Tuesday, April 06, 2004


A lot of the postings I have put up recently concern Greenie issues so I have decided to give such postings a blog of their own. You can find it here. Greens and Leftists have a lot in common in that they both want to use the power of the state for pervasive and irrational interference with other people's lives. Neither gives a damn for individual liberty. But their motivations differ. Where the Leftist ideologue's main aim is to make himself look warm and wise and wonderful (in the absence of any real claims in that direction) Greenie ideologues are frank misanthropists. They hate and despise people and are not slow to say so. The Leftist by contrast at least keeps up a pretence about caring for other people. As the old summary of Leftist thought says: "I love humanity. It's just people I can't stand". So the two types of would-be tyrant do deserve separate consideration.


Amusing: Richard Wolin's book, The Seduction of Unreason appears to be a good critique of postmodernist irrationality but he makes his book politically correct by noting -- correctly -- that in the 1930s what we now call postmodernism was primarily a Fascist doctrine. So he says that postmodernism is "Rightist" too, you see: It is not only a mental confusion of the Left. The fact that Fascism was a development of Marxism and that Hitler was a socialist seem to be "forgotten" by Wolin. It would indeed be surprising if a Rightist philosophy suddenly became the guiding light of the Left but no such thing has happened. "Postmodern" thinking has ALWAYS been a Leftist escape-hatch from reality. Although both Marxism and Fascism may be long dead in most people's minds, both are variants of socialism and both still flourish among Leftist intellectuals -- not that they are honest about it, of course.

There is an interesting article on the "forgotten" George Schuyler in Policy Review. Schuyler was an astringent black conservative writer and satirist who ridiculed the claim that black art was distinctive: "Schuyler argued that black artists in America were equally as diverse as white artists, and that to expect a uniform style or subject matter was as insulting as the stereotypes that were being rejected." He was also a conservative within the NAACP who fought that organisation's socialist ways from within". Called one of the great anti-communist writers of the 20th century, he has now largely been airbrushed from the historical record for not conforming to black victimhood.


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