Sunday, November 20, 2022

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Found in the Human Nucleus

Peter A. McCullough

In a recent paper by Sattar et al in collaboration with scientists from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the authors report that both mRNA and Spike protein colocalized within the nucleus of human cells.[i]

Colocalization of mRNA and Spike protein within the human nucleus. Sattar S, Kabat J, Jerome K, Feldmann F, Bailey K, Mehedi M. Nuclear translocation of spike mRNA and protein is a novel pathogenic feature of SARS-CoV-2. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2022 Sep 27:2022.09.27.509633. doi: 10.1101/2022.09.27.509633. PMID: 36203551; PMCID: PMC9536038.

The authors note this is unusual and appears to not rely upon the furin cleavage site which is necessary for Spike protein entry into the cell. It is important to note the context and the methods of this paper utilized SARS-CoV-2 and not mRNA or adenoviral DNA vaccines. However, the ramifications of this finding cannot be understated. Having both one of the most pathogenic and lethal proteins ever discovered found within the nucleus of human cells with its genetic code is a hair-raising discovery. The paper was uploaded to the preprint server bioRxiv and still needs to be subjected to the peer review process.

A prior paper by Singh and Singh demonstrated Spike protein models anticipate an interaction with tumor suppressor genes P53 and BRCA1.[ii] Sattar now says this could indeed happen! Thus, Spike protein is at the scene of a potential crime—oncogenesis or the failure of immune surveillance against nascent cancer cells. Seneff et al have predicted that the Spike protein may be related to cell senescence and autophagy.[iii]

This means more rapid aging of cells and then programmed cell death. I have had many patients ask me why they lose muscle mass and have hair loss after COVID-19 illness, these observations provide perhaps some explanatory basis for discussion at the cellular level.

Finally and most disturbing, Nunez-Castilla et al of demonstrated homology of the Spike protein with about three dozen other human proteins.[iv] This explains why in the first place would the human nucleus allow entry of mRNA and Spike into the control center of the cell. Could the genetic code of SARS-CoV-2 have been intentionally “humanized” as by design?

While Senator Rand Paul is doing a wonderful job staying focused on the possibility of U.S. government involvement in engineering of SARS-CoV-2 via the funding of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology for example; more in-depth lines of inquiry are needed with preclinical-scientists and officials from Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority and the NIH to reveal how much they knew about mRNA, the Spike protein, and any risks to human cells during SARS-CoV-2 infection and over the longer term.


Every Bit of Heart Muscle Matters

Peter A. McCullough

As a cardiologist, I can tell you the entire discipline of cardiovascular disease is oriented to preserving heart tissue. Heart muscle is largely terminally differentiated with low rates of turnover; hence, we cannot afford to lose any cardiomyocytes to damage caused by vaccines. Aldana-Bitar et al. described the excursion of cardiac troponin as about four days with COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis, which is oddly about the same duration as an ischemic myocardial infarction due to blocked coronary arteries.[i]

Hence, the confusion with the terms “myocarditis,” “myopericarditis,” and “heart attack” in the CDC VAERS system and the media. The first two prospective cohort studies, where blood cardiac troponin level was measured before and after receiving mRNA injections, both demonstrated unacceptably high rates of troponin elevations, indicating predictable heart damage. Mansanguan et al. found the rate of heart injury was 2.3% on the second injection of Pfizer in children 13-18 years old.[ii] Two children were hospitalized with myocarditis in this 301-person study. Le Pessec et al., in a presentation at the European Society of Cardiology, revealed 2.8% of healthcare workers (n=777) had elevated troponin by day 3 after the third mRNA injection.[iii]

Given the known relationship of coronavirus spike protein and cardiac toxicity from the 1990’s, the vaccine companies should have been measuring troponin during their randomized trials in 2020. In 1999, Baric et al. reported: “We have shown that infection with RbCV [rabbit coronavirus] results in the development of myocarditis and congestive heart failure, and that some survivors of RbCV infection go on to develop dilated cardiomyopathy in the chronic phase.”[iv]

Sadly, and ineptly, BARDA, DARPA, vaccine consultants, and the manufacturers had no measures in place to identify expected cardiac damage in humans. Now, two years after public release and mounting cases of fatal myocarditis published in the peer-reviewed literature, both Pfizer and Moderna have announced they will begin studies of cardiac safety that were required by the FDA in their 2021 Biological Licensing Agreement letters from the FDA.[v] Why did the US government and the vaccine companies wait so long? Do they anticipate their own bad news will kill the failing product line? Only internal document review from government agencies and vaccine developers will tell the public what was going on during this biological product safety disaster.


New medical study on COVID reinfection

There has been much mainstream media attention to a new medical study titled “Acute and postacute sequelae associated with SARS-CoV-2 reinfection.” Note that postacute sequelae refer to long COVID symptoms. The coverage likely frightened readers about the high probability of COVID reinfection and serious resulting near and long term health impacts, notably long COVID problems.

But here are several important aspects of the study that the media did not cover. Afterwards some summaries of the findings are given.

First, the study only included a “Veterans Affairs population which consists of those who are mostly older and male may not be representative of the general population, our cohorts included 10.3% women, which amounted to 589,573 participants, and 12% were under 38.8 years of age (the median age of the US population in 2021), which amounted to 680,358 participants.” The study participants definitely did NOT in any way mirror the general population; there was a very small fraction of women. And it was an older group because instead of 50% under the median age there was only 12%. It was also noted that subjects were mostly white.

Second, a careful reading of the article shows that COVID vaccination did not offer health benefits when there was marked COVID reinfection. A more honest story about this study could featured the lack of vaccine effectiveness, but none of the media coverage did this.

Third, for some time most medical thinking has been that natural immunity resulting from COVID infection is far more effective than vaccine immunity. But this article sends a message that prior COVID infection does not protect against future reinfection. On this point note that Monica Gandhi, an infectious-diseases specialist at the University of California at San Francisco, pointed to other studies, including one that took a look at 26 studies of reinfections that show they become less severe over time. And another study from Qatar examined patients with different vaccination histories in more comprehensive ways and found that reinfections tend not to progress to severe, critical or fatal outcomes. Gandhi also said there’s research showing that infection, reinfection, vaccination and boosting broaden and diversify components of the immune system that may make people “better able to respond to the newest subvariants as we continue to live with covid-19.”

Keep all three point in mind when you read media stories and the new study itself; here are some exercpts from it.

“infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is associated with increased risk of acute and postacute death and sequelae in various organ systems.”

“The risks were most pronounced in the acute phase but persisted in the postacute phase at 6 months. Compared to noninfected controls, cumulative risks and burdens of repeat infection increased according to the number of infections.”

“The evidence shows that reinfection further increases risks of death, hospitalization and sequelae in multiple organ systems in the acute and postacute phase. Reducing overall burden of death and disease due to SARS-CoV-2 will require strategies for reinfection prevention.”

This too was found: The median time between the first and second infection was 191 days. Compared with people who experienced only one infection, those who were reinfected had a twofold increased risk of death, threefold increased risk of hospitalization, twofold increased risk of long covid, threefold increase in risk of heart problems and blood clotting disorders, and twofold increased risk of fatigue.

“The risks were evident in those who were unvaccinated and had one vaccination or two or more vaccinations before reinfection.”

Besides pushing vaccination the study concluded “Other pharmaceutical and nonpharmaceutical interventions to lessen both the risk of reinfection and its adverse health consequences are also urgently needed.” But no consideration was given to, for example, ivermectin and vitamin D. Indeed, it appears that the study did not determine whether participants used such medicines as part of a strategy to stay health and avoid COVID infection and reinfection.

“Getting it a second time is almost like you’re trying your chance again with Russian roulette,” said Ziyad Al-Aly, one of the study authors. “You may have dodged a bullet the first time, but each time you get the infection you are trying your luck again.”

Final thought: Not all published medical studies merit your attention; and mainstream media stories that work hard to instill fear in the public as one way to push vaccination should not be trusted.




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