Friday, February 24, 2006


"The Western concept of freedom of speech is not an absolute. The limits that should be imposed by good taste, social responsibility and respect for others will always be a matter for debate. But this is a debate that needs to be conducted within Western culture, not imposed on it from outside by threats of death and violence by those who want to put an end to all free debate."

"The concepts of free enquiry and free expression and the right to criticise entrenched beliefs are things we take so much for granted they are almost part of the air we breathe. We need to recognise them as distinctly Western phenomena. They were never produced by Confucian or Hindu culture. Under Islam, the idea of objective inquiry had a brief life in the fourteenth century but was never heard of again. In the twentieth century, the first thing that every single communist government in the world did was suppress it."

"But without this concept, the world would not be as it is today. There would have been no Copernicus, Galileo, Newton or Darwin. All of these thinkers profoundly offended the conventional wisdom of their day, and at great personal risk, in some cases to their lives but in all cases to their reputations and careers. But because they inherited a culture that valued free inquiry and free expression, it gave them the strength to continue."

"Today, we live in an age of barbarism and decadence. There are barbarians outside the walls who want to destroy us and there is a decadent culture within. We are only getting what we deserve. The relentless critique of the West which has engaged our academic left and cultural elite since the 1960s has emboldened our adversaries and at the same time sapped our will to resist."

"The consequences of this adversary culture are all around us. The way to oppose it, however, is less clear. The survival of the Western principles of free inquiry and free expression now depend entirely on whether we have the intelligence to understand their true value and the will to face down their enemies."


Brookes News Update

Did the KGB help plan America's Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act?: Was Jimmy's Carter's Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act the culmination of a very successful campaign by the Washington-based Marxist-Leninistm Institute of Policies Studies and the KGB to permanently cripple America's intelligence services?
Why is the Kroger Liberal Party giving Bracks' Muslim blasphemy laws a pass?: Once again, Michael Kroger, why are you allowing Bracks to get away with his pro-Muslim blasphemy laws? I think it's time we got some answers
GDP's gross misconceptions about the Australian and US economies: So how can an economy be adding jobs while manufacturing is shedding them and forecasts for consumption appear optimistic?
So-called ethics, wages and economic stupidity: Labour rents its services out to employers who use it, in combination with other factors, to produce other goods or services, each factor being paid up to the value of its marginal product
Democrats, isolation and the de-ghetto-izing effect of the New Media: If one analyzes just who still votes Democrat these days there are certain commonalities to those communities. Not least amongst them is near-total isolation from the real world
The New York Times and mainstream media hypocrisy: The New York Times has proven to be a dishonest, cowardly, treasonous and bigoted rag
Water. a simple comfort for the citizens of Baghdad: The US Army is supplying Iraqis with the basic services that Saddam's regime had run down


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