Tuesday, January 18, 2005


The friendly Syrians: "A woman pulled a pistol on Iraq's defense minister in his office but then broke down in tears in a failed assassination plot hatched by an Iraqi group in Syria, the minister said in comments published on Saturday. Hazim al-Shaalan told the pan-Arab al-Hayat newspaper the 40-year-old woman had drawn the gun, loaded with poisoned bullets, during a meeting with him and other officials more than one week ago.... Shaalan said the plan had been hatched by a Syria-based Iraqi group led by Mohamed Younes al-Ahmed, an Iraqi Baath party official. Sabaawi Ibrahim, a half brother of Saddam Hussein, was also involved in the plot, he said. Shaalan said the woman had revealed a wider plot involving a group of 50 women chosen "to carry out terrorist operations and assassinations in Iraq." The women were the wives or relatives of people jailed for or killed in clashes with Iraqi security forces and U.S.-led forces. Shaalan said they had undergone training in Syria"

Why are only Muslims allowed to preach violence? "An extremist London cleric is using live broadcasts on the internet to urge young British Muslims to join al-Qaeda and has condoned suicide terrorist attacks. Omar Bakri Mohammed, who has lived in the UK for 18 years on social security benefits, pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden and told his followers that they were in a state of war with Britain".

Ideology in the SAT? "With just two months to go before the much-heralded new SAT is given, a team of English professors and psychometricians is poring over sample essays to determine what kind of writing should be rewarded and what penalized.... For the first time in the 67-year history of the SAT, the March 12 test will include a written essay along with revised reading and math exams. For the millions of high school juniors and seniors who will ultimately take the test, as well as the thousands of U.S. colleges that will use them in determining whether to admit those students, the stakes in deciding how to score the test could hardly be higher... An essay that compares humans to squirrels -- if a squirrel told other squirrels about its food store, it would die, therefore secrecy is necessary for survival -- merits a 5. Brian A. Bremen, an English professor at the University of Texas at Austin, notes that the writer provides only one real example. Nevertheless, he says, the writer displays "a clear chain of thought" and should be rewarded, "despite his Republican tendencies." "

Gerard Henderson has an article on the recent controversy over Britain's Prince Harry wearing fancy dress with a swastika on it. He points out that the Left are incessant in calling practically all conservatives Fascists and Nazis so thinks it is reasonable for Prince Harry to have concluded that Nazis must be the good guys! A good excerpt on the scintillating Leftist logic involved: "In Australia in recent years it has become almost a fashion to make reference to fascism/Nazism and/or communism in order to score political points. In his book The Right Road?, the historian Andrew Moore wrote that "it is not so very far from the truth" to "suggest that in 1951 Australian fascism's headquarters were in The Lodge, Canberra". In other words, Moore maintains that the long-serving prime minister of Australia, Robert Menzies, was really a fascist. This despite the fact that he declared war on Nazi Germany in 1939 at a time when the Communist Party was in alliance with Hitler, in accordance with the terms of the Nazi-Soviet Pact".

The green-eyed Leftists will hate this: "China's relentless appetite for the colonel's chicken has KFC on a building boom in the world's most populous country, with 1,200 locations, soaring profits and a menu that mixes in bamboo shoots and lotus roots. At a time when its sales in the United States are struggling, KFC is dominating even rival McDonald's in China and turning the goateed visage of Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Colonel Harland Sanders into a ubiquitous symbol of America. "We are really positioned as a part of the fabric of life in China," said David Novak, chairman and chief executive of Louisville-based Yum Brands Inc., parent company of KFC."

There is some rather odd humour here but the "Joke reasoning test" at the bottom of the page is interesting. I failed it.

My latest posting on MarxWords notes that Engels particularly despised the Polish Jews. My latest posting on "A scripture blog" looks at an attack made by an "enemy" blogger.



That power only, not principles, is what matters to Leftists is perfectly shown by the Kerry campaign. They put up a man whose policies seemed to be 99% the same as George Bush's even though the Left have previously disagreed violently with those policies. "Whatever it takes" is their rule.

Leftists are phonies. For most of them all that they want is to sound good. They don't care about doing good. That's why they do so much harm. They don't really care what the results of their policies are as long as they are seen as having good intentions.

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