Monday, September 22, 2003


Guess whom I am talking about. Hint: He was featured in the British “Homes & Gardens” magazine -- which described him thus (excerpts):

“There is nothing pretentious about his little estate. It is one that any merchant might possess in these lovely hills. All visitors are shown their host’s model kennels, where he keeps magnificent Alsatians. Some of his pedigree pets are allowed the run of the house, especially on days when he gives a “Fun Fair” for the local children. He delights in the society of brilliant foreigners, especially painters, singers and musicians. As host he is a droll raconteur. Every morning at nine he goes out for a talk with his gardeners about their day’s work. These men, like the chauffeur and air-pilot, are not so much servants as loyal friends. A life-long vegetarian at table, his kitchen plots are both varied and heavy with produce. Even in his meatless diet, he is something of a gourmet. He is his own decorator, designer and furnisher, as well as architect.”

This apparently pleasant, artistic country gentleman is of course our old friend Adolf -- as described in the 1938 edition of “Homes & Gardens” -- which is now on the net here. The story of how it got on the net is here. The “insanity” that Leftists usually attribute to him is not much in evidence is it? The “insanity” claim is just a coverup of what he really was, of course: He was just another clever socialist -- with the typical socialist’s elitist disregard for ordinary people, individual liberty and human life -- disguised with a lot of talk about being on the side of “the worker”, of course. He did, after all, call his political party “The National Socialist German Worker’s party”.


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