THE RIGHTFUL PRESIDENT. He gave us a reprieve from Leftist authoritarianism and hate. He was defeated not by a majority of American voters but by a flood of fraudulent postal votes. Some Lessons from history in support of Trump thinking:
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Monday, June 08, 2020
Worlds Collide: George Floyd Tested Positive for COVID and Had Heart Attack
The cop did not kill him
The autopsy report for George Floyd shows that he suffered from heart disease, high blood pressure, had a variety of drugs in his system and tested positive for COVID-19.
The victim of Minneapolis police brutality – the death that birthed hundreds of protests, riots, arsons and looting – was in all likelihood asymptomatic and not suffering an active case of the Wuhan-imported virus.
The decedent was known to be positive for 2019-nCoV RNA on 4/3/2020. Since PCR positivity for 2019-nCoV RNA can persist for weeks after the onset and resolution of clinical disease, the autopsy result most likely reflects asymptomatic but persistent PCR positivity from previous infection.
His lungs were clear.
The sad story is well known by now. A Minneapolis police officer held down the handcuffed and face-down Floyd with his knee on his neck. All officers at the scene have been fired and face charges. Officer Derek Chauvin had his manslaughter charge elevated to a second-degree murder charge on Wednesday. The other officers on the scene of the police stop were charged with aiding and abetting.
The full autopsy was released last night. Floyd died from several horrible things all at once:
The report indicated that Floyd had tested for COVID in early April and that his lungs were clear, but that he had persistent infection from the virus.
Worse, at the time a panicked Floyd was pleading for his life and telling the officers he couldn’t breathe, *he was having a heart attack*.
Fentanyl was also in his system, which could have caused “severe respiratory depression,” according to the AP.
The 20-page report released by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office came with the family’s permission and after the coroner’s office released summary findings Monday that Floyd had a heart attack while being restrained by officers, and classified his May 25 death as a homicide.
The county’s earlier summary report had listed fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine use under “other significant conditions” but not under “cause of death.” The full report’s footnotes noted that signs of fentanyl toxicity can include “severe respiratory depression” and seizures.
Home Health Care Where’s the National ‘Science’ That Dr. Anthony Fauci Continues to Preach?
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and response coordinator for the White House Coronavirus Task Force Dr. Deborah Birx are both old enough to have experienced the best known quotes within the last several decades, “just the facts, ma’am,” and “where’s the beef?”
They undoubtedly still remember from the late 1950’s this best-known quote “just the facts, ma’am.” from Sgt. Joe Friday with the TV series Dragnet. A few decades later there was Clara Peller who was a manicurist and American character actress who, at the age of 81, starred in the 1984 “where’s the beef?” advertising campaign for the Wendy’s fast food restaurant chain.
Today, Fauci and Birx have yet to provide the President and the White House with the “science” numbers to support the efforts being expended to shut down the American economy. Their advice has been instrumental in Governors nationwide, taking actions to inflict catastrophic financial harm to their states, including the largest states, California, and New York.
The COVID-19 “science” is the actual statistical numbers. The virus is hard on the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions, with those 65 and older accounting for 80% of fatalities. The population age 65 and over represent about 15 percent of the population. It does not make a lot of statistical sense for our so-called medical advisers to the White House to be blind to the “real science numbers” and hold the other 85 percent of the 330 million population of America hostage which is a whopping 280 million, that has resulted in catastrophic damage to the economy.
Where is the virus “science”? The Center for Disease Control (CDC) data shows America has experienced more than 2.7 million deaths per year since 2016 from ALL causes including Heart Disease, Malignant replasms, Accidents, Chronic respiratory disease, Cerebrovascular disease, Alzheimer disease, Diabetes, Influenzas and pneumonia, Nephritis, Suicide, and other causes.
Here’s a more concise look at the CDC science for 2016 and 2017, and for the year 2018 that shows the fatalities from those flu-like symptoms has remained constant at about 2 percent of America’s annual fatalities.
As a result of the microscopic sound bites from Fauci and Birx addressing only the flu like symptoms of the COVID-19 virus they may have provided a disservice to the White House and the 330 million residents of America. Yes, the COPID-19 virus has just exceeded 100,000 fatalities, but the influenza and pneumonia category, has accounted for about 2 percent of all annual fatalities.
The resultant COVID-19 carnage on the job market that has been exposed and is horrific.
We have gone from an unemployment level of 3.5 percent a few months ago to over 40 million in unemployment claims. The U.S. unemployment rate jumped to 14.7 percent in April, the highest level since the Great Depression, as many businesses shut down or severely curtailed operations.
Over 99 percent of America’s 28.7 million firms are small businesses. These small businesses may see a 30 percent closure rate with the ramifications on employment devastating.
Among the largest sector of small businesses in America are the 1 million restaurants of which a third may close permanently as a result of the COVID-19 impacts.
President Trump recently questioned the credibility of the medical advice being given to the White House, so maybe its time for Fauci and Birx to share all the CDC science numbers to show how the 100,000 virus fatalities relate to the total fatalities of more than 2,800,000 every year.
The elderly and those with pre-existing conditions have been and continue to be the most vulnerable and should take extra precautions to avoid exposure to the virus, but is it fair to the other 280 million residents who are the least likely to be a fatality statistic from the virus?
Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx owe an explanation to the White House and the entire 330 million residents of America as to why they focused on a microscopic data point of the 2.8 million annual fatalities and did not share the CDC science numbers that demonstrate that flu virus fatalities have been constantly in the single digit percent of all fatalities, and continued to use their medical expertise influence to virtually kill the American economy.
Pipes, “A Reluctant but Unhesitating Vote for Donald Trump”
by Daniel Pipes
If I don't say so myself, my #NeverTrump bona fides are pretty impressive.
I watched in dismay as I helped the Ted Cruz presidential campaign, seeing Republican primary voters select Donald Trump out of a field of 16 viable candidates and make him president-elect. I signed an open letter committing to "working energetically to prevent the election of someone so utterly unfitted" to the presidency and wrote many articles lambasting Trump. I left the Republican party on his nomination and voted for Libertarian Gary Johnson in the general election. After the election, I hoped for Trump's impeachment and President Mike Pence.
In 2016, two matters primarily worried me about Donald Trump: his character and his policies.
Nearly four years later, Trump's character still troubles and repels me. If anything, his egotism, disloyalty, and bombast exceed those vices when he was a mere candidate.
But, to my unending surprise, he has governed as a resolute conservative. His policies in the areas of education, taxes, deregulation, and the environment have been bolder than Ronald Reagan's. His judicial appointments are the best of the past century (thank you, Leonard Leo). His unprecedented assault on the administrative state proceeds apace, ignoring predictable howls from the Washington establishment. Even his foreign policy has been conservative: demanding that allies contribute their fair share, confronting China and Iran, and singularly supporting Israel. Ironically, as David Harsanyi notes, a potential character flaw actually works to our advantage: "Trump's obstinacy seems to have made him less susceptible to the pressures that traditionally induce GOP presidents to capitulate."
(Economic performance drives many voters to support or oppose a sitting president, but not me. Partly, because the president has only limited control; partly, because it's a transient issue that matters much less than long-term policies.)
Of course, I also disagree with Trump: protectionism, an indifference to public debt, a hostility toward allies, a soft-spot for Turkish strongman Erdoğan, and those dangerous meetings with Kim Jong-un. His unrestrained behavior interferes with proper government functioning. The tweets are a protracted liability.
But, of course, we all disagree with some of what every president does; more surprisingly, I agree with about 80 percent of Trump's actions, a higher number than any of his predecessors', going back to Lyndon Johnson.
I have come to understand the wisdom in Salena Zito's September 2016 witticism about Trump that "the press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally." Or, as Daniel Larison notes, "We need to judge Trump by his actions and not his words." I also agree with James Woolsey that Trump would be a much better prime minister than president.
Slowly but inexorably over the past three years, my approval of the policies has outbalanced my distaste for the person. Finally, knowing that Joe Biden will represent the radicalized Democrats in November, I conclude that I will do my small part to help Trump get re-elected by writing, giving, and voting.
I reached this conclusion reluctantly but unhesitatingly. Emotionally, esthetically, and intellectually, I would prefer to keep my distance from Trump and inhabit a neutral space between the parties, as in 2016. But I will vote for him as the politician who represents my conservative views. I urge other reluctant conservatives to do the same.
Listen to the Doctors, End the Lockdowns
By Ron Paul
Six hundred physicians recently signed a letter to President Trump calling for an end to the coronavirus lockdowns. The physicians wrote that, far from protecting public health, the lockdowns are causing “exponentially growing negative health consequences” for millions of Americans.
Since the lockdowns began, there have been increases in alcoholism, drug abuse, and domestic violence. There has also been an increase in calls to suicide hotlines. This is a direct result of the mass unemployment and limitations on people’s activities resulting from the lockdowns. As long as millions of Americans are sitting at home wondering how to survive until the government says they can go back to work — assuming the lockdowns did not drive their employers out of business, there will be more substance abuse and suicides.
At the start of the lockdowns, Americans were told to stay away from emergency rooms and doctors’ offices to avoid exposure to coronavirus. This has led Americans to neglect their health. US hospitals have seen a 40 percent decline in the number of patients admitted for severe heart attacks since March. Does anyone believe that the coronavirus panic just happened to coincide with a miraculous decline in heart attacks?
Physicians have also become unable to help many stroke victims who coronavirus lockdowns have kept from seeking medical assistance.
Early in the coronavirus panic, hospitals were told to cancel elective procedures to ensure space was available for an expected wave of coronavirus patients. But hospitals were not overwhelmed by coronavirus patients. Beds and other resources were unused.
According to the American Hospital Association, this has cost healthcare providers tens of billions of dollars in lost revenue. Inner-city and rural hospitals that already operate on slim profit margins are especially hard hit by the financial impact of the lockdowns. These hospitals may have to cut back on services. Some may even close. This will make it even more difficult for rural and inner-city Americans to obtain quality, affordable healthcare.
Postponing needed surgeries will have serious consequences. Many patients whose surgeries have been delayed will find that their once easily treatable conditions now require intensive and expensive care.
Some people are forgoing disease management and checkups that could keep them from developing more serious problems. The coronavirus lockdowns have even caused the canceling of chemotherapy treatments.
According to the physicians’ letter to President Trump, the coronavirus lockdowns are preventing 150,000 Americans a month from finding out they have cancer. Skipped routine cancer screenings mean cancer is not detected in an early stage, when it is most easily treated.
The coronavirus lockdowns have upended the lives of Americans to “protect” them from a virus with a 0.2 percent fatality rate, with the majority of those fatalities occurring in nursing homes and among people with chronic health conditions. Instead, the rational response would be to protect the vulnerable, and let the rest of the people live their lives. But politicians and government-anointed “experts” do not respond rationally to a “crisis,” especially when a panicked reaction can increase their power and prestige.
The lesson of the unnecessary lockdowns is clear: Government bureaucrats and politicians, even the media’s beloved Dr. Fauci, must be stripped of the ability to infringe on our liberty and prosperity.
For more blog postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, GREENIE WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS, and Paralipomena (Occasionally updated), A Coral reef compendium and an IQ compendium. (Both updated as news items come in). GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on THE PSYCHOLOGIST.
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