Wednesday, December 02, 2020

The time has come

I am 77 and have been blogging since 2002.  But my health and vitality are now so low that  I will have to cut back.  I have put up three blogs so far today and that may be all I can manage.  All I want to do now is sleep.  I hope what I have done has been some help to some people



  1. Anonymous5:42 AM

    As a journalist myself, I can't begin to tell you just how invaluable your blogging has been to me over the years. You have a truly original point of view, strengthened by your years as both an academic and political figure. But now, you deserve some rest. So God speed, and good health. And thank you again for publishing some of the most consistently interesting and informative blogs anywhere.

  2. Anonymous7:22 AM

    You have helped inform me and my grown sons a great deal. We especially like your right-handed column about leftists (pun intended). I would love to get it printed into a small booklet and handed out at public schools. If I could send you some magic energy pills I would Thank you and know your efforts were greatly appreciated..

  3. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Thanks John.

    Your site was the spark that ignited the idea that in my heart the MSM were trolling/lying about pretty much everything.

    I appreciate your work and cannot thank you enough for all the links to other sites that inform and reinforce your message.

    Enjoy your sleep you've fought long and hard.

    Andrew (melbourne)

  4. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Thanks John.

    Greenie watch helped me get informed and link to other like minded people.

    I am thankful for the work you have done and appreciate your insights.

    Thanks for everything and Good Luck.

    Andrew (Melbourne)

  5. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Your blog has been a light in a darkening world. Your article selection has directed me to many useful sites to which I have subscribed with an RSS feed, so you have acted both as an aggregator and a directory. Thank you, and best wishes for the future.

  6. thank you for your blog all of these years, i may have been reading this one for 20 years now? i will miss you greatly, please keep your work archived i reference it a lot

    💖 be well

  7. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Prayers for you Jon.

  8. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Prayers for you John.

  9. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Internet crashed while I was writing this, so here goes a second try...

    I look back on the times I sent you material that you used, the links and sometimes what I wrote, which you always edited to make more readable. I felt like the cub reporter, and you were the hard nosed editor, with the ability to always effectively convey what was most important. It was an educational and humbling experience.

    I've often cited your material in other blogs, hopefully bringing readers here to get even more information. I'm looking forward to whatever you are still able to supply us. If not much, then we have more than sufficient material that you have already provided. Truth never gets old.

    Thanks, John, for your excellent insights!

    Wishing you always and only the best.

    Y.H. (Central Florida, USA)

  10. I am so sorry to hear this, I’ve read it for years. Have quoted articles almost daily. I wish you well. You have contributed greatly.

  11. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Thankyou for your work. I have followed your blogs for years. Thankyou for all your efforts.

  12. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Yes, you HAVE been a big help with your blogging. You have exposed the lies and nonsense of the Left for what they are. You have shown us the Truth. And like the Scripture promises, the Truth will set us free!

    Take care John. God bless!

    Jeremy, USA


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