown remain Chancellor. He struggled to recover, saying: "If YOU win the election." The blunder came on Radio 4's flagship Today programme. Mr Naughtie has frequently given Conservatives a rough ride in interviews while apparently giving Labour frontmen an easy time.... The slip-up is particularly embarrassing after the Beeb found its newsmen had swallowed pro-EU propaganda without finding out the facts about Europe. The Tories are already at war with the Beeb over its allegedly one-sided coverage of the 1980s miners' strike in last week's BBC1 film Faith. And it follows Lord Hutton's bombshell report last year criticising the BBC's Iraq war coverage."
My latest posting on MarxWords notes what an idealist Marx wasn't. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" discusses whether or not there are bodies in Heaven.
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
Friday, March 04, 2005
But the revolutions are not the Leftist type, fortunately
"We are living in a revolutionary age, that started more than a quarter century ago in Spain after the death of Generalissimo Francisco Franco. At that time, hardly anyone believed it possible to go from dictatorship to democracy without great violence, and most Spaniards feared that the terrible civil war of the 1930s - which ended when Franco seized power and installed a military dictatorship - would begin anew. Instead, thanks to a remarkable generation of political leaders, some savvy priests, and the grossly underrated King Juan Carlos, Spain passed smoothly and gracefully into democracy.
It was the beginning of the Age of the Second Democratic Revolution. Spain inspired Portugal, and the second Iberian dictatorship gave way to democracy. Spain and Portugal inspired all of Latin America, and by the time Ronald Reagan left office there were only two unelected governments south of the Rio Grande: Cuba and Surinam. These successful revolutions inspired the Soviet satellites, and then the Soviet Union itself, and the global democratic revolution reached into Africa and Asia, even threatening the tyrants in Beijing.
The United States played a largely positive role in almost all these revolutions, thanks to a visionary president - Ronald Reagan - and a generation of other revolutionary leaders in the West: Walesa, Havel, Thatcher, John Paul II, Bukovsky, Sharansky, among others.
During the Reagan years, the revolution began on the periphery of the major conflict, in Iberia. Following 9/11, the revolution was brought violently to the periphery of the Middle East, in Afghanistan. It swept through Iraq, taking time to liberate Ukraine (against whose independence Bush the Elder spoke so shamefully), and now threatens Syrian hegemony over Lebanon, if not the Syrian regime itself, and has forced the Egyptian and Saudi regimes to at least a pretense of democratic change....
Our most lethal weapon against the tyrants is freedom, and it is now spreading on the wings of democratic revolution. It would be tragic if we backed off now, when revolution is gathering momentum for a glorious victory. We must be unyielding in our demand that the peoples of the Middle East design their own polities, and elect their own leaders. The first step, as it has been in both Afghanistan and Iraq, is a national referendum to choose the form of government. In Iran, the people should be asked if they want an Islamic republic. In Syria, if they want a Baathist state. In Egypt and Saudi Arabia and Libya, if they want more of the same. We should not be deterred by the cynics who warn that freedom will make things worse, because the ignorant masses will opt for the fantasmagorical caliphate of the increasingly irrelevant Osama bin Laden. Mubarak and Qadaffi and Assad and Khamenei are arresting democrats, not Islamists, and the women of Saudi Arabia are not likely to demand to remain shrouded for the rest of their lives.
Faster, please. The self-proclaimed experts have been wrong for generations. This is a revolutionary moment. Go for it".
More here
But the revolutions are not the Leftist type, fortunately
"We are living in a revolutionary age, that started more than a quarter century ago in Spain after the death of Generalissimo Francisco Franco. At that time, hardly anyone believed it possible to go from dictatorship to democracy without great violence, and most Spaniards feared that the terrible civil war of the 1930s - which ended when Franco seized power and installed a military dictatorship - would begin anew. Instead, thanks to a remarkable generation of political leaders, some savvy priests, and the grossly underrated King Juan Carlos, Spain passed smoothly and gracefully into democracy.
It was the beginning of the Age of the Second Democratic Revolution. Spain inspired Portugal, and the second Iberian dictatorship gave way to democracy. Spain and Portugal inspired all of Latin America, and by the time Ronald Reagan left office there were only two unelected governments south of the Rio Grande: Cuba and Surinam. These successful revolutions inspired the Soviet satellites, and then the Soviet Union itself, and the global democratic revolution reached into Africa and Asia, even threatening the tyrants in Beijing.
The United States played a largely positive role in almost all these revolutions, thanks to a visionary president - Ronald Reagan - and a generation of other revolutionary leaders in the West: Walesa, Havel, Thatcher, John Paul II, Bukovsky, Sharansky, among others.
During the Reagan years, the revolution began on the periphery of the major conflict, in Iberia. Following 9/11, the revolution was brought violently to the periphery of the Middle East, in Afghanistan. It swept through Iraq, taking time to liberate Ukraine (against whose independence Bush the Elder spoke so shamefully), and now threatens Syrian hegemony over Lebanon, if not the Syrian regime itself, and has forced the Egyptian and Saudi regimes to at least a pretense of democratic change....
Our most lethal weapon against the tyrants is freedom, and it is now spreading on the wings of democratic revolution. It would be tragic if we backed off now, when revolution is gathering momentum for a glorious victory. We must be unyielding in our demand that the peoples of the Middle East design their own polities, and elect their own leaders. The first step, as it has been in both Afghanistan and Iraq, is a national referendum to choose the form of government. In Iran, the people should be asked if they want an Islamic republic. In Syria, if they want a Baathist state. In Egypt and Saudi Arabia and Libya, if they want more of the same. We should not be deterred by the cynics who warn that freedom will make things worse, because the ignorant masses will opt for the fantasmagorical caliphate of the increasingly irrelevant Osama bin Laden. Mubarak and Qadaffi and Assad and Khamenei are arresting democrats, not Islamists, and the women of Saudi Arabia are not likely to demand to remain shrouded for the rest of their lives.
Faster, please. The self-proclaimed experts have been wrong for generations. This is a revolutionary moment. Go for it".
More here
The recent multiple signs of democratic change in the Middle East and the emphatically pro-American revolution in Ukraine have now got a lot of Leftists really on edge. They are having to face the possibility that the man they call "Chimpy" may in fact be one of the great American Presidents. As someone who has never wavered on the rightness of the Iraq intervention and as one who cheered GWB's re-election, I think I am entitled to membership of the "I told you so" brigade. Here is a small excerpt from a grudging admission in The Guardian: "This leaves opponents of the Iraq war in a tricky position, even if the PM is not about to rub our faces in the fact. Not only did we set our face against a military adventure which seems, even if indirectly, to have triggered a series of potentially welcome side effects; we also stood against the wider world-view that George Bush represented. What should we say now? First, we ought to admit that the dark cloud of the Iraq war may have carried a silver lining.... But we should be big enough to concede that it could yet have at least one good outcome. Second, we have to say that the call for freedom throughout the Arab and Muslim world is a sound and just one - even if it is a Bush slogan"
Thousands Cheer Guard Unit's Return Home : "As Staff Sgt. Nicholas Rose cradled his 3-month-old son against a late-winter chill Tuesday, his thoughts drifted back to the sometimes deadly missions his unit endured during a year in the deserts of Iraq. "It's great to be back. I just wish everybody was back with us," the 26-year-old said after the Army National Guard unit received a hero's welcome that drew about 5,000 people to this small southeastern Illinois city near the Indiana border.... Delivering supplies and mail around Baghdad, the 160-member unit drew more than 100 mortar attacks and came under enemy fire 60 times, sustaining injuries that earned 32 Purple Hearts, said company commander Brandon Tackett. Crowds stood up to 10-deep along flag-lined streets as three charter buses dropped off soldiers for the long-awaited homecoming. In desert camouflage, guardsmen paraded past pole-mounted signs bearing their names as people cheered and cameras clicked. Two fire department ladder trucks draped a massive flag across Main Street. "They told us to expect a crowd, but I didn't expect anything like this," said Lt. John Harvey, 26. "It's overwhelming."
Constitution killers: "The Supreme Court's judicial activists are cutting off the branch on which they sit. By rejecting the law and putting their personal opinions in its place, the justices invite the people to imitate them and disregard their decrees with the same willfulness they disregard the Constitution. If Anthony Kennedy isn't bound by the framers' words, why are the people bound by his? The authority of Supreme Court justices derives from the authority of the Constitution: once they deny its authority, they deny their own. The Roper v. Simmons decision is a stunningly stark illustration of this despotism that masquerades as jurisprudence."
Interested Participant notes some whining about being ignored from the Canadian ambassador. Since Mr Ambassador does not seem to know the difference between imprecations and implications, perhaps his being ignored is inevitable.
I have recently received an interesting email about the nature of Leftism which I have posted here
Carnival of the Vanities is up again with much to read.
My latest posting on MarxWords notes Marx's contempt for democracy. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" discusses the book of Ecclesiastes.
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
The recent multiple signs of democratic change in the Middle East and the emphatically pro-American revolution in Ukraine have now got a lot of Leftists really on edge. They are having to face the possibility that the man they call "Chimpy" may in fact be one of the great American Presidents. As someone who has never wavered on the rightness of the Iraq intervention and as one who cheered GWB's re-election, I think I am entitled to membership of the "I told you so" brigade. Here is a small excerpt from a grudging admission in The Guardian: "This leaves opponents of the Iraq war in a tricky position, even if the PM is not about to rub our faces in the fact. Not only did we set our face against a military adventure which seems, even if indirectly, to have triggered a series of potentially welcome side effects; we also stood against the wider world-view that George Bush represented. What should we say now? First, we ought to admit that the dark cloud of the Iraq war may have carried a silver lining.... But we should be big enough to concede that it could yet have at least one good outcome. Second, we have to say that the call for freedom throughout the Arab and Muslim world is a sound and just one - even if it is a Bush slogan"
Thousands Cheer Guard Unit's Return Home : "As Staff Sgt. Nicholas Rose cradled his 3-month-old son against a late-winter chill Tuesday, his thoughts drifted back to the sometimes deadly missions his unit endured during a year in the deserts of Iraq. "It's great to be back. I just wish everybody was back with us," the 26-year-old said after the Army National Guard unit received a hero's welcome that drew about 5,000 people to this small southeastern Illinois city near the Indiana border.... Delivering supplies and mail around Baghdad, the 160-member unit drew more than 100 mortar attacks and came under enemy fire 60 times, sustaining injuries that earned 32 Purple Hearts, said company commander Brandon Tackett. Crowds stood up to 10-deep along flag-lined streets as three charter buses dropped off soldiers for the long-awaited homecoming. In desert camouflage, guardsmen paraded past pole-mounted signs bearing their names as people cheered and cameras clicked. Two fire department ladder trucks draped a massive flag across Main Street. "They told us to expect a crowd, but I didn't expect anything like this," said Lt. John Harvey, 26. "It's overwhelming."
Constitution killers: "The Supreme Court's judicial activists are cutting off the branch on which they sit. By rejecting the law and putting their personal opinions in its place, the justices invite the people to imitate them and disregard their decrees with the same willfulness they disregard the Constitution. If Anthony Kennedy isn't bound by the framers' words, why are the people bound by his? The authority of Supreme Court justices derives from the authority of the Constitution: once they deny its authority, they deny their own. The Roper v. Simmons decision is a stunningly stark illustration of this despotism that masquerades as jurisprudence."
Interested Participant notes some whining about being ignored from the Canadian ambassador. Since Mr Ambassador does not seem to know the difference between imprecations and implications, perhaps his being ignored is inevitable.
I have recently received an interesting email about the nature of Leftism which I have posted here
Carnival of the Vanities is up again with much to read.
My latest posting on MarxWords notes Marx's contempt for democracy. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" discusses the book of Ecclesiastes.
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Some excerpts from a book review by Roger Sandall
In his 2003 book Conspicuous Compassion Patrick West argues that today's extravagant displays of public grief, concern, and sympathy are "about feeling good, not doing good, and illustrate not how altruistic we have become but how selfish." So it's the insincerity of the emotion displayed at events like Diana's funeral- the outright fraudulence- that deserves to be scathingly denounced. In his view what's going on is moral posturing, theatricalised compassion, public displays of cheap sentiment illustrating Wilde's remark that "a sentimentalist is someone who wants the pleasure of an emotion without paying the price for it." And in the case of conspicuous compassion, the moral kudos that goes with being seen to care......
Compassion is about helping the distressed. Conspicuous compassion is about showing off-not about results, not about feeding the hungry or bandaging those who bleed, but about various forms of moralistic self-display indulged in for their own sentimental enjoyment. In the wake of the tsunami it's important that the distinction be understood, for what Patrick West attacks is the second, not the first. In his introduction to the Australian edition of West's book Paul Comrie-Thomson helpfully contrasts the two, noting that compassion entails a commitment to alleviate a problem, while "sentimentality does not entail a commitment to do anything." Sentimental acts, he says, are accompanied by public announcements that one is `doing good'; but what the sentimentalist is mainly doing is `feeling good'.....
West's book is a useful study of moral pathology. It may well be true that the phenomenon of "recreational grief" he describes is increasingly expressed in much the same spirit as rather more mundane public events. Despite its solemn rubric, Australia's annual National Sorry Day on behalf of the Aborigines is an orchestrated apology that has now turned into a picnic outing where solidarity prevails, camaraderie overflows, and everyone has a jolly good time feeling morally superior to the rest of the world. Amidst a plethora of T-shirts, reconciliation badges, and Sorry Postcards, the masochistic appeasement of white guilt is what it is mainly about: it is most unlikely that Black Australia benefits in any way. In the theatrics of National Sorry Day, white, middle-class, feelgood politics is classically embodied.....
Yet human psychology is complicated, and I suspect that rather more is going on in displays of conspicuous compassion than author Patrick West admits. Our motives are seldom pure. They usually bring a variety of emotions and moral feelings into play. This is obvious enough in the remark of U2's Bono that "As a pop star I have two instincts. I want to have fun. And I want to change the world." And it is even more explicit in Doris Lessing's admission that "few things are more enjoyable than marching, picketing, striking, rioting; to be part of a large crowd high on singing, chanting, slogans. To be, by definition, with the forces of good against evil."
We are given to such displays of empathy because we want to be loved ourselves. Despite being healthier, richer and better-off than in living memory, we are not happier. Rather, we are more depressed than ever. This is because we have become atomised and lonely. Binding institutions such as the Church, marriage, the family and the nation have withered in the postwar era. We have turned into communities of strangers.....
Opinion Journal has some pretty pungent comments on the latest bit of legislation emanating from the U.S. Supreme Court. That those guys can get away with making the law up as they go along cries out for a remedy. They are only supposed to interpret the law, not dream up new laws out of thin air. This will certainly encourage use of the "nuclear option" (a Senate rule change) if the Dems try to filibuster any of GWB's Supreme Court nominees.
Those wise German socialists again: "More than 5.2 million Germans were out of work in February, new figures show. The figure of 5.216 million people, or 12.6% of the working-age population, is the highest jobless rate in Europe's biggest economy since the 1930s. The news comes as the head of Germany's panel of government economic advisers predicted growth would again stagnate. The growth warning triggered anger even from government supporters, who said the Social Democrat-Green administration of Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder had to do more. "We are not going to create more jobs with growth of 1%," Harald Schartau, head of the Social Democrats in the northern state of North Rhine-Westphalia, told ZDF television. The German government insists its efforts to tackle the stubbornly-high levels of joblessness with a range of labour market reforms are only just getting under way. The core is the "Hartz-IV" programme introduced in January to shake up welfare benefits and push people back into work - even if some of the jobs are heavily subsidised" [Maybe they need some "cowboy capitalism"!]
The "Arab street" turned out to want democracy! "The return of politics to Iraq has had many blissful secondary consequences, one of them apparently minor but nonetheless, I think, important. When was the last time you heard some glib pundit employing the phrase 'The Arab Street?' I haven't actually done a Nexis search on this, but my strong impression is that the term has been, without any formal interment, laid to rest. And not a minute too soon, either. In retrospect, it's difficult to decide precisely when this annoying expression began to expire, if only from diminishing returns."
Britain toughening up? "Britain's Counter-Terrorism Minister warned the Muslim community last night that it must face the reality of being targeted by the police because of the threat from an extreme form of Islam..... Ms Blears's comments appear to conflict with the commitment by the police not to target suspects because of their race, a key recommendation of the 1999 inquiry by Sir William Macpherson into the murder of Stephen Lawrence, a black teenager. She said yesterday that Britain's 1.5 million Muslims should accept as a reality that people of Islamic appearance are more likely to be stopped and searched. "At the moment the threat is more likely to come from those associated with a most extreme form of Islam or who are falsely hiding behind Islam," she told MPs. "It means that some of our counter-terrorism powers will be disproportionately experienced by people in the Muslim community. There is no getting away from the fact." ... She said later that because the current threat came from people masquerading as Islamists, police would have that in mind when using stop-and-search powers. "That is the reality. I do not think it should go unsaid."
Moderate Dems switching: "Citing his dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party and its liberalism, Tippah County, Miss., Sheriff Brandon Vance switched parties Tuesday. "Howard Dean taking the chairmanship of the Democratic Party brought home to me that I was no longer comfortable in the Democratic Party. Dean's and the Democratic National Committee's values and beliefs are too far on the fringe for me," Vance said. Vance's decision to join the GOP continues a trend that picked up steam after Mississippi Lt. Gov. Amy Tuck switched parties prior to her successful bid for re-election. State Republican officials said four state senators, five state representatives, Public Service Commissioner Michael Callahan, and several county and municipal officials have followed Tuck since she crossed the aisle in 2003".
My latest posting on MarxWords notes that Engels despised non-Germans. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" looks at Revelation 5 and a lamb with 7 horns and 7 eyes!
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
Some excerpts from a book review by Roger Sandall
In his 2003 book Conspicuous Compassion Patrick West argues that today's extravagant displays of public grief, concern, and sympathy are "about feeling good, not doing good, and illustrate not how altruistic we have become but how selfish." So it's the insincerity of the emotion displayed at events like Diana's funeral- the outright fraudulence- that deserves to be scathingly denounced. In his view what's going on is moral posturing, theatricalised compassion, public displays of cheap sentiment illustrating Wilde's remark that "a sentimentalist is someone who wants the pleasure of an emotion without paying the price for it." And in the case of conspicuous compassion, the moral kudos that goes with being seen to care......
Compassion is about helping the distressed. Conspicuous compassion is about showing off-not about results, not about feeding the hungry or bandaging those who bleed, but about various forms of moralistic self-display indulged in for their own sentimental enjoyment. In the wake of the tsunami it's important that the distinction be understood, for what Patrick West attacks is the second, not the first. In his introduction to the Australian edition of West's book Paul Comrie-Thomson helpfully contrasts the two, noting that compassion entails a commitment to alleviate a problem, while "sentimentality does not entail a commitment to do anything." Sentimental acts, he says, are accompanied by public announcements that one is `doing good'; but what the sentimentalist is mainly doing is `feeling good'.....
West's book is a useful study of moral pathology. It may well be true that the phenomenon of "recreational grief" he describes is increasingly expressed in much the same spirit as rather more mundane public events. Despite its solemn rubric, Australia's annual National Sorry Day on behalf of the Aborigines is an orchestrated apology that has now turned into a picnic outing where solidarity prevails, camaraderie overflows, and everyone has a jolly good time feeling morally superior to the rest of the world. Amidst a plethora of T-shirts, reconciliation badges, and Sorry Postcards, the masochistic appeasement of white guilt is what it is mainly about: it is most unlikely that Black Australia benefits in any way. In the theatrics of National Sorry Day, white, middle-class, feelgood politics is classically embodied.....
Yet human psychology is complicated, and I suspect that rather more is going on in displays of conspicuous compassion than author Patrick West admits. Our motives are seldom pure. They usually bring a variety of emotions and moral feelings into play. This is obvious enough in the remark of U2's Bono that "As a pop star I have two instincts. I want to have fun. And I want to change the world." And it is even more explicit in Doris Lessing's admission that "few things are more enjoyable than marching, picketing, striking, rioting; to be part of a large crowd high on singing, chanting, slogans. To be, by definition, with the forces of good against evil."
We are given to such displays of empathy because we want to be loved ourselves. Despite being healthier, richer and better-off than in living memory, we are not happier. Rather, we are more depressed than ever. This is because we have become atomised and lonely. Binding institutions such as the Church, marriage, the family and the nation have withered in the postwar era. We have turned into communities of strangers.....
Opinion Journal has some pretty pungent comments on the latest bit of legislation emanating from the U.S. Supreme Court. That those guys can get away with making the law up as they go along cries out for a remedy. They are only supposed to interpret the law, not dream up new laws out of thin air. This will certainly encourage use of the "nuclear option" (a Senate rule change) if the Dems try to filibuster any of GWB's Supreme Court nominees.
Those wise German socialists again: "More than 5.2 million Germans were out of work in February, new figures show. The figure of 5.216 million people, or 12.6% of the working-age population, is the highest jobless rate in Europe's biggest economy since the 1930s. The news comes as the head of Germany's panel of government economic advisers predicted growth would again stagnate. The growth warning triggered anger even from government supporters, who said the Social Democrat-Green administration of Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder had to do more. "We are not going to create more jobs with growth of 1%," Harald Schartau, head of the Social Democrats in the northern state of North Rhine-Westphalia, told ZDF television. The German government insists its efforts to tackle the stubbornly-high levels of joblessness with a range of labour market reforms are only just getting under way. The core is the "Hartz-IV" programme introduced in January to shake up welfare benefits and push people back into work - even if some of the jobs are heavily subsidised" [Maybe they need some "cowboy capitalism"!]
The "Arab street" turned out to want democracy! "The return of politics to Iraq has had many blissful secondary consequences, one of them apparently minor but nonetheless, I think, important. When was the last time you heard some glib pundit employing the phrase 'The Arab Street?' I haven't actually done a Nexis search on this, but my strong impression is that the term has been, without any formal interment, laid to rest. And not a minute too soon, either. In retrospect, it's difficult to decide precisely when this annoying expression began to expire, if only from diminishing returns."
Britain toughening up? "Britain's Counter-Terrorism Minister warned the Muslim community last night that it must face the reality of being targeted by the police because of the threat from an extreme form of Islam..... Ms Blears's comments appear to conflict with the commitment by the police not to target suspects because of their race, a key recommendation of the 1999 inquiry by Sir William Macpherson into the murder of Stephen Lawrence, a black teenager. She said yesterday that Britain's 1.5 million Muslims should accept as a reality that people of Islamic appearance are more likely to be stopped and searched. "At the moment the threat is more likely to come from those associated with a most extreme form of Islam or who are falsely hiding behind Islam," she told MPs. "It means that some of our counter-terrorism powers will be disproportionately experienced by people in the Muslim community. There is no getting away from the fact." ... She said later that because the current threat came from people masquerading as Islamists, police would have that in mind when using stop-and-search powers. "That is the reality. I do not think it should go unsaid."
Moderate Dems switching: "Citing his dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party and its liberalism, Tippah County, Miss., Sheriff Brandon Vance switched parties Tuesday. "Howard Dean taking the chairmanship of the Democratic Party brought home to me that I was no longer comfortable in the Democratic Party. Dean's and the Democratic National Committee's values and beliefs are too far on the fringe for me," Vance said. Vance's decision to join the GOP continues a trend that picked up steam after Mississippi Lt. Gov. Amy Tuck switched parties prior to her successful bid for re-election. State Republican officials said four state senators, five state representatives, Public Service Commissioner Michael Callahan, and several county and municipal officials have followed Tuck since she crossed the aisle in 2003".
My latest posting on MarxWords notes that Engels despised non-Germans. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" looks at Revelation 5 and a lamb with 7 horns and 7 eyes!
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Catholic writer, James Nuechterlein follows on from Thomas Frank's "What's the Matter with Kansas?" with a long survey of the current American political scene that makes some good points. A few excerpts:
"Why did the Democrats lose in 2004 and what can they do to turn things around? On the latter point, perhaps the most telling comment is that attributed to former Congresswoman Pat Schroeder in response to the string of Republican presidential victories in the 1980s: "There are three things Democrats must do to recapture the White House. Unfortunately, we don't know what any of them are."...
Kerry did, to be sure, have a message problem, but that problem was and is not just his, but his whole party's. To sum up in a phrase: the Democrats are a center-left party in a center-right nation. They stumble over their message because if they clearly say what they most deeply believe it gets them in political trouble. Consider the contrast with their opponents. Republicans are conservatives who are proud to say so and who do not fear that saying so will hurt them. Democrats are liberals who, in a correct analysis of their political situation, assiduously avoid using the word that most commonly describes them. Their label discomfits them and their positions give them an edgy relation with the majority of voters.....
At its deepest level, this is a war of religion. Secularists vote heavily Democratic; those most regular in their religious observance vote disproportionately Republican. But that, as liberals point out, distorts the issue. Most secularists are Democrats, but most Democrats are not secularists. America is a religious nation, and our differences are not so much of religion vs. irreligion as they are of divergent understandings of what our religious commitments require of us politically. That is a complicated matter that defies easy summary, but it is a serviceable generalization that here, as in the culture at large, we pit liberal, mostly Democratic, modernists against conservative, mostly Republican, traditionalists.....
America's poor and relatively poor are not in fact voting, whether rationally or irrationally, for Republicans. According to exit polls from last November, a majority of those whose incomes are less than fifty thousand dollars per year preferred Kerry to Bush. It seems that Frank wasted a book explaining something that needs no explaining because it is not true. It's not that the poor don't vote for Democrats-- it's that there aren't enough poor to allow Democrats to win.
Democrats go wrong not because they have forgotten the lessons of FDR and the New Deal, but because they have not sufficiently put those lessons behind them. Ours is the least class-ridden society in the Western world. The political economy of the 1930s is not America's historical paradigm; it is its great exception. Democrats, of course, are not entirely ignorant of that. They now address themselves to middle-class interests, but their middle class is still a working class that simply has a few more dollars in its pocket. They have not fully learned the lesson of exceptionalism: that America is the quintessential bourgeois society. We are, for better and worse, middle class and middlebrow right down to our bones. And their failure to see that is what's the matter with the Democrats"
Foreign aid mostly wasted: "Red tape, inefficiency and nepotism mean that only one fifth of international aid actually gets to the people who need it, aid agencies said Monday. Not only that, but 40 percent of international aid is spent buying overpriced goods and services from the donors' own countries, Action Aid and Oxfam said in a joint report calling for urgent reform of a politically compromised system".
Impotent Canadians: "For all our talk of exporting "Canadian values," the reality is that long-term neglect of our international responsibilities has left Canada a bit player. The recent deployment of our Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) to tsunami-stricken Southeast Asia was a telling example. Our deployment was tiny and came almost two weeks after the Americans and Australians sent in their own larger forces. The spectacle mocked the government's boast that "Canada is among the most generous international donors to respond to this disaster with humanitarian and early recovery assistance."... Indeed, if we are to apply Mr. Pettigrew's formulation that foreign policy "expresses the personality of a country," then Canada might well be described as a braggart who is all talk, no action. Consider this past week's grandiose promise by the Prime Minister to do "whatever is required" to end the humanitarian crisis in Darfur -- as if Canada had the capacity to do even a small fraction of what is needed in war-torn Sudan. A similar boast from Hungary or Latvia would have been more credible".
Leftist obfuscation: The word "hegemony" has become an essential part of the jargon of the anti-American left. Followers of Noam Chomsky, for example, use the word as often as possible. For most of them, hegemony has become a synonym for empire, and its frequent use a badge of intellectual sophistication..... But what exactly does hegemony mean? The word is Greek: it means the leadership of a coalition or an alliance.... few users of the English language felt any need to rescue this word from its moldy niche in the Greek lexicon until the mid 1840's when the English radical and banker George Grote began publishing his monumental History of Greece.... Curiously enough, in light of its current usage, the reason Grote decided to revive the Greek word hegemony was in order to distinguish it sharply from the Latin-derived word with which it has now become inextricably muddled, namely, the word empire. Hegemony, according to Grote, was emphatically not empire."
Einstein not so original? "It is easily proven that Albert Einstein did not originate the special theory of relativity in its entirety, or even in its majority. The historic record is readily available. Ludwig Gustav Lange, Woldemar Voigt, George Francis FitzGerald, Joseph Larmor, Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Jules Henri Poincar,, Paul Drude, Paul Langevin, and many others, slowly developed the theory, step by step, and based it on thousands of years of recorded thought and research. Einstein may have made a few contributions to the theory, such as the relativistic equations for aberration and the Doppler-Fizeau Effect, though he may also have rendered an incorrect equation for the transverse mass of an electron, which, when corrected, becomes Lorentz' equation" [Anybody who still believed in Marxism in 1949 cannot have been too bright]
It is finished! At last the WHOLE of my big 1974 book Conservatism as heresy is online. See here or here. I put the chapters that I wrote myself up about a year ago but I have now also put online all the chapters contributed by others. Some chapters are now of course rather out of date but a lot could have been written yesterday. Leftists habits of distortion and expediency will always be with us, I fear. The book also serves well as a record of the Left/Right debate in the era of the Vietnam war. Note here (or here) how Democrats in the U.S. Congress DELIBERATELY sold out the South Vietnamese and in effect handed them over to the Communists.
My latest posting on MarxWords notes more of Marx's derogatory comments about Jews. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" looks at Zionist Christians.
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
Catholic writer, James Nuechterlein follows on from Thomas Frank's "What's the Matter with Kansas?" with a long survey of the current American political scene that makes some good points. A few excerpts:
"Why did the Democrats lose in 2004 and what can they do to turn things around? On the latter point, perhaps the most telling comment is that attributed to former Congresswoman Pat Schroeder in response to the string of Republican presidential victories in the 1980s: "There are three things Democrats must do to recapture the White House. Unfortunately, we don't know what any of them are."...
Kerry did, to be sure, have a message problem, but that problem was and is not just his, but his whole party's. To sum up in a phrase: the Democrats are a center-left party in a center-right nation. They stumble over their message because if they clearly say what they most deeply believe it gets them in political trouble. Consider the contrast with their opponents. Republicans are conservatives who are proud to say so and who do not fear that saying so will hurt them. Democrats are liberals who, in a correct analysis of their political situation, assiduously avoid using the word that most commonly describes them. Their label discomfits them and their positions give them an edgy relation with the majority of voters.....
At its deepest level, this is a war of religion. Secularists vote heavily Democratic; those most regular in their religious observance vote disproportionately Republican. But that, as liberals point out, distorts the issue. Most secularists are Democrats, but most Democrats are not secularists. America is a religious nation, and our differences are not so much of religion vs. irreligion as they are of divergent understandings of what our religious commitments require of us politically. That is a complicated matter that defies easy summary, but it is a serviceable generalization that here, as in the culture at large, we pit liberal, mostly Democratic, modernists against conservative, mostly Republican, traditionalists.....
America's poor and relatively poor are not in fact voting, whether rationally or irrationally, for Republicans. According to exit polls from last November, a majority of those whose incomes are less than fifty thousand dollars per year preferred Kerry to Bush. It seems that Frank wasted a book explaining something that needs no explaining because it is not true. It's not that the poor don't vote for Democrats-- it's that there aren't enough poor to allow Democrats to win.
Democrats go wrong not because they have forgotten the lessons of FDR and the New Deal, but because they have not sufficiently put those lessons behind them. Ours is the least class-ridden society in the Western world. The political economy of the 1930s is not America's historical paradigm; it is its great exception. Democrats, of course, are not entirely ignorant of that. They now address themselves to middle-class interests, but their middle class is still a working class that simply has a few more dollars in its pocket. They have not fully learned the lesson of exceptionalism: that America is the quintessential bourgeois society. We are, for better and worse, middle class and middlebrow right down to our bones. And their failure to see that is what's the matter with the Democrats"
Foreign aid mostly wasted: "Red tape, inefficiency and nepotism mean that only one fifth of international aid actually gets to the people who need it, aid agencies said Monday. Not only that, but 40 percent of international aid is spent buying overpriced goods and services from the donors' own countries, Action Aid and Oxfam said in a joint report calling for urgent reform of a politically compromised system".
Impotent Canadians: "For all our talk of exporting "Canadian values," the reality is that long-term neglect of our international responsibilities has left Canada a bit player. The recent deployment of our Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) to tsunami-stricken Southeast Asia was a telling example. Our deployment was tiny and came almost two weeks after the Americans and Australians sent in their own larger forces. The spectacle mocked the government's boast that "Canada is among the most generous international donors to respond to this disaster with humanitarian and early recovery assistance."... Indeed, if we are to apply Mr. Pettigrew's formulation that foreign policy "expresses the personality of a country," then Canada might well be described as a braggart who is all talk, no action. Consider this past week's grandiose promise by the Prime Minister to do "whatever is required" to end the humanitarian crisis in Darfur -- as if Canada had the capacity to do even a small fraction of what is needed in war-torn Sudan. A similar boast from Hungary or Latvia would have been more credible".
Leftist obfuscation: The word "hegemony" has become an essential part of the jargon of the anti-American left. Followers of Noam Chomsky, for example, use the word as often as possible. For most of them, hegemony has become a synonym for empire, and its frequent use a badge of intellectual sophistication..... But what exactly does hegemony mean? The word is Greek: it means the leadership of a coalition or an alliance.... few users of the English language felt any need to rescue this word from its moldy niche in the Greek lexicon until the mid 1840's when the English radical and banker George Grote began publishing his monumental History of Greece.... Curiously enough, in light of its current usage, the reason Grote decided to revive the Greek word hegemony was in order to distinguish it sharply from the Latin-derived word with which it has now become inextricably muddled, namely, the word empire. Hegemony, according to Grote, was emphatically not empire."
Einstein not so original? "It is easily proven that Albert Einstein did not originate the special theory of relativity in its entirety, or even in its majority. The historic record is readily available. Ludwig Gustav Lange, Woldemar Voigt, George Francis FitzGerald, Joseph Larmor, Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Jules Henri Poincar,, Paul Drude, Paul Langevin, and many others, slowly developed the theory, step by step, and based it on thousands of years of recorded thought and research. Einstein may have made a few contributions to the theory, such as the relativistic equations for aberration and the Doppler-Fizeau Effect, though he may also have rendered an incorrect equation for the transverse mass of an electron, which, when corrected, becomes Lorentz' equation" [Anybody who still believed in Marxism in 1949 cannot have been too bright]
It is finished! At last the WHOLE of my big 1974 book Conservatism as heresy is online. See here or here. I put the chapters that I wrote myself up about a year ago but I have now also put online all the chapters contributed by others. Some chapters are now of course rather out of date but a lot could have been written yesterday. Leftists habits of distortion and expediency will always be with us, I fear. The book also serves well as a record of the Left/Right debate in the era of the Vietnam war. Note here (or here) how Democrats in the U.S. Congress DELIBERATELY sold out the South Vietnamese and in effect handed them over to the Communists.
My latest posting on MarxWords notes more of Marx's derogatory comments about Jews. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" looks at Zionist Christians.
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Once again I pick out what I think are my best posts for the week:
On Dissecting Leftism I note how fraud-prone anthropology is.
On Political Correctness Watch I note that England's patron Saint is now incorrect in England.
On Greenie Watch I note that Greenie policies cause suffering and death to dairy cows
On Education Watch I note how students are rebelling against academic bias
On Socialized Medicine I note how a little British girl had to go to America to get an oppressive "National Health" diagnosis overturned.
On Gun Watch I note how a pro-gun plate on a car caused a lot of fuss at a school
On A scripture blog I note that Christ probably did not die on a cross
On Marx Words I note that Marx despised poor people
On Leftists as Elitists I note that the British Left support keeping the poor "in their place"
On Majority Rights I put up a salvo aimed at the hopeless British Tories
On Blogger News I note the cleverness in Australia's committment of more troops to Iraq. (Note: To get to the Blogger News homepage, you have to click the banner at the top).
Once again I pick out what I think are my best posts for the week:
On Dissecting Leftism I note how fraud-prone anthropology is.
On Political Correctness Watch I note that England's patron Saint is now incorrect in England.
On Greenie Watch I note that Greenie policies cause suffering and death to dairy cows
On Education Watch I note how students are rebelling against academic bias
On Socialized Medicine I note how a little British girl had to go to America to get an oppressive "National Health" diagnosis overturned.
On Gun Watch I note how a pro-gun plate on a car caused a lot of fuss at a school
On A scripture blog I note that Christ probably did not die on a cross
On Marx Words I note that Marx despised poor people
On Leftists as Elitists I note that the British Left support keeping the poor "in their place"
On Majority Rights I put up a salvo aimed at the hopeless British Tories
On Blogger News I note the cleverness in Australia's committment of more troops to Iraq. (Note: To get to the Blogger News homepage, you have to click the banner at the top).
South America's lurch to the Left now seems to be just about complete with the election of a new Leftist government in Uruguay. But that's democracy. If people want to make stupid choices that is up to them. Anyone these days who thinks that socialism leads anywhere must be a bit missing somewhere, though. Perhaps Latinos really are stupider on average.
Nathan Tabor has a quarrel with General Motors. If GM keep selling junk, more and more people will want to "outsource" their vehicle purchases to overseas companies.
Maureen Dowd sure gave me a laugh with this gem: ""We are torturing people, we're outsourcing torture, the administration is trying to throw journalist in jail and basically trying to replace the whole press corps with ringers, including male escorts."
The magic of monarchy: "The allure of rubbing shoulders with royalty was too much to resist even for some of Sydney's best-know republicans yesterday as the city's great and good turned out for lunch with Danish Crown Princess Mary and her husband, Prince Frederik. Republican NSW Premier Bob Carr played host as Princess Mary and Prince Frederik sat at the same table as Gough and Margaret Whitlam - both firm republicans. The 140 hand-picked guests at the lunch at Sydney's Governor Macquarie Tower also included Sydney's republican archbishop, George Pell. Mr Carr told guests it was not surprising the 33-year-old princess had married into a royal family, given her home state's support for the monarchy at the 1999 republic referendum".
Dutch deserting their sinking ship: "Leave this stable and prosperous corner of Europe? Leave this land with its generous social benefits and ample salaries, a place of fine schools, museums, sports grounds and bicycle paths, all set in a lively democracy? The answer, increasingly, is yes. This small nation is a magnet for immigrants, but statistics suggest there is a quickening flight of the white middle class. Dutch people pulling up roots said they felt a general pessimism about their small and crowded country and about the social tensions that had grown along with the waves of newcomers, most of them Muslims."The Dutch are living in a kind of pressure cooker atmosphere," Mr. Hiltemann said..... There are no precise figures on the numbers now leaving. But Canadian, Australian and New Zealand diplomats here said that while immigration papers were processed in their home capitals, embassy officials here had been swamped by inquiries in recent months.... "When I grew up, this place was spontaneous and free, but my kids cannot safely cycle home at night," said Mr. Konings, 49. "My son just had his fifth bicycle stolen." At school, his children and their friends feel uneasy, he added. "They're afraid of being roughed up by the gangs of foreign kids..... Immigrant youths now make up half the prison population. More than 40 percent of immigrants receive some form of government assistance, a source of resentment among native Dutch".
But the Dutch ARE cracking down on Muslims at last: "The consensus has shifted across the board. In a country that can still seem a parody of itself - a magistrate ruled recently that an armed robber was entitled to a tax rebate on the cost of his gun as a tool of his trade - even the leader of the Green party has called for it to be illegal for Muslims to import spouses through arranged marriages. Integrated teams, drawn from the police, social welfare and housing offices, are used to locate and arrest illegals. Social welfare knows who is drawing benefit, housing offices have addresses, and police check for criminal records. The number of asylum seekers has been slashed from 43,000 to 10,000 a year, nine-tenths of whom have their applications rejected".
Keith Burgess Jackson is pretty cheesed at the way abusive commenters on his blogs hide behind anonymity. He calls them cowards.
My latest posting on MarxWords notes that Engels said that government exists only to oppress political enemies. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" notifies a possible hiatus.
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
South America's lurch to the Left now seems to be just about complete with the election of a new Leftist government in Uruguay. But that's democracy. If people want to make stupid choices that is up to them. Anyone these days who thinks that socialism leads anywhere must be a bit missing somewhere, though. Perhaps Latinos really are stupider on average.
Nathan Tabor has a quarrel with General Motors. If GM keep selling junk, more and more people will want to "outsource" their vehicle purchases to overseas companies.
Maureen Dowd sure gave me a laugh with this gem: ""We are torturing people, we're outsourcing torture, the administration is trying to throw journalist in jail and basically trying to replace the whole press corps with ringers, including male escorts."
The magic of monarchy: "The allure of rubbing shoulders with royalty was too much to resist even for some of Sydney's best-know republicans yesterday as the city's great and good turned out for lunch with Danish Crown Princess Mary and her husband, Prince Frederik. Republican NSW Premier Bob Carr played host as Princess Mary and Prince Frederik sat at the same table as Gough and Margaret Whitlam - both firm republicans. The 140 hand-picked guests at the lunch at Sydney's Governor Macquarie Tower also included Sydney's republican archbishop, George Pell. Mr Carr told guests it was not surprising the 33-year-old princess had married into a royal family, given her home state's support for the monarchy at the 1999 republic referendum".
Dutch deserting their sinking ship: "Leave this stable and prosperous corner of Europe? Leave this land with its generous social benefits and ample salaries, a place of fine schools, museums, sports grounds and bicycle paths, all set in a lively democracy? The answer, increasingly, is yes. This small nation is a magnet for immigrants, but statistics suggest there is a quickening flight of the white middle class. Dutch people pulling up roots said they felt a general pessimism about their small and crowded country and about the social tensions that had grown along with the waves of newcomers, most of them Muslims."The Dutch are living in a kind of pressure cooker atmosphere," Mr. Hiltemann said..... There are no precise figures on the numbers now leaving. But Canadian, Australian and New Zealand diplomats here said that while immigration papers were processed in their home capitals, embassy officials here had been swamped by inquiries in recent months.... "When I grew up, this place was spontaneous and free, but my kids cannot safely cycle home at night," said Mr. Konings, 49. "My son just had his fifth bicycle stolen." At school, his children and their friends feel uneasy, he added. "They're afraid of being roughed up by the gangs of foreign kids..... Immigrant youths now make up half the prison population. More than 40 percent of immigrants receive some form of government assistance, a source of resentment among native Dutch".
But the Dutch ARE cracking down on Muslims at last: "The consensus has shifted across the board. In a country that can still seem a parody of itself - a magistrate ruled recently that an armed robber was entitled to a tax rebate on the cost of his gun as a tool of his trade - even the leader of the Green party has called for it to be illegal for Muslims to import spouses through arranged marriages. Integrated teams, drawn from the police, social welfare and housing offices, are used to locate and arrest illegals. Social welfare knows who is drawing benefit, housing offices have addresses, and police check for criminal records. The number of asylum seekers has been slashed from 43,000 to 10,000 a year, nine-tenths of whom have their applications rejected".
Keith Burgess Jackson is pretty cheesed at the way abusive commenters on his blogs hide behind anonymity. He calls them cowards.
My latest posting on MarxWords notes that Engels said that government exists only to oppress political enemies. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" notifies a possible hiatus.
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
Monday, February 28, 2005
The death of 13-year-old Devin Brown at the hands of the Los Angeles Police Department has generated a wide array of complicated emotions in the black community, including shock and anguish, confusion and introspection. Why, people wondered, was this boy killed? .... But while the community searched for real answers to complex questions in the days after the shooting, the traditional black leadership of the city did no such thing. Instead, our leaders reacted in ways that were all too predictable.
The Urban League's John Mack immediately jumped in - before the investigation had even been opened, much less completed - saying, "Some police officers don't value the lives of young African American males." The ever-pugnacious Rep. Maxine Waters beseeched the community to "demand justice." The NAACP's Geraldine Washington said police were supposed to " protect and serve, and they've got it wrong."
Not only were these responses predictable, but they were inflammatory, offering new reasons to question the health of America's civil rights advocacy groups, not just in Los Angeles but across the country. The leaders of these groups say they represent the interests of black Americans, yet it seems increasingly clear that their lives rarely touch the lives of those they claim to speak for and, in many cases, that they never move outside their own cloistered, out-of-touch activist circles....
In a desperate search to maintain their own relevancy, these groups have insisted on making white racism their nearly singular focus. This has not served them well.... With rare exceptions, the quest by civil rights groups to recapture the vibrancy and relevancy of a bygone era often leads to the advocacy of issues that cause a great deal of head-scratching. This tendency was exposed by the recent shameful episode involving Martin Luther King Jr./Drew Medical Center, where Rep. Waters (backed by a host of community activists and other leadership figures) led a series of protests and demonstrations in an attempt to "save our hospital" - even though the hospital teeters on the brink of closure because of irregularities that resulted in the deaths of patients. It was stunning to watch leaders arguing that efforts to close a hospital that was killing its black and brown patients was somehow the result of a conspiratorial racial animus toward the black-run institution.
More here
The death of 13-year-old Devin Brown at the hands of the Los Angeles Police Department has generated a wide array of complicated emotions in the black community, including shock and anguish, confusion and introspection. Why, people wondered, was this boy killed? .... But while the community searched for real answers to complex questions in the days after the shooting, the traditional black leadership of the city did no such thing. Instead, our leaders reacted in ways that were all too predictable.
The Urban League's John Mack immediately jumped in - before the investigation had even been opened, much less completed - saying, "Some police officers don't value the lives of young African American males." The ever-pugnacious Rep. Maxine Waters beseeched the community to "demand justice." The NAACP's Geraldine Washington said police were supposed to " protect and serve, and they've got it wrong."
Not only were these responses predictable, but they were inflammatory, offering new reasons to question the health of America's civil rights advocacy groups, not just in Los Angeles but across the country. The leaders of these groups say they represent the interests of black Americans, yet it seems increasingly clear that their lives rarely touch the lives of those they claim to speak for and, in many cases, that they never move outside their own cloistered, out-of-touch activist circles....
In a desperate search to maintain their own relevancy, these groups have insisted on making white racism their nearly singular focus. This has not served them well.... With rare exceptions, the quest by civil rights groups to recapture the vibrancy and relevancy of a bygone era often leads to the advocacy of issues that cause a great deal of head-scratching. This tendency was exposed by the recent shameful episode involving Martin Luther King Jr./Drew Medical Center, where Rep. Waters (backed by a host of community activists and other leadership figures) led a series of protests and demonstrations in an attempt to "save our hospital" - even though the hospital teeters on the brink of closure because of irregularities that resulted in the deaths of patients. It was stunning to watch leaders arguing that efforts to close a hospital that was killing its black and brown patients was somehow the result of a conspiratorial racial animus toward the black-run institution.
More here
Voting fraud in Britain too: "The general election is wide open to fraud, thanks to the headlong rush into postal voting, the Government was told yesterday. Ministers have been urged for years to introduce safeguards against cheating but have refused to change the law, according to John Owen, Birmingham's elections officer and one of the country's leading experts on the subject. He was giving evidence to a special election court convened to hear allegations of widespread fraud and vote-rigging in the June local elections last year.... Voters described how they were persuaded to hand their completed ballots to Labour canvassers to be delivered to the election office. The votes appeared to have been opened and changed, using correction fluid, in favour of Labour before being counted in the poll. An election manager testified that the office received phone calls during the campaign asking whether votes altered with correction fluid would count even if they arrived in sealed envelopes that had been slit open. Callers were assured that they would be valid" (!!).
How ironic that far-Leftists are implementing Milton Friedman's ideas about traffic congestion. Under "Red Ken", the system works like a charm in London -- by keeping the poor out -- and San Francisco is leaning that way too: "San Francisco would become the first city in the nation to charge drivers just for driving in its chronically congested downtown under a sure-to-be controversial proposal being aired today. Supervisor Jake McGoldrick, chair of the San Francisco Transportation Authority, will ask the agency to study a downtown toll zone -- whereby drivers would need to purchase a daily pass to drive in The City's most congested streets -- as a potential solution to the Municipal Transportation Agency's woeful budget problems."
America's own terrorists: "A pipe bomb was found and safely dismantled at a Department of Motor Vehicles office Tuesday - the latest in what is being investigated as a string of possible ecoterrorist incidents in communities east of Sacramento. In the same community of Auburn, a different type of homemade explosive was found and dismantled Sunday outside the Placer County Courthouse. No one claimed responsibility for either incident, the FBI said"
Californian terrorist caught: "In what federal agents consider a huge break in their probe of five attempted firebombings that have plagued the region since December, a 21-year-old Newcastle man was indicted Thursday on charges that he took part in three of the incidents. Ryan Daniel Lewis, who has been in federal custody since Feb. 8, was indicted on charges tied to attempted arsons in Lincoln on Dec. 27 and Auburn on Jan. 12, as well as the Feb. 7 firebombing of a Sutter Creek apartment complex that was under construction".
Feds protecting illegals: "Arizona prison officials say taxpayers are paying more than $28,000 a day to incarcerate hundreds of undocumented immigrants because the federal government hasn't filed the paperwork necessary to deport them to Mexico. Arizona Department of Corrections Director Dora Schriro said deporting such criminals should be a 'no-brainer' given the money that could be saved and the beds that could be freed in the state's overcrowded prison system. Formal deportation orders for 46 of the 526 eligible inmates have been on file for several months, but state prison officials can't get Immigration and Customs Enforcement to pick them up, Schriro said. 'I don't know why it's not getting done anymore, but it's not getting done,' she said."
A lot of Left-leaning churches are moving to "divest" from Israel -- i.e. sell shares in companies that make profits from dealings in Israel. Ten O'Clock Scholar has some good comments on it but misses the main point: The shares will be bought by someone else so the action will have no effect on anything in the real world.
Myth illogical : "The AARP claims to represent us seniors, but more often it just lectures us relentlessly. One such sermon in the AARP Bulletin, opposing any addition of choice and ownership to Social Security, boasted 'groups like AARP that oppose [privatization] will spend millions of dollars to sway opinion.' Apparently, it plans to waste thousands of words, too, and without much concern about accuracy."
My latest posting on MarxWords shows that Engels despised democracy and believed in violence. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" looks at "the true religion"
There is a good article today on LEFTISTS AS ELITISTS about the towering hypocrisy of the Leftist media in the Gannon affair.
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
Voting fraud in Britain too: "The general election is wide open to fraud, thanks to the headlong rush into postal voting, the Government was told yesterday. Ministers have been urged for years to introduce safeguards against cheating but have refused to change the law, according to John Owen, Birmingham's elections officer and one of the country's leading experts on the subject. He was giving evidence to a special election court convened to hear allegations of widespread fraud and vote-rigging in the June local elections last year.... Voters described how they were persuaded to hand their completed ballots to Labour canvassers to be delivered to the election office. The votes appeared to have been opened and changed, using correction fluid, in favour of Labour before being counted in the poll. An election manager testified that the office received phone calls during the campaign asking whether votes altered with correction fluid would count even if they arrived in sealed envelopes that had been slit open. Callers were assured that they would be valid" (!!).
How ironic that far-Leftists are implementing Milton Friedman's ideas about traffic congestion. Under "Red Ken", the system works like a charm in London -- by keeping the poor out -- and San Francisco is leaning that way too: "San Francisco would become the first city in the nation to charge drivers just for driving in its chronically congested downtown under a sure-to-be controversial proposal being aired today. Supervisor Jake McGoldrick, chair of the San Francisco Transportation Authority, will ask the agency to study a downtown toll zone -- whereby drivers would need to purchase a daily pass to drive in The City's most congested streets -- as a potential solution to the Municipal Transportation Agency's woeful budget problems."
America's own terrorists: "A pipe bomb was found and safely dismantled at a Department of Motor Vehicles office Tuesday - the latest in what is being investigated as a string of possible ecoterrorist incidents in communities east of Sacramento. In the same community of Auburn, a different type of homemade explosive was found and dismantled Sunday outside the Placer County Courthouse. No one claimed responsibility for either incident, the FBI said"
Californian terrorist caught: "In what federal agents consider a huge break in their probe of five attempted firebombings that have plagued the region since December, a 21-year-old Newcastle man was indicted Thursday on charges that he took part in three of the incidents. Ryan Daniel Lewis, who has been in federal custody since Feb. 8, was indicted on charges tied to attempted arsons in Lincoln on Dec. 27 and Auburn on Jan. 12, as well as the Feb. 7 firebombing of a Sutter Creek apartment complex that was under construction".
Feds protecting illegals: "Arizona prison officials say taxpayers are paying more than $28,000 a day to incarcerate hundreds of undocumented immigrants because the federal government hasn't filed the paperwork necessary to deport them to Mexico. Arizona Department of Corrections Director Dora Schriro said deporting such criminals should be a 'no-brainer' given the money that could be saved and the beds that could be freed in the state's overcrowded prison system. Formal deportation orders for 46 of the 526 eligible inmates have been on file for several months, but state prison officials can't get Immigration and Customs Enforcement to pick them up, Schriro said. 'I don't know why it's not getting done anymore, but it's not getting done,' she said."
A lot of Left-leaning churches are moving to "divest" from Israel -- i.e. sell shares in companies that make profits from dealings in Israel. Ten O'Clock Scholar has some good comments on it but misses the main point: The shares will be bought by someone else so the action will have no effect on anything in the real world.
Myth illogical : "The AARP claims to represent us seniors, but more often it just lectures us relentlessly. One such sermon in the AARP Bulletin, opposing any addition of choice and ownership to Social Security, boasted 'groups like AARP that oppose [privatization] will spend millions of dollars to sway opinion.' Apparently, it plans to waste thousands of words, too, and without much concern about accuracy."
My latest posting on MarxWords shows that Engels despised democracy and believed in violence. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" looks at "the true religion"
There is a good article today on LEFTISTS AS ELITISTS about the towering hypocrisy of the Leftist media in the Gannon affair.
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
Sunday, February 27, 2005
The worriers about America's foreign debt are answered systematically here. A small excerpt: "The U.S. economy, according to doubters, rests on an unsustainable accumulation of foreign debt. Fueled by government profligacy and low private savings rates, the current account deficit -- the difference between what U.S. residents spend abroad and what they earn abroad in a year -- now stands at almost six percent of GDP; total net foreign liabilities are approaching a quarter of GDP. Sudden unwillingness by investors abroad to continue adding to their already large dollar assets, in this scenario, would set off a panic, causing the dollar to tank, interest rates to skyrocket, and the U.S. economy to descend into crisis, dragging the rest of the world down with it. Despite the persistence and pervasiveness of this doomsday prophecy, U.S. hegemony is in reality solidly grounded: it rests on an economy that is continually extending its lead in the innovation and application of new technology, ensuring its continued appeal for foreign central banks and private investors. The dollar's role as the global monetary standard is not threatened, and the risk to U.S. financial stability posed by large foreign liabilities has been exaggerated".
Outsourcing CREATES jobs: "The fact of the matter is, the most successful companies are outsourcers. And a Dartmouth study found that outsourcers are the bigger job creators. Since 1992, America has lost 361 million jobs, but during that same time, it also gained 380 million jobs - millions more than it lost. "Oh, I love my job now!" That's Shirley Bernard talking - the outsourcing "victim" the AFL-CIO wanted me to interview. At her old job at Levi's, the work was hot, noisy and physically difficult. Now, she's a secretary. She's paid more, too. She worries about the long term, and she's still an opponent of outsourcing, but she admits that many of her co-workers have moved on to better jobs. "Some of them have got, really got excellent jobs that they would never have even left Levi's for if the plant hadn't closed," she says. "This kind of forced them to ... to make a decision what they wanted to do and ... and they're really happy at what they do.""
From this article it looks like Latin America is continuing its policy of shooting itself in the foot -- attacking private enterprise and thus cutting off investment. They seem to be instinctively socialistic. Great way to stay poor! Excerpt: "Even less certain is how she and 130 million other Latin Americans will get clean water anytime soon in a region where providing basic services remains among the most pressing public health and political issues. Governments like Bolivia's tried the task themselves before, abandoned it as too costly, and turned to private companies in the 1990's. Today as privatization is rejected, foreign investment is plummeting across the region and the challenge is being returned to states perhaps less equipped than a decade ago. The trend is not unique to Bolivia, where a lack of clean water contributes to the death of every tenth child before the age of 5, and it has presented Latin American leaders with a nettlesome question: what now?"
The worriers about America's foreign debt are answered systematically here. A small excerpt: "The U.S. economy, according to doubters, rests on an unsustainable accumulation of foreign debt. Fueled by government profligacy and low private savings rates, the current account deficit -- the difference between what U.S. residents spend abroad and what they earn abroad in a year -- now stands at almost six percent of GDP; total net foreign liabilities are approaching a quarter of GDP. Sudden unwillingness by investors abroad to continue adding to their already large dollar assets, in this scenario, would set off a panic, causing the dollar to tank, interest rates to skyrocket, and the U.S. economy to descend into crisis, dragging the rest of the world down with it. Despite the persistence and pervasiveness of this doomsday prophecy, U.S. hegemony is in reality solidly grounded: it rests on an economy that is continually extending its lead in the innovation and application of new technology, ensuring its continued appeal for foreign central banks and private investors. The dollar's role as the global monetary standard is not threatened, and the risk to U.S. financial stability posed by large foreign liabilities has been exaggerated".
Outsourcing CREATES jobs: "The fact of the matter is, the most successful companies are outsourcers. And a Dartmouth study found that outsourcers are the bigger job creators. Since 1992, America has lost 361 million jobs, but during that same time, it also gained 380 million jobs - millions more than it lost. "Oh, I love my job now!" That's Shirley Bernard talking - the outsourcing "victim" the AFL-CIO wanted me to interview. At her old job at Levi's, the work was hot, noisy and physically difficult. Now, she's a secretary. She's paid more, too. She worries about the long term, and she's still an opponent of outsourcing, but she admits that many of her co-workers have moved on to better jobs. "Some of them have got, really got excellent jobs that they would never have even left Levi's for if the plant hadn't closed," she says. "This kind of forced them to ... to make a decision what they wanted to do and ... and they're really happy at what they do.""
From this article it looks like Latin America is continuing its policy of shooting itself in the foot -- attacking private enterprise and thus cutting off investment. They seem to be instinctively socialistic. Great way to stay poor! Excerpt: "Even less certain is how she and 130 million other Latin Americans will get clean water anytime soon in a region where providing basic services remains among the most pressing public health and political issues. Governments like Bolivia's tried the task themselves before, abandoned it as too costly, and turned to private companies in the 1990's. Today as privatization is rejected, foreign investment is plummeting across the region and the challenge is being returned to states perhaps less equipped than a decade ago. The trend is not unique to Bolivia, where a lack of clean water contributes to the death of every tenth child before the age of 5, and it has presented Latin American leaders with a nettlesome question: what now?"
The Federalist have just used the notorious "Berkeley study" of conservative psychology as a jumping-off point for a good rant about leftist psychology. Excerpt: "Liberals are almost uniformly defined by their hypocrisy and dissociation from reality. For example, the wealthiest U.S. senators -- among them Kerry, Kennedy, Corzine, Kohl, Rockefeller, Feinstein, and Rhode Island RINO Lincoln Chaffee -- fancy themselves as defenders of the poor, but they have no idea of what it's like to live without a bloated trust fund. Liberals speak of unity, but they appeal to the worst in human nature by dividing Americans into dependent constituencies. Just who are these liberal constituencies? They support freedom of thought, unless your thoughts don't comport with theirs. They feign tolerance while practicing intolerance. They resist open discussion and debate of their views, yet seek to silence dissenters. They insist that they care more about protecting habitat than those who hunt and fish. They protest for nature conservation while advocating homosexuality. They denounce capital punishment for the most heinous of criminals, while ardently supporting the killing of the most innocent among us -- children prior to birth."
The Federalist does however seem to have missed my systematic demolition of the "Berkeley" study. Academics define expertise on any given subject by the number of articles the person has had published about that subject in the academic journals. By that criterion I am actually the most expert person there is on the matters raised by the "Berkeley study".
There is a VERY disturbing article here about the American Federal justice system that makes me glad I am an Australian and not an American. Australia still has some of the protections against injustice that America has lost. American Federal trials do seem to be remarkably like Stalin's show trials -- particularly in their use of coerced testimony.
No connection, of course: "Rape attacks are increasing rapidly in England and Wales, but the number of cases that end in a successful prosecution has fallen to a record low. According to government figures published yesterday,only one in eighteen rapes reported to police ends with the suspect being punished, although government ministers have pledged to increase the number of convictions.... According to a study by the Home Office, groups of predatory men are now targeting drunken women to rape and sexually assault. Jo Lovett, one of the authors, said: "There are people who are undoubtedly targeting women who are drunk." The report, published by the Home Office yesterday, disclosed the latest rape figures and that some men are now trawling bars looking for drunk women to rape. It also estimated that the actual number of rapes in England and Wales is more than four times higher than the 11,700 reported to the police in 2002."
A pretty good bias study: "Applying a novel approach based on frequently used ratings of the liberal or conservative leaning of politicians, a researcher at the University of Missouri-Columbia discovered that most mainstream media outlets do exhibit a strong liberal bias. "We found that most of the mainstream media view events through a 'lens' that is very similar to that used by Democrats in Congress," said Jeff Milyo, MU associate professor of economics and public affairs. "That is, most major media outlets and Democrats cite similar sources of expertise, such as particular think tanks and advocacy groups. This suggests that popular complaints about a liberal bias in the media are well-founded. To determine the bias of media outlets, Milyo and colleague Tim Groseclose, a political scientist at UCLA, applied the Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) scoring system. ADA scores are used widely in political science to describe the placement of an individual member of Congress on an ideological scale"
I have just transferred here Chris Brand's latest batch of exceedingly incorrect posts about race and such matters.
My latest posting on MarxWords shows that Marx saw all capitalists as "Jews". My latest posting on "A scripture blog" looks at 1 Corinthians 15 and the spiritual nature of the resurrection again.
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
The Federalist have just used the notorious "Berkeley study" of conservative psychology as a jumping-off point for a good rant about leftist psychology. Excerpt: "Liberals are almost uniformly defined by their hypocrisy and dissociation from reality. For example, the wealthiest U.S. senators -- among them Kerry, Kennedy, Corzine, Kohl, Rockefeller, Feinstein, and Rhode Island RINO Lincoln Chaffee -- fancy themselves as defenders of the poor, but they have no idea of what it's like to live without a bloated trust fund. Liberals speak of unity, but they appeal to the worst in human nature by dividing Americans into dependent constituencies. Just who are these liberal constituencies? They support freedom of thought, unless your thoughts don't comport with theirs. They feign tolerance while practicing intolerance. They resist open discussion and debate of their views, yet seek to silence dissenters. They insist that they care more about protecting habitat than those who hunt and fish. They protest for nature conservation while advocating homosexuality. They denounce capital punishment for the most heinous of criminals, while ardently supporting the killing of the most innocent among us -- children prior to birth."
The Federalist does however seem to have missed my systematic demolition of the "Berkeley" study. Academics define expertise on any given subject by the number of articles the person has had published about that subject in the academic journals. By that criterion I am actually the most expert person there is on the matters raised by the "Berkeley study".
There is a VERY disturbing article here about the American Federal justice system that makes me glad I am an Australian and not an American. Australia still has some of the protections against injustice that America has lost. American Federal trials do seem to be remarkably like Stalin's show trials -- particularly in their use of coerced testimony.
No connection, of course: "Rape attacks are increasing rapidly in England and Wales, but the number of cases that end in a successful prosecution has fallen to a record low. According to government figures published yesterday,only one in eighteen rapes reported to police ends with the suspect being punished, although government ministers have pledged to increase the number of convictions.... According to a study by the Home Office, groups of predatory men are now targeting drunken women to rape and sexually assault. Jo Lovett, one of the authors, said: "There are people who are undoubtedly targeting women who are drunk." The report, published by the Home Office yesterday, disclosed the latest rape figures and that some men are now trawling bars looking for drunk women to rape. It also estimated that the actual number of rapes in England and Wales is more than four times higher than the 11,700 reported to the police in 2002."
A pretty good bias study: "Applying a novel approach based on frequently used ratings of the liberal or conservative leaning of politicians, a researcher at the University of Missouri-Columbia discovered that most mainstream media outlets do exhibit a strong liberal bias. "We found that most of the mainstream media view events through a 'lens' that is very similar to that used by Democrats in Congress," said Jeff Milyo, MU associate professor of economics and public affairs. "That is, most major media outlets and Democrats cite similar sources of expertise, such as particular think tanks and advocacy groups. This suggests that popular complaints about a liberal bias in the media are well-founded. To determine the bias of media outlets, Milyo and colleague Tim Groseclose, a political scientist at UCLA, applied the Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) scoring system. ADA scores are used widely in political science to describe the placement of an individual member of Congress on an ideological scale"
I have just transferred here Chris Brand's latest batch of exceedingly incorrect posts about race and such matters.
My latest posting on MarxWords shows that Marx saw all capitalists as "Jews". My latest posting on "A scripture blog" looks at 1 Corinthians 15 and the spiritual nature of the resurrection again.
That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the 2004 Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.
Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist"
Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.