Monday, October 15, 2018

America's Insulated Elites

They protect themselves from the consequences of polices and ideas they inflict on the rest of us

Few things are more worthy of disdain than America’s elites and their penchant for insulating themselves from the consequences of polices and ideas they inflict on the rest of us.

In 1986, our elitist class determined that unambiguous amnesty for 2.7 million illegal aliens — in exchange for shutting down the border and cracking down on businesses who hired illegals going forward — was the way to go. Americans were also assured this was the last time they would have to endure what amounted to the elevation of political expediency over the Rule of Law.

It was all lies.

During the Obama administration, the lying got worse. Years of record-breaking border surges were sold to the American public as another Democrat “what about the children” effort, and the term Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) became part of the Democrat-Leftmedia lexicon, with all the attendant implications that anyone who would resist allowing illegal children to flood across the border was xenophobic and heartless.

Again, it was all lies. In 2017, it was revealed that nearly 30% of the UACs being held by the U.S. in dormitories were teens with gang ties. “Operation Matador,” an effort by law enforcement officials aimed at combatting transnational gangs in Long Island, the New York City metropolitan area, and Hudson Valley, precipitated 475 arrests. Of those arrests, 227 were criminal arrests and 248 were “administrative immigration arrests,” as in those made to combat terror or control illegal immigration. MS-13 gang members comprised 274 of the arrests and most were apprehended in Nassau and Suffolk counties. During a May 2017 meeting of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, Suffolk County Police Commissioner Timothy Sini revealed that the MS-13 gang was linked to 38% of all the homicides in that county over the preceding 16 months, and that 4,624 UACs had been placed in the county since 2013.

Now one might think the upsurge in the brutal gang violence that is an MS-13 speciality — including reports the gang has called for assassinating law enforcement officials — might precipitate a reassessment by our elites regarding sanctuary policies. Yet the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island has declared itself a “sanctuary diocese,” using its 129 churches to shield illegals from arrest and deportation. Nassau County sanctuary policies protected a previously deported illegal now accused of raping a woman. And Democrat New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo sent a “cease and desist” letter to ICE, insisting its raids netting 225 suspected illegals — 180 of whom had criminal convictions — were unconstitutional and “un-American.”

The same Andrew Cuomo is routinely surrounded by armed security.

Other New York elites are securing themselves as well. While ordinary folk on Long Island remain completely vulnerable to MS-13 brutality, billionaires who vacation in places like the Hamptons are turning their mansions into de facto fortresses, replete with luxury “panic” rooms. “People used to open up their garages and show off their Lamborghinis,” explains Herman Weisberg, managing director of the personal-security firm Sage Intelligence Group. “Now they take guests to the wine bar in their safe room.”

And while the safe rooms go up, so does the influx of MS-13 gang members. According to Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol Sector Chief Manuel Padilla Jr., the number of arrests of MS-13 gang members in his sector has increased by well over 200%.

How many others evaded arrest?

East Coast elites aren’t alone. “I finished a [security] system for $100 million,” said Al Corbi, president of SAFE (Strategically Armored & Fortified Environments), in reference to a project he recently completed on the West Coast. “That sounds like a lot but there is nothing I know of, human or manmade, that could possibly harm this family for three generations, including global nuclear holocaust, a pandemic, or a second Ice Age.”

For other elites, domestic fortresses are insufficient. Seven Silicon Valley entrepreneurs have purchased bunkers and placed them in New Zealand. “New Zealand is an enemy of no one,” said Gary Lynch, general manager of the Rising S Co. that produced the bunkers. “It’s not a nuclear target. It’s not a target for war. It’s a place where people seek refuge.”

Refuge, or escape from the consequences of their own policies? “The communications kingpins of California have no allegiance to ordinary Californians — or ordinary Americans, for that matter,” asserts columnist Edward Ring. “To them, ordinary people are Pavlovian proles, expendable parasites that pollute the environment. To the extent these kingpins have compassion, it is to profitably create for the expendable multitudes a benign zoo; smart cities of high rises, contained in areas as geographically minute as possible, so that only wild nature, corporate farms, and private estates of the super-rich exist outside the urban containment boundaries.”

On almost every issue that roils the nation, there is a gargantuan disconnect between elites and ordinary Americans. Those who yell loudest for gun control live in gated communities and/or are surrounded by armed guards, even as they produce ultra-violent cultural sewage for the masses to consume; those who speak in glowing terms about a globalist economy and open borders don’t go near “flyover” America’s economically ravaged towns and cities that bear the brunt; those who rail about the ravages of global warming travel in private jets, and live in huge mansions; those who would turn you and your children into social media addicts prevent their own families from getting addicted; those who champion public education put their own children in private school.

And if you don’t like who the “little people” elected as president? Attempt to precipitate a coup d'etat.

That every bit of it reeks of rank hypocrisy? Communication titans make sure most Americans are too distracted and angry to notice. “If you watch TV news or read most mainstream media, you would believe our country is in meltdown,” writes columnist Salena Zito. She wrote her column while visiting Western Pennsylvania, where she spoke with Green Party mayoral candidate, and black American, Darcelle Slappy, who has it exactly right. “Unlike Washington, we are all just a few notches from each other in either direction,” Slappy asserts, referring to her community where people differing political persuasions — and ethnicities — somehow manage to get along. “We have much more that draws us together than divides us, she adds. "The real division is between the elites and us.”

These elites continue cultivating those divisions with as much relish as they can muster. “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” declares former Democrat Party standard-bearer Hillary Clinton. “That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again.”

No power, no civility? Clinton has issued a clarion call to the same useful-idiot mob that made an utter mockery of the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. And if her extortionist drivel precipitates widespread violence?

Clinton, like all her fellow elites, will remain safe and sound.



The Party of Evil
The Democrats and their parrots and lapdogs in the liberal media never stop accusing people on the right of being racists, sexists and homophobes.

But if you pay even the slightest attention to what the left says and does, you know that they are the real bigots.

They’re the ones who thought it was real funny - and perfectly OK - when a “Saturday Night Live” skit on the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings last weekend used the word “queen” and other gay-world references to imply that Republican Senator Lindsay Graham was secretly gay.

The left are also the ones who didn’t complain the other night when Don Lemon laughed along with his panel of CNN nobodies as they mocked Kanye West for being President Trump’s “token Negro.”

If any Republican or Fox News host ever referred to someone like Lemon “queen” or called him CNN’s “token Negro,” they’d be branded a racist homophobe by the liberal media and forced off the air forever.

The latest example of the left’s devious wordplay is its new definition of the word “mob.”

Tucker Carlson, who said the mindless anti-Kavanaugh protesters banging on the Supreme Court’s doors last week reminded him of zombies from the Netflix series “The Walking Dead,” correctly called them a “mob.”

But CNN and their liberal ilk disagreed.

As far as they are concerned, only right-wingers can become a dangerous mob - like the angry Tea Party activists who showed up and shouted at political meetings back in 2010.

Creepy Antifa kids disrupting traffic and harassing old folks in Portland?

Gangs of progressive screamers showing up in restaurants to publicly harass Republican officials or politicians?

The leftwing media say they are not really “mobs.”

They’re principled, youthful protestors trying to build a kinder, gentler, socialist world for every American who’s not rich enough to buy their own car.

The voting public is not fooled by this double standard in the liberal media.

They know it’s not Republicans who are telling their people to chase politicians or pundits out of restaurants.

They know it’s Democrats like Congresswoman Maxine Waters. Irresponsible Democrats like her are going to get someone killed - a Republican someone.

It almost happened last year when their attacks on President Trump and Republicans incited some “progressive” nut ball to start shooting Republican congressmen practicing at a Washington baseball field.

Now, thanks to the Democrats’ ugly smear campaign against Judge Kavanaugh, Republican senators like Susan Collins and Trump spokeswoman Sarah Sanders need security guards 24/7.

It’s not the new Supreme Court Justice who’s evil.

It’s the Democrat Party and the nasty “progressives” who’ve taken it over and are willing to say or do anything or destroy anyone to bring down President Trump.

Maybe this is not something new. Maybe the Democrats have always been this evil.

Maybe my father foresaw the future when he said in the early 1960s that he didn’t leave the Democrat Party, the party left him.

Where are the Hubert Humphreys, Scoop Jacksons and Daniel Moynihans? Where are great Democratic statesmen of yesterday? They don’t exist.

The Democrat Party is no longer the Party of FDR. It’s the party of destruction.

Sometimes it almost makes me glad that my father is not alive to witness this sad state of our politics - or FDR. Or Lincoln. Or the Founding Fathers.



Alaska GOP Considering Whether To Throw Murkowski Out Of GOP For Opposing Kavanaugh

The Alaska Republican party has requested that Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) submit any information she has that might dissuade them from reprimanding her for opposing Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

As AP reports, “Party Chairman Tuckerman Babcock says the committee could decide to issue a statement. Or he says it could withdraw support of Murkowski, encourage party officials to look for a replacement and ask that she not seek re-election as a Republican.”

Babcock noted that the Alaska GOP has, in the past, withdrawn support for other Republicans who caucused with Democrats.

After Murkowski voted against cloture last Friday, indicating she would vote against Kavanaugh in the Senate vote for confirmation to the Supreme Court, Babcock said he was "surprised." He added, "It's significant enough that I'm going to convene the whole state central committee, which is about 80 grassroots volunteers around the state, and we'll start drafting what our response should be.”



The Democrats’ Kavanaugh Backfire

Republicans have been so angered by the Democrat’s anti Kavanaugh antics that they look to be motivated to prevent any ‘blue wave’ in next month’s mid-term elections.

The Federalist Papers reports:

Democrats seem to expect a “blue wave” that puts them in control of the House and maybe even the Senate. The latest poll however might put a damper on Democrats expectations and has good news for Republicans:

After a blistering confirmation battle, Justice Brett Kavanaugh will take his seat for oral arguments on the U.S. Supreme Court with a skeptical public, a majority of which opposed his nomination.

However, Democrats may not be able to exploit this fact in the upcoming elections as much as they hope, because the independent voters overwhelmingly disapprove of their own handling of the nomination by a 28-point margin, a new CNN/SSRS poll finds.

Overall, just 41 percent of those polled said they wanted to see Kavanaugh confirmed, compared to 51 percent who said they opposed his confirmation. In previous CNN polls dating back to Robert Bork in 1987, no nominee has been more deeply underwater.

What’s interesting, however, is even though Democrats on the surface would seem to have public opinion on their side, just 36 percent approved of how they handled the nomination, compared to 56 percent who disapproved. (Republicans were at 55 percent disapproval and 35 percent approval).

A further breakdown finds that 58 percent of independents disapproved of the way the Democrats handled the nomination — compared to 30 percent who approved. (Independents also disapproved of Republicans handling of the matter, but by a narrower 53 percent to 32 percent margin).



Media Research Center Reports That 92% of Stories on Donald Trump Are Negative

We see why Trump has to be his own news organization

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Donald J. Trump referenced a Media Research Center study by Rich Noyes of NewsBusters that shows, as Trump stated, “92% of stories on Donald Trump are negative.”

“Despite so many positive events and victories, Media Research Center reports that 92% of stories on Donald Trump are negative on ABC, CBS and ABC,” wrote President Donald J. Trump on his Twitter page. “It is FAKE NEWS! Don’t worry, the Failing New York Times didn’t even put the Brett Kavanaugh victory on the Front Page yesterday-A17!”

According to the Media Research Center study by NewsBusters, “Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a President in TV news history — 92 percent negative, vs. just eight percent positive.”

MRC analysts reviewed all 1,007 evening news stories about President Trump’s administration on ABC, CBS and NBC from June 1 to September 30 for the report. That’s 1,960 minutes of airtime.

“[O]ver the past four months, nearly two-thirds of evening news coverage of the Trump presidency has been focused on just five main topics: the Russia investigation; immigration policy; the Kavanaugh nomination; North Korea diplomacy; and U.S. relations with Russia,” notes the study. “The networks’ coverage of all of these topics has been highly negative, while bright spots for the administration such as the booming economy received extremely little coverage (less than one percent of the four-month total).”

The Russia “collusion” investigation saw the most coverage during the time-span of the study, with 342 minutes and was 97 percent negative. Next was immigration policies, making up 308 minutes of the coverage, 94 percent of which was negative. Coverage of then-Judge Brett Kavanaugh was third with 291 minutes at 82 percent negative coverage. Coming in fourth was North Korean diplomacy with 179 minutes of coverage, 90 percent of which was negative. Lastly, relations with Putin’s Russia saw 151 minutes of coverage with 99 percent of the coverage being negative.



For more blog postings from me, see  TONGUE-TIED, EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, GREENIE WATCHPOLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS, and Paralipomena (Occasionally updated),  a Coral reef compendium and an IQ compendium. (Both updated as news items come in).  GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on THE PSYCHOLOGIST.

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