There has of course been a lot of discussion in recent years about the differences between Europe -- particularly France -- and the English-speaking countries. The way France and Germany were propping up the disgusting Saddam Hussein while the USA, Britain and Australia sent troops to overthrow him certainly showed a large gap in principles between the two sides. And it has also widely been noted how dictatorial and intrusive into the lives of its citizens the EU is -- with even the amount of bend in bananas now being regulated in the EU! Readers may therefore be interested to hear that the English Channel has for centuries separated two different ideas about the role of government. Read here what distinguished legal historian A.V. Dicey said in 1889 about English principles versus European lack of them.
Coleridge a precursor of GWB: "Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) is famous as the English poet who wrote Kubla Khan and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, but today is almost forgotten as one of the greatest political thinkers of his time. He was the first conservative to advocate social and political reforms as a means of maintaining a stable and cohesive society. He warned against the dangers of unchecked industrialisation, criticised the then prevailing ideology of the unfettered free-market, and called for far-reaching reforms to give the poor a greater stake in the economy.... Coleridge's thought had a seminal influence on the social-welfare Toryism of Disraeli"
Dinesh D'Souza: "The idea that America and the West grew rich through oppression and exploitation is strongly held among many intellectuals and activists...Did the West enrich itself at the expense of minorities and the Third World through its distinctive crimes of slavery and colonialism? This thesis is hard to sustain, because there is nothing distinctively Western about slavery or colonialism. The West had its empires, but so did the Persians, the Mongols, the Chinese, and the Turks. And if colonialism is a universal institution, so is slavery. Slavery has existed in every known civilization, from China to India to Africa to pre-Columbian America. What is uniquely Western is not slavery but the movement to abolish slavery."
An interesting historical article here about the white settlement of Australia points out that its legal basis was NOT the recent doctrine of terra nullius -- as Leftists assert. If anything, it was simply: "beat the French". Excerpt: "Let historians argue about the past - it is necessary and interesting and vastly important - but keep them out of the law courts. Reconciliation is the affair of modern Australians dealing with modern conditions."
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