THE RIGHTFUL PRESIDENT. He gave us a reprieve from Leftist authoritarianism and hate. He was defeated not by a majority of American voters but by a flood of fraudulent postal votes. Some Lessons from history in support of Trump thinking:
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Wednesday, December 05, 2018
Apartheid warriors
The American Left have revived apartheid. Apartheid had at its core a classification of races and the application of disadvantageous policies to some of them. With their constant obsession with race, the American Left are their heirs. They are constantly trying to drive ethnic groups in America into antagonism towards one another -- with cries of racism, discrimination, white supremacy, white privilege etc. In that they are actually worse than the old South Africans. The original apartheid was designed to keep the peace between the races. The American Left does its darndest to promote antagonism.
And, as in South Africa, the aim is to tear down one particular ethnic group: In this case whites. They have very limited success at that but it's not for want of trying. Any disadvantage that a minority person experiences, is automatically blamed on racism. Leftists are constantly telling poor blacks: "You bin discriminated against". "White racism is what is holding you back". And that of course generates anger.
And the residential discrimination that characterized the original apartheid is strongly in place in America too. Whites try to minimize their contacts with blacks by "white flight" --living in outer suburbs and exurbs and leaving blacks to the inner cities. "Apartheid" means "apartness" and blacks and whites do largely live apart in America today.
It's not exactly the same as the old apartheid but the results are similar: White fear and black anger. It's all part of the Leftist hatred of America and their wish to tear it down. It parades as compassion for the less fortunate but if it there were any real compassion there, colorblind interpersonal harmony would be the aim. Who benefits from America's racial tensions? Nobody. And that is the way the Left likes it. They will stoke the flames of division any time they can.
Teaching Americans to Despise America
"Congratulations to the leftists who've taken over the nation's public education system. They're now producing generations of Americans who know little about their own country, other than that they hate it." —editorial, Investor's Business Daily
Investor's Business Daily is referring to the latest YouGov poll conducted by the Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness (FLAG). It questioned 1,078 Americans aged 14 and up about their knowledge of America's history, institutions and patriotism, and one suspects most Patriot Post readers know where this is going. Like this writer, regular readers at this site are beginning to realize that younger generations of Americans increasingly see us all as anachronistic pariahs with wholly illegitimate values that must be "fundamentally transformed" — out of existence. The idea expressed by John Adams that our Constitution "was made only for a moral and religious people" and is "wholly inadequate to the government of any other" no longer resonates.
Today, morality is "relative," religion is for "bitter clingers," and it's likely a majority of young Americans have never heard of John Adams. Older generations of Americans have been reduced to being proverbial keepers of the flame, hoping this nation can outlast the tsunami of orchestrated ignorance so all-encompassing that even "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" is cannon-fodder for the terminally offended.
Thus, the survey's key findings are completely unsurprising:
Half of those surveyed believe the United States is sexist (50%) and racist (49%)
46% of younger Americans do not agree that "America is the greatest country in the world"
38% of younger Americans do not agree that "America has a history that we should be proud of"
One in eight (14%) of Millennials agree that "America was never a great country and it never will be"
46% of younger Americans agree that "America is more racist than other countries"
84% of Americans do not know the specific rights enumerated in the First Amendment
19% of Millennials believe that the American flag is "a sign of intolerance and hatred"
44% of younger Americans believe Barack Obama had a "bigger impact" on America than George Washington
There is a political agenda underlying every activity — an agenda historian Victor Davis Hanson accurately describes as a "progressive synopticon" where the 40-45% of traditional Americans are "relentlessly lectured, sermonized, demonized, and neutered by a 360- degree ring of prying institutional overseers."
Overseers determined to institutionalize contempt for America in general, and its exceptional nature in particular.
The late Andrew Breitbart once observed that politics is "downstream" from culture. Everything is downstream from education, and four years of "seed planting" has been expanded to 13 years, if one goes from kindergarten through the 12th grade, and 17 years if one goes on to attend one of the Marxist finishing schools purporting to be colleges.
In a column entitled, "Here's What College Freshmen Are Reading," NPR reveals how the bedrock principles of Western civilization and our constitutional republic have been supplanted by a curriculum of identity politics. The classic literature that used to be the backbone of a legitimate education? As the National Association of Scholars reveals, "67 percent of common reading books assigned were published after 2011."
Of course they were. One can only imagine the consternation that might arise if those same students were required to read something like the collection of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay known as The Federalist Papers. No doubt they would be astonished to discover that men routinely dismissed by many of their "woke" professors as "dead, white slave owners" had incredibly keen insight with regard to human nature. Those same students might even be embarrassed to discover that such complex ideas were published in newspapers and read by ordinary citizens.
Yet barring self-discovery, they will never know any of it. Today it is far more important to be well-versed in the politics of victimization, group grievances, genderism, racism, white supremacy, etc. Better to hate America for the sin of slavery than celebrate the enormous effort undertaken to eradicate it. Better to celebrate the "glory" of socialism while remaining largely contemptuous of the capitalism that lifted more people out of poverty than any other economic system in the history of the planet. Better to be so bereft of economic acumen that the idea of "free" anything actually resonates. Better to be younger Americans obsessed with "rights" even as only 11% of high schoolers could name those enumerated in the First Amendment.
Better to assume that anyone who disagrees with you is not wrong, but evil.
Given the popularity of moral relativism, the irony is stupendous. Nonetheless, reducing one's opponents to evil is, by far, the most useful convention employed by those invested in upending everything that does not align itself with progressive dogma. If one is evil, debate becomes unnecessary, and the ends of eradicating such evil justify the means for doing so — even when those means engender a justice system wholly contaminated by double standards.
"We suspected that we would find decreasing numbers of Americans well-versed in our nation's most important principles and young people less patriotic than the generations that came before, but we were totally unprepared for what our national survey reveals: an epidemic of anti-Americanism," stated FLAG founder Nick Adams.
Adams is naive. The opposite of anti-Americanism is pro-globalism, and it's time Americans (who still want to be Americans) realize the ongoing bastardization of traditions, morals, law, language, culture, and borders — along with the unconscionable student data collection taking place in America's classrooms — is all part of the same agenda. One cannot make a globalist omelet without breaking nationalist eggs, and nothing is more important than making sure America's youth are ready to "transition" from being proudly American to being "citizens of the world."
As the survey demonstrates, it is a transition well under way.
While the Senate is still controlled by Republicans, it would behoove those members of the GOP who still believe in national sovereignty to conduct nationally televised hearings exposing this agenda. Hearings that should be considered the beginning of a wholesale pushback. A pushback that must continue until the restoration of our founding principles takes hold. We have abided the wholesale inculcation of ideological conformity in lieu of independent thinking, as well as the legitimization of emotion over reason, for far too long.
Judge Gets Federalism Backwards on Sanctuary Cities
A NY judge blocks Trump's withholding of federal funding from "sanctuary" cities and states.
Yet again, a judicial despot has blocked one of President Donald Trump’s immigration actions. This time, a federal judge in New York ruled against Trump’s decision to withhold federal funding from cities or states that enact illegal-alien-harboring “sanctuary” policies. Again, Trump isn’t trying to change those laws; he’s just defunding cities and states that have them. In the ruling, however, Judge Edgardo Ramos wrote that “the separation of powers acts as a check on tyranny and the concentration of power.” Unfortunately, Ramos’s understanding and application of the Constitution’s separation of powers principle is, well, unconstitutional.
Separation of powers begins from the understanding that everything is under state and local jurisdiction unless specifically delineated by the Constitution to be a responsibility of the federal government. In this case, the issue of immigration — who is and is not allowed entry into the nation — comes under the purview of the federal government, not that of the individual states — much less cities. Logically, if individual states are free to set their own policies on immigration enforcement, what’s to stop one state’s polices from colliding with that of another state? Confusion and conflict will abound. Like national defense, immigration enforcement rightly falls under the authority of the federal government. Ramos gets federalism backwards.
Democrats and leftists are disingenuously using federalism in a bid to gain power. The irony is that their globalist agenda would end federalism, replacing it with a top-down elitist form of globalist socialism, which they love to preach as being more democratic. Communists have been playing the one-party-rule game for a long time now.
Meanwhile, Texas just filed a lawsuit against the city of San Antonio and its police chief for violating the state’s 2017 law banning sanctuary cities. According to Ramos’s understanding, would a city government have greater authority than the state government to create laws that impact the entire state, not to mention the entire country?
Barmaid Sandra attacks Sarah Sanders For No Reason At All, Implies She’s A Liar
I believe she was popular as a barmaid. With all due respect to barmaids that is about her level
New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attacked White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and implied she’s a liar for no reason at all.
On Friday, Ocasio-Cortez compared her election victory to “establishing civil rights” and the United States landing on the moon.
“We went to the moon. We electrified the nation,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “We established civil rights. We enfranchised the country. We digged deep and we did it. We did it when no one else thought that we could. That’s what we did when so many of us won an election this year.”
In response, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee — the father of Sarah Sanders — mocked Ocasio-Cortez for the absurd claim that her election victory in the deep blue New York district was comparable to some of America’s greatest achievements.
“Ocasio-Cortez compares her election to moon landing. Huh? Big difference. Moon landing was LUNAR, not LOONEY; Moon landing done by ppl who knew what they were doing…those who elected someone who thought there were 3 branches of Congress did NOT,” Huckabee wrote on Twitter.
Ocasio-Cortez responding by attacking Huckabee’s daughter and calling Trump’s press secretary a liar.
“A Green New Deal will take a level of ambition + innovation on the scale of the moon landing. We’ve been done it before, and can do it again. Leave the false statements to Sarah Huckabee. She’s much better at it. Also, you haven’t been a Governor of any state for 10+ years now,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote.
Ocasio-Cortez didn’t specify what “false statements” Sanders has made, but it’s just one of many bizarre claims the New York socialist has made recently.
To use a popular Australian metaphor: She wouldn't know if you were up her.
Trump’s $5B Border Wall Request Equals 0.11% of Federal Spending
President Donald Trump’s $5 billion request for funds to use building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border equals 0.11 percent of the estimated $4.5 trillion the federal government is expected to spend this fiscal year.
According to the Monthly Treasury Statement for October, the Office of Management and Budget has estimated that the federal government will spend a total of $4,509,641,000,000 in fiscal 2019, which started on Oct. 1.
President Trump is now asking Congress to approve $5 billion in the fiscal 2019 Department of Homeland Security appropriation to fund border wall construction along the U.S.-Mexico border.
That $5,000,000,000 would equal 0.11 percent of the anticipated total federal spending of $4,509,641,000,000.
To put the president’s border wall request in perspective, the federal government spent $5.587 billion in the month of October alone for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, AKA food stamps. Thus, funding food stamps for just the first month of fiscal 2019 cost more than Trump’s entire fiscal 2019 request for border wall funding.
Over all of fiscal 2018, the federal government spent $68,493,00,000 on food stamps, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement. Thus, the most recent full year of the food stamp program cost about 13.7 times as much as Trump’s border wall request.
The Homeland Security Appropriation bill that the House Appropriations Committee approved in July included $5,000,000,000 for the border wall.
“The bill includes $5,000,000,000 for new border technology and the construction of over $200 miles of new barriers to fill critical gaps along our Southwest border,” says the committee’s report on the bill.
The version of the Homeland Security Appropriation approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee, however, says that only “$1,600,000,000 shall be available for approximately 65 miles of pedestrian fencing along the southwest border in the Rio Grande Valley Sector.”
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D.-N.Y.) indicated this week that he will not support $5 billion for the border wall.
“[T]he $1.6 billion for border security negotiated by Democrats and Republicans is our position,” Schumer said at a Tuesday press briefing. “We believe that is the right way to go. … [I]f there’s any shutdown, it’s on the President Trump’s staff.”
“The Republicans are in control of the presidency, the House and the Senate, a shutdown is on their back,” said Schumer. “Stick to the $1.6 billion.”
Mexico's new president signs deal to stop migrants
In one of his first acts in office, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has signed an agreement with his counterparts from three Central American countries to establish a development plan to stem the flow of migrants seeking asylum in the U.S.
The Foreign Ministry said Saturday that the plan includes a fund to generate jobs in the region and aims to attack the structural causes of migration from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
Thousands of migrants, mostly Hondurans, have joined caravans in recent weeks in an effort to speed through Mexico to request refuge at the U.S. border.
Dozens of migrants interviewed by The Associated Press have said they are fleeing poverty and violence in their countries of origin.
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