Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Google harassment

The powers that be at Google definitely do NOT like anti-Obama bloggers. My Obama blog has had a word-completion restriction on posting since August 10 and none of my many requests to lift the restriction have been heeded. Such restrictions are normally lifted within a day or two. Definite evil there.

It is a childish level of harassment but I am beginning to think seriously of transferring my Obama blog to another host. If I can find a template elsewhere that I like, I will.

Though the fact that Obama will probably be a feather duster rather than a rooster after the first week in November may make any action rather pointless at this stage.


  1. Anonymous10:47 PM


    Google are very very liberal, and you are surprised?

  2. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Google used to commit to "Do no evil" but like most liberals that fell by the wayside as soon as they discovered they could use their power to influence others.

    -- Looks like they added the "Word verification" to this blog also.

  3. A mate of mine has an anti-leftist blog which is, of course very anti-Obama. There is nothing nasty, certainly nothing that sinks to the level of what one will find at Kos, the Democratic Underground, or Moron.org in their anti-conservative vitriol. Google decided he had a post that they didn't like and pulled his Google "Ad Sense" account.

    Google is beyond liberal. Google is fascist.


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