Interesting that this article on gross Leftist bias in American universities was reproduced half way across the world in yesterday's "The Australian" newspaper (p.33 April 28th). "The Australian" is the nearest Australian equivalent to the London "Times". Rupert Murdoch owns both, of course. Excerpt: "A criminology professor asked his class to write an essay on "Why George Bush is a war criminal." One student balked and instead turned in a piece on why Saddam Hussein was a war criminal. He got an F."
Interesting admission here that the most passionate advocate of racism in Australia a century ago was the leader of the Leftists, Chris Watson. Excerpt: "McMullin doesn't deal with Watson's role in the creation of White Australia but it is revelatory. After Edmund Barton, as inaugural PM, introduced the bill in 1901, Watson led the attack seeking not a dictation test but, on Labor's behalf, a direct racial ban. He told the house his objection to the mixing of coloured and white people "lies in the main in the possibility and probability of racial contamination". And all Australia's Leftist honchos were loudly celebrating Watson's government just yesterday! Leftists change their principles as easily as they change their clothes -- as the present upsurge of antisemitism on the Left also attests. Hitler's racism simply made him a normal Leftist of his era.
Good to see "The Australian" reporting at length on the U.N. abuse of the Iraq 'oil for food' program. The Australian media have almost totally ignored the story so far. Fun to note that the author of the article in "The Australian" is American-born conservative ex-blogger, James Morrow. Excerpt: "ABC viewers were shocked to learn last week that the man who spent six years administering the UN's Iraqi oil-for-food program stood accused of receiving millions of dollars in bribes from Saddam Hussein's regime. ... But the ABC that aired the story and tracked Sevan down in Noosa Heads was not Australia's taxpayer-financed broadcaster but the American television network. Meanwhile, Australia's ABC has remained virtually silent on the story"
Again in "The Australian", a good comment on the positive news from Iraq here: "There is violence and there is progress in Iraq. Most visitors understand that, and most Iraqis are using their freedom well. Municipal elections have been held in 17 cities so far; according to Iranian-born author Amir Taheri, they have all been won by democratic and secularist parties."
Incredible illogic: The leader of Australia's major Leftist party, Mark Latham, has championned the idiotic idea that if you read books to kids, that will somehow help the kids to learn how to read! Latham's words: "if we read three storybooks a night to our infant children, by the age of five they'll be able to read". He doesn't explain how or offer any evidence, of course. But it suits the teachers' unions who seem to have "Anything but phonics" as an article of faith -- regardless of all the evidence to the contrary. Brian Micklethwait would be aghast.
This book review in "The Australian" (by a feminist author) of After Theory by (Marxist) Terry Eagleton is rightly scathing: "What I hoped to find in After Theory was ideas about what type of thinking and writing might flourish in a post-theory world. I soon discovered that Eagleton doesn't seem to be the least interested in thinking, only in potted ideas. After Theory has a strange cover featuring an aircraft, possibly a bomber. Eagleton himself is so bombastic it's hard to read him straight... After Theory takes us into a vacuum where bits of past theories collide, supported only by vacuous commentary". Needless to say, Eagleton is a huge success in the academic world.
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