Sunday, January 08, 2017

Why Are American Automakers Running to Mexico?

Embarrassment:  In part because Mexico has freer trade than the land of the free does

On his nationally syndicated radio talk show Wednesday, host Mark Levin explained that American automakers are running to Mexico, in part because Mexico has cheaper labor, but more significantly because Mexico has access to more countries willing to trade tariff-free.

“‘Why is everybody running to Mexico?’ you may ask, and you may think you have the answer,” explained Mark Levin. “‘Well, because they pay their people next to nothing.’ That’s not the whole answer. It’s not even a significant part of the answer. ...

“‘[O]ne of [Mexico’s] key advantages is that it has’ – you ready?” Levin rhetorically asked moments later in response to the question posed above. “‘One of its key advantages is that it has trade agreements with 44 countries giving automakers access to half the global car market tariff-free.’”



Alt-Left Insanity: The Great Race Toward Racism

It’s time once more for the Great Race! No, not the excellent Jack Lemmon/Tony Curtis comedy, I mean the media/alt-left’s quest to make everything in America about race – except when it’s about race in a way they don’t like.

Then it’s not about race at all.

We saw in black and white this week how awful racism can be. It’s not just about what white people do to African-Americans or what African-Americans do to whites. It’s what people do to one another based on race and how the media and the left mock it when it’s a narrative they don’t like.

For purposes of example, there’s Washington Post idiot Callum Borchers who wrote this about the heinous kidnapping and torture: “If you believe discrimination against white people is rampant, that Donald Trump supporters face persecution, that Chicago is a war zone, and the media is dishonest, then your entire worldview is likely to be confirmed by one awful story.”

The empathy just oozes off the page.

Some outlets, like our friends at Huffington Post, went out of their way to hide the racist nature of the assault. Here was their headline: “4 Charged With Hate Crime After Facebook Live Broadcast Shows Man Being Tortured.” Dang, you’d think they worked at major networks with that spin. We finally have reached Obama’s post-racial America after all.

For those who endured watching the torture video, one of the things the attackers said multiple times was: “F--- Donald Trump.” Now, that might just be scumbags mouthing off. Or it might be that our monsters were repeating what they heard during the campaign – the song “F--- Donald Trump,” which features its title phrase 32 times. The remake starred the talented trio of YG, G-Eazy and Macklemore. (Apparently, Nipsey Hussle wasn’t fly enough to make the second recording.)

What we learned in advertising, applies to culture. Repeat something often enough and it sinks in, whether it’s buying a Coca-Cola, learning about violence from Tarantino movies or learning to hate Trump and conservatives from no-talent hacks like YG.

‘Giving Up White Male Authors’:

When you take your reading cues from Buzzfeed, you’ve got problems. But that’s precisely what bigot Layla Schlack did, and she naturally went on to the web to claim moral superiority. Of course, she chose her local Boston NPR outlet. Where else would you post a left-wing, racist tract? In a piece under the elitist category Cognoscenti, she wrote about the modern form of book burning. Maybe call it book Berning, in honor of its far-left roots (and the last item on today’s column.) Under the headline: “Banned Books: Giving Up White Male Authors,” we are treated to blatant, PC racism.

Actual quote: “One day, a friend and I were talking about books, and she said, ‘I’m kind of trying not to read things by white men.’ So there it was, a description of what I had been doing. And I wasn’t the only one.” No, it’s not about what’s written in black and white, it’s about the color of the skin of the author.

Schlack, who is an editor (shocker!) at Wine Enthusiast, claimed her actions were “anti-racist.” I’m sure I could find Klan literature that claims their actions were much the same. She also argues that it’s not much of a loss. Actual quote two: “I'm not looking for a pat on the head for giving up fine literature by white men, because it's not a sacrifice.” Yeah, who needs Shakespeare or Hemingway or Twain or … .

Teach The Children:

Once more, Teen Vogue reminds us how much liberals try to propagandize to your kids. The moron mag attacked conservative Philip Anschutz because he takes profits from his many businesses and uses them to support things he believes in. Horrors!! Actual quote: “For example, the Family Research Council (one of the groups that Anschutz supports) describes itself as a ‘Pro-Marriage and Pro-Life’ organization. Their website shows that it is anti-gay rights, anti-transgender rights, and anti-abortion.” Notice how the less-than-honest turned supporting something like human life into an “anti”?

Teens, who only recently happened to be small children dependent on their moms for existence, are fed this garbage to indoctrinate them. Still, Teen Vogue wants to whine because Anshutz owns AEG and “one of those events that's run by AEG is Coachella.” OMG! Beyonce is, like, performing at Coachella! That’s like she works for the conservative movement! Yes, every Teen Vogue editorial meeting (if they have them) must include a hefty dose of exclamation points and emoji. And all of them must be used to react every time a certified cool person like Queen Bee even interacts with a conservative human. And liberals wonder how Donald Trump got elected.

Bernie Sanders:

The Musical ‘Inspired By The Revolution’: I almost fell over laughing when my coworker Eric Scheiner showed me his video of the Bernie Sanders musical. The play about “Santa Bernie” was performed in the lefty stronghold of Burlington, Vt. Natch. “Feel The Bern, The Musical” depicted a future America where socialism and climate change are both dominant. The dueling dystopias weren’t seen that way by the fellow travelers in the Village Voice. The Christmas themed performance even remade holiday songs as Bernie ballads. According to the Voice’s Michael Appler, “an orange-haired Grinch has slithered down from his tower to promise us gifts.” But never fear, “that dream of a Bernie Sanders utopia is still alive.”

Actual quote: “Her spectacle is also postapocalyptic and takes place in the year 2132: Global warming has washed away the eastern coast of the United States, and the characters have gathered for their holiday on the new shore — in Cleveland.” Perhaps, by that time, the Browns will have had a winning season. Or, Buffy fans might at least hope the hellmouth is closed.

Actual quote two: “Christmas is obsolete in 2132; instead the characters assemble to celebrate NotMeUs, a festival fixated on Sanders, who has returned to Earth in the form of Sanders Claus.” Notice how liberals like to turn their politicians into religious, almost-God-like figures? They did it for Obama all the time, especially the halos in the photos. And they even sang redone hymms (or hers) to Hillary. When you lack a moral center, it’s easy to manufacture one – as long as you wear your Birkenstocks while doing it.



Rep. Dave Brat: ‘The Left Is Trying to Get Rid of History’

In a recent interview with Arutz Sheva TV, Rep. Dave Brat (R-Va.) talked about the left-leaning bias in U.S. academia, saying, the left is trying to “get rid of history.”

“The left is dismantling history and getting rid of philosophy, because that’s the data points for human nature,” Brat said, “and the left would love to be utopian and think we can all just get along if it wasn’t for us capitalists or Christians, right, or other religious groups. They think we’d be in heaven, you know without the bulk of the American people.”

Brat was attending the Jerusalem Leaders’ Summit and was initially asked about anti-Israel sentiment in academia.

“I’m in academia, and unfortunately, about 90 percent of academia is anti-Israel, and part of that has to do I think unfortunately with first, principles,” he explained in the Dec. 27 interview. “I’m, on the other hand, 110 percent pro-Israel, and I went to seminary, and I’m in the Protestant tradition, but that tradition takes very seriously Hebrew scripture.

“That presumption of first principles and the existence of God implies a certain ethics, and so the antagonism, I think in academia, largely comes from that,” Brat continued. “Roughly the left has Rousseau and Marx, and those are by the way the only two philosophers of note that had a positive view of human nature.”

Brat pointed out in contrast that in Scripture it “takes about two chapters for humanity to fall.”

“The left right now is trying to get rid of history,” he claimed. “Education in our country in the United States has been totally distorted. K-12 kids aren’t taught any religion, no ethics, no ethical system, no philosophers of note.”

“The left is dismantling history and getting rid of philosophy because that’s the data points for human nature,” he emphasized, “and the left would love to be utopian and think we can all just get along if it wasn’t for us capitalists or Christians, right, or other religious groups, they think we’d be in heaven, you know without the bulk of the American people.”

Brat added that the left even uses “scare tactics” on kids over religious ideas, saying “I’ve had kids in my own district say God bless you after a kid sneezes and they get in trouble.”

“When the central question of all liberal arts education beginning with Socrates, right about 2400 years ago, right, is: what is a good human life,” he concluded, “when you can’t ask the central question in the liberal arts tradition, what is a good human life and what makes it good - and by the way how do you define what’s good, in the Judeo-Christian tradition? We have an answer to the definition of good, and the left cannot give you an answer to what is good today.”



Do you carry? Violence against Trump supporters explodes across country

The FBI ran a record-smashing 27.5 million gun-related background checks in 2016, indicating that many Americans are likely getting their carry licenses. And it’s no wonder: a nationwide explosion of violent mob attacks by rabid liberals has Donald Trump supporters trading in “MAGA” for “CCW.”

The heinous kidnapping and torture of a special-needs white man by four black youths in Chicago is just the latest anti-Trump assault/hate crime to take place since the election. Here’s a rundown of some of the others:

    Again in Barack Obama’s hometown of Chicago, a group of black men assaulted a white man after a fender bender because he presumably voted for Trump.

    High school students in Rockville, Md., just outside Washington, D.C., assaulted a fellow student for supporting Trump.

    A black high school student in Redwood City, Calif., accused a white Trump-supporting student of hating Mexicans before viciously beating her.

    An anti-bullying ambassador with ties to Black Lives Matter was charged with felony assault after she shoved a 74-year-old-man to the ground while protesting outside Trump Tower in New York City.

    A man was reportedly attacked and choked on a New York subway for wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

    Prior to the election, Trump supporters were assaulted and bloodied by protestors outside a Trump rally in San Jose, Calif.

    A 62-year-old man wearing a Trump shirt was attacked with a crowbar in New Jersey.

This is far from a comprehensive list. Unlike the myriad hoax assaults reported by liberals, the attacks and hate crimes being carried out against Trump supporters are very, very real. It’s no wonder Americans are choosing to pack heat.



For more blog postings from me, see  TONGUE-TIED, EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, GREENIE WATCH,  POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS, and Paralipomena (Occasionally updated),  a Coral reef compendium and an IQ compendium. (Both updated as news items come in).  GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on A WESTERN HEART.

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