Saturday, October 23, 2004


There is a good example here of the utter depth of Leftist political ignorance. The author somehow believes that all conservatives are anarcho-capitalists, the most extreme form of libertarian -- who don't believe in any government at all! Libertarians would certainly be staggered to hear that. It shows what an airtight little intellectual cocoon the author lives in. Conservatives of course do believe in quite a lot of government, though not as much as Leftists do. We would scarcely have President George W. Bush otherwise. I guess the author is another exemplar of that simplistic, "black-and-white thinking" that is so characteristic of Leftists and which they often therefore "project" onto conservatives. Razib gives the ignoramus a good serve too. Needless to say, all the commentary and analysis that flows from such a warped definition of conservatism can safely be ignored. An intellectual who cannot even define his terms accurately is no intellectual at all.

What it means to be a Republican. Well worth reading. Another stereotype-buster for lockstep Leftists.

Bill Vallicella has a post saying that the Left are insensitive to danger. He says this is why they are always pretending that human nnature is good and ignoring the fact that some people can be evil and dangerous. I think it is a bit worse than that. I think Leftist ideologues don't care about reality at all. That's one reason why they often claim that reality does not exist. They are so preoccupied with puffing up their own image and self-esteem that everything else just has to go hang. And anything that threatens that image will simply be denied. They will do and say ANYTHING in order to sound good. Clinically, it is called "Narcissism" and in more extreme cases, it is part of "Psychopathy".

Leftist "principles" are a joke: "I have long insisted that the problem of radical Islam is not a liberal or conservative issue; it's a human rights issue. The unfortunate fact, however, is that largely it is only conservatives who care about it. In the face of the global jihad, the left is strangely silent: no protest marches, no angry full-page ads in the New York Times. When the Left does notice an adulterous woman being stoned to death under Sharia law, or some other outrage in the Islamic world, it is usually dismissed as an aberration or somehow blamed on their all-purpose bogeyman: the United States government.

Good comment on the so-righteous Giving Tree: "In giving to the boy-man at every opportunity, the tree thought it was doing right. Instead, it created a dependency relationship in his human friend that lasts his whole life and that leaves both impoverished. This is not a quality one would wish for a friend, and even more so, for one’s son or daughter"

There is a huge site here which completely demolishes the Leftist chant that Saddam "had no links to terror"

Lawrence Auster has a very comprehensive article here arguing against America's current de facto policy of allowing millions of illegal immigrants to flow into the country. Australia has a high immigrant inflow too but we insist on choosing whom we allow in. As a result we mainly get high-quality (hard-working, law-abiding) immigrants from East Asia. We were getting a rash of illegal Muslim immigrants for a short while but Australia's conservative government put a stop to that -- to great public acclaim.

White House chickens out on illegal immigration: "The White House yesterday asked Congress to reject an attempt by Republican House leaders to load an intelligence reorganization bill with measures designed to prevent illegal immigration. The White House is making the request because Democrats won't support the bill if it has the immigration measures. The administration wants 'an effective bill that both Houses can pass and the president can sign into law as soon as possible to meet the nation's security needs,'

I have put up a couple of posts on LEFTISTS AS ELITISTS recently.

For more postings, see EDUCATION WATCH, GREENIE WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, GUN WATCH and SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. Mirror sites here, here, here, here and here


That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the Kerry campaign. They have put up a man whose policies seem to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though they have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.

Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions

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