THE RIGHTFUL PRESIDENT. He gave us a reprieve from Leftist authoritarianism and hate. He was defeated not by a majority of American voters but by a flood of fraudulent postal votes. Some Lessons from history in support of Trump thinking:
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Thursday, April 24, 2003
There is a fascinating piece of academic research reported in the latest issue of the highly respectable Journal of Developmental Psychogy. The researchers found that even among 19 month old children there were highly recognizable differences in aggression and that most of the difference in aggression was genetically inherited. So some kids are just born mean -- for all that Leftists would like to tell you to the contrary.
On 9th November last year I took exception to the constant Leftist insulting of Britain’s Prime Minister as “Bush’s poodle” and proposed here instead: “Let's resurrect a famous old metaphor for Britain on this occasion and start referring to Tony Blair as "Bush's Bulldog".” I am pleased therefore to see that the Editor of the “Washington Times” has had the same idea. He also gives the Australian Prime Minister a guernsey in the same article. Via The Federalist
I never thought I would agree with a Leftist about “asylum-seeker” policy but I agree with this comment about the Vietnamese boat people presently headed for Australian waters and who look to be in danger of sinking in the middle of the ocean: “There is only one humanitarian option here -- that is for the Australian authorities to get these people off these boats that are death traps and ensure that they are secure," I have great sympathy for the hard-working Vietnamese. They put up a great fight to save their country from Communism but were left in the lurch by a peacenik-influenced US Congress who cut off their military supplies.
What cheek! The UN has ruled that a sign at an Australian sportsground is offensive and should be taken down even though the Australian High Court has already ruled to the contrary! The sign is in any case just an example of perverse Australian humour but nobody would expect rthe UN to understand that. The sign refers to a famous Australian cricketer called “nigger” Brown -- called that because he was so pale-skinned!
A fun recap here of what the punditocracy were saying about the Iraq war while it was actually going on (not to mention what they said before it started!). They were declaring it to be a “quagmire” almost up until the day that Saddam’s statue fell. Interesting that the President and his team were infinitely more accurate and reliable than the media moaners were!
Even the San Francisco Chronicle sees that Senator Santorum’s rejection of legal activism concerning gays may not hurt him politically. What he said was no more derogatory than what “liberals” routinely say about Christians, conservatives and others they disapprove of. “Those who live in glass houses .....”
Carnival of the Vanities is up again. The Left get a bit more of a look-in this time.
China hand has some skeptical comments about the Chinese response to SARS.
On his other site, China hand has a snarl at the Leftist Australian media. As an ex-Leftie himself, he really feels these things.
Michael Darby has a report that “low cost” public housing in fact costs heaps more than privately-built housing.
Chris Brand notes that Britain’s favourable treatment of “asylum-seekers” is fueling a rise in support for the British National Party -- previously seen as “far Right”
The Wicked one is pleased to note that drinking tea is much better for your health than coffee-drinking is.
In my academic posting of April 22nd. here, I note the amazing "mental flexibility" that scientists can show in resisting demonstrations that their findings are spurious and point out that the phenomenon is widespread among psychologists.
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