THE RIGHTFUL PRESIDENT. He gave us a reprieve from Leftist authoritarianism and hate. He was defeated not by a majority of American voters but by a flood of fraudulent postal votes. Some Lessons from history in support of Trump thinking:
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Thursday, August 24, 2017
What is a white supremacist?
In the aftermath of Charlottesville, where a varied group of marchers were set upon and halted by violent Leftist attackers, the media were unanimous in describing the marchers as "white supremacists". When President Trump disagreed with that description, he was mightily abused.
But what is a white supremacist? How do we define that and how do we tell that there were any white supremicists among the Charlottesville marchers? The Left neither define "white supremacist" nor prove that there were any at Charlottesville. We are apparently required to take them at their word and not question any part of it. But what if it was fake news?
Let us then attempt a definition so that we can go on and sanely discuss the matter. Let us say that a white supremacist is someone who believes that whites are supreme in the world. Would the Left like that definition? I suspect that they would. But what student of history could think otherwise? From the industrial revolution of a couple of hundred years or so ago whites have dominated everything. From steam trains to nuclear reactors, practically every innovation has come from whites. And whites have used those innovations to assist their mastery of what was happening in the world. Other races tagged along and imitated whites to various degrees but it is white civilization that has made the running. It has been and still is dominant.
So in mentioning that plain truth am I a white supremacist? I have been called it but what alternative account of the last 200 years could I give? I cannot see that I am doing any more than describing reality. But Leftists never do seem to like reality. So, OK. I have outed myself as a white supremacist.
The only problem is that I don't think I am one. I think that white supremacy is a passing phase. I think that by the end of this century China will be supreme in most ways. I may be wrong but that is what I see as the trend. So I guess that I am a pretty funny white supremacist.
Which brings me to another possible definition of a white supremacist-- someone who thinks that whites SHOULD be supreme. But why would anybody bother to think that? "Should" implies that what should happen has not yet happened. But it has happened. Whites are already supreme.
But I suppose there are some people who think that whites should fight to remain supreme -- attack China maybe. Good luck with that. That would be insanity.
So who or where are these white supremacists that the media talk about? There were about two marchers who carried swastika flags so are they the ones? As it happens, I know a bit about neo-Nazis so maybe I can help there. I did an extensive study of them some years ago, the results of which appeared in Jewish academic journals. See here and here. So I have a very good idea of what modern-day Nazis think.
And they know very well that whites are already supreme. So what they want is to preserve that from attack and undermining. They want it acknowledged and defended. They also don't like Jews of course.
But take away the antisemitism and what you have is actually a form of patriotism. But instead of being supportive of one nation, they are supportive of a group of (white) nations: Rather like what the EU aims at.
So the extent to which they are aggressive, they want to DEFEND traditional white civilization. They don't want to impose it. It exists already. The one door you cannot open is one that is open already.
And as far as I can tell, the Charlottesville marchers were also defensive. They didn't want part of their culture attacked and subjugated to a new "politically correct" ideology. The Left are undisputably on the attack to erase much about existing society that they disapprove of so the perception of having much that they regard as right and good as being under attack was a perfectly realistic one among the marchers.
For most Americans, political correctness only nibbles at the edges of their lives so they feel no need to go out and march against it but we must expect that some people will resent the nibbling and see a need to protest against it. And that is what we saw at Charlottesville as far as I can tell. There were NO white supremacists there. But there were there people who wanted their traditions, customs and beliefs respected and defended -- JR.
The New York Times Continues Its Tradition of Whitewashing Communism
The New York Times now has actually found a way to create fanciful notions of Soviet-style authoritarianism—and whimsical tales of its influence in America—in a new section dedicated to the “Red Century,” which explores “the history and legacy of communism, 100 years after the Russian Revolution.”
Romanticized Tyranny
While some of the pieces explore the horrors and failures of communist rule, others delve into topics that would seem funny if the subject matter weren’t so horrifying.
For instance, the Times ran what can aptly be described as a “puff piece” on Vladimir Lenin, the man who led the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and is linked to the death and murder of millions of people.
The article, titled “Lenin’s Eco-Warriors,” paints the man as some kind of Siberian John Muir, and incredibly concludes that leaving “landscapes on this planet where humans do not tread” was the Soviet dictator’s “legacy.”
As absurd as that piece was, the Times managed to outdo itself with another article on, no joke, “Why Women Had Better Sex Under Socialism.”
This piece is an idealized account of how life under an absolutist government could be liberating and possibly a better model for the feminist movement.
The author wrote:
"Those comrades’ insistence on government intervention may seem heavy-handed to our postmodern sensibilities, but sometimes necessary social change—which soon comes to be seen as the natural order of things—needs an emancipation proclamation from above."
The absurdly romanticized account of life under tyrannical government explains little of the hopelessness of a system where an individual has no hope and no future.
These examples certainly weren’t the first, or the worst, instances of the Times engaging in communist revisionism. One of the most egregious examples of “fake news” in the mid-20th century was conducted by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Walter Duranty in the 1930s.
Fake News
Duranty, who was the Times’ Moscow bureau chief, wrote a series of glowing pieces about the USSR’s policies under General Secretary Josef Stalin in 1931.
While millions of people were starving in Ukraine, Duranty reported back that things were going swimmingly under the communist regime despite a few bumps in the road.
“Enemies and foreign critics can say what they please,” Duranty wrote. “Weaklings and despondents at home may groan under the burden, but the youth and strength of the Russian people is essentially at one with the Kremlin’s program, believes it worthwhile and supports it, however hard be the sledding.”
He attacked reports that portrayed the Soviet policies in a negative light as “malignant propaganda.”
Though the total number of deaths due to forced starvation in the Holodomor is unknown, estimates are generally around 3 million from 1932 to 1933.
Despite his blatant misreporting, Duranty was never stripped of his Pulitzer and has still been listed on the Times’ honor roll.
It would be good on The New York Times if it ran a piece about Duranty’s egregious reporting and disinformation campaign that gave Americans a distorted picture of communist reality, but, alas, that hasn’t happened amid the various fables about socialist “successes.”
It may seem easy to dismiss The New York Times accounts as eyerolling fantasies of the left trying to defend a broken ideology, but the danger of this historical revisionism is real.
Dangerous Historical Fantasy
A worrying study sponsored by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation found that millennials are generally clueless about communism. “Just 37 percent of millennials had a ‘very unfavorable’ view of communism, compared to 57 percent of Americans overall,” according to a Daily Signal report.
Perhaps even worse, a full third of millennials say they think that more people were killed under former President George W. Bush than under Stalin.
As The New York Times joins with others to peddle a warped image of what communism is really about, generations that have never witnessed its horror may be lulled into buying the clichéd line that “real communism has never been tried.”
As historian Sean McMeekin wrote in his book, “The Russian Revolution,” after communism’s “century of well-catalogued disasters … no one should have the excuse of ignorance.”
Communist revival is growing in Western countries even as it is nearly extinct in places it was tried. This is folly fueled by historical blindness.
“Today’s Western socialists, dreaming of a world where private property and inequality are outlawed, where rational economic development is planned by far-seeing intellectuals, should be careful what they wish for,” McMeekin wrote. “They may just get it.”
Noxious Leftist hysteria
A sports broadcaster for ESPN was scheduled to call a game played by the University of Virginia’s football team, but he was pulled from the gig because his name is Robert Lee. It was determined by all concerned that in the interests of racial sensitivity, it would be better if Mr. Lee were replaced by someone with a less unfortunate name.
The thing is, this particular Robert Lee is not the scion of a benighted Southern family. He is not even white. He is an Asian — not a British-type “Asian” from Pakistan, but a man of Chinese descent who speaks both Mandarin and English. His surname is sometimes spelled “Li”. It’s very common in China.
A thought experiment: Would blowing up Charlotte St. create any problem?
In my burg there is a skyscraper in Charlotte St which houses most of the State government bureaucracy. So what would happen if some Muslim blew the whole thing up, killing all the bureaucrats in it?
There would be much wringing of hands of course but what would change in the lives of my fellow citizens?
The supermarkets would still be open; the trains would still be running; the traffic lights would still work; the farmers would still bring their produce to market; the abbatoirs would still be slaughtering and selling carcases to butchers, bakers would still be baking; dentists would still be fixing teeth; the great turbines in our coal-fired power stations would still be spinning; the police would still be attending crimes about an hour late; and doctors would still be handing out prescriptions.
And so it goes. I cannot see that the inhabitants of the Charlotte St. tower would be missed. Are they any use to us at all? Why not dismiss them all and leave the tower empty? I cannot see anything that we need them for -- JR.
For more blog postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, GREENIE WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS, and Paralipomena (Occasionally updated), a Coral reef compendium and an IQ compendium. (Both updated as news items come in). GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on THE PSYCHOLOGIST.
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" Why not dismiss them all and leave the tower empty? I cannot see anything that we need them for -- JR."
ReplyDeleteAnd, in the event that a muslim decides to blow it up, think of all the lives that will be saved. :-)