Sunday, December 18, 2022

Harrowing moment parents who refused to give their newborn vaccinated blood ahead of urgent surgery have the baby 'ripped away' from them by authorities

Dramatic video has emerged of the moment parents watched their baby taken from them and placed into a doctor's care after they refused to allow him to receive a transfusion with vaccinated blood ahead of urgent heart surgery.

The six-month-old had been in a New Zealand hospital since November to receive surgery for a congenital heart disease that was delayed by several weeks because of the parents' concerns.

A New Zealand High Court decision ruled the baby would be placed into the care of his pediatric heart surgeon and cardiologist until the completion of the surgery and post-operative recovery.

Harrowing footage of the encounter shows the distressed parents frantically trying to speak with authorities as the baby was taken away by hospital staff.

'You guys will be recorded in the annals of history as criminals who take babies from their mothers,' the baby's father can be heard saying to authorities as an administrator informs the mother she can see the baby after surgery.

After the distressing encounter, the baby's father spoke candidly to the camera: 'I dont know where this goes to around the world, but our baby has been medically kidnapped,' he said.

'Thugs have come in wearing police uniforms, and they've ripped the baby out of his bed.

'Let this be a lesson to the entire rest of humanity, the takeover has already started, and it started in a hospital ward with a baby. 'I call on humanity to rise, because you all know what's happening.'

Footage of the incident has circulated around the internet after originally being posted on on December 8.

The parents are represented by lawyer and prominent anti-vax campaigner, Sue Grey, who said 'because they label my clients as conspiracy theorists, [their position] is that anything my clients say can be ignored'.

The hospital planned for the baby to receive the life-saving surgery last week. The parents will prioritise 'peaceful time with their baby until the operation, and to support him through the operation', Ms Grey said in a December 8 Facebook post.

'We have concluded that the government cannot afford anything to go wrong for Baby W as the world is watching. 'He is likely to get the best possible care with the best safest blood.'

Two more parents have requested only unvaccinated blood for their seriously ill toddler this week, NZ Herald reports.

Parents Croydon Hodge and Doreen Rudolph, who have a toddler with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, have refused permission for the hospital to use vaccinated blood for the boy's urgent surgery.

New Zealand's blood service has presented evidence of a 'significant increase in potential blood recipients asking for blood from unvaccinated donors'.


Can Vaccines 'Prevent Nearly Every Death From COVID'?

As the winter season brings a sickness surge, the Biden administration is back to blathering about the supposed efficacy of the coronavirus vaccine, with one of its top doctors claiming "nearly every" COVID-19 death is preventable with vaccination.

CLAIM: The White House's COVID-19 response coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha claimed at Thursday's press conference, "We know we can prevent nearly every death from COVID if people get their updated vaccines [...] So, we continue to press that message."

FACTS: The White House's "message" is countered by data analysis conducted for the Washington Post's The Health 202, which revealed that 58 percent of COVID-19 fatalities were vaccinated or boosted patients in August. "We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated," Kaiser Family Foundation vice president Cynthia Cox, who conducted the analysis, told The Post.

As Katie covered, the new statistics on COVID-19 deaths debunked the White House's narrative on the vaccine. In late November, when the WaPo report was released, Jha had just made the same claim a day earlier that "if folks get their updated vaccines and they get treated if they have a breakthrough infection, we can prevent essentially every COVID death in America."

Although the findings marked the first time that a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus had received at least the primary series of the vaccine, it continued an eye-opening pattern where we saw the vaxxed population make up 23 percent of 'Rona deaths in September 2021, and then up to 42 percent of the COVID-19 death toll in January and February of this year.

RATING: The claim that keeping up-to-date with coronavirus vaccinations can "prevent nearly every death from COVID" is FALSE. Even though the president has proclaimed we're facing a so-called "pandemic of the unvaccinated" and threatened that unvaxxed Americans alone would suffer "a winter of severe illness and death," Biden's alarmist language isn't backed by real-world numbers.


Twitter Censorship Contributed to Destructive Pandemic Policies and Is Criminal, Says Former White House COVID Adviser

The recently revealed censorship that has plagued Twitter in recent years is “criminal,” according to former White House COVID adviser Dr. Scott Atlas, as it allowed “lies to be imposed on the public” during a pandemic that wrought untold damage worldwide.

“When correct science policy is blocked, people die, and people died from the censorship,” Atlas, a special coronavirus adviser during the Trump administration and contributor to The Epoch Times, said in an interview.

Atlas was speaking days after Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter, released troves of internal files showing how the previous Twitter team built a blacklist to limit disfavored tweets’ visibility without the knowledge of those using the platform. Among those flagged was Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford, whose tweet criticizing pandemic lockdowns shortly after joining the platform last August got him on the “trends blacklist” preventing the amplification of his tweets.

But such revelations, Atlas said, are “only the tip of the iceberg.”

“There’s a far larger story here that we need to hear,” he said, which he considers “far more nefarious and more systemic than isolated tweets being pulled down.”

“This seems to be criminal behavior, and I think it needs to be investigated in the courts,” he said.

The Censorship of 2020

Atlas wants to direct attention back to 2020, when health officials followed in the Chinese Communist Party’s footsteps to implement blanket COVID-19 lockdowns.

In November of that year, while Atlas was still on the White House’s coronavirus task force, Twitter took down his post that argued mask-wearing was not effective in curbing the spread of the virus—a decision celebrated by some proponents of the measures, including fellow task force member Dr. Deborah Birx.

“One would think that the American public should hear what the adviser to the president is saying during the pandemic of 2020. Yet Twitter decided to simply block that discussion from the public,” he said.

Both Twitter and Facebook that August also removed a video from President Donald Trump in which he said children are “almost immune” to COVID-19. That same month, Facebook said it had deleted 7 million pieces of content it deemed to be COVID-19 misinformation over the second quarter of 2020.

Despite most states having a mask mandate until early this year, a number of studies found children and teenagers to be at a far lower risk of getting or dying from COVID-19, even with the emergence of new variants. But the “censorship of 2020,” be it deleting individual tweets, suspending accounts, or blocking the amplification of posts, had done its damage.

“When decisions were being made in 2020 and imposed upon the public, that’s when censorship counted the most,” Atlas said.

The absence of alternative viewpoints manipulated not only the public, but government officials as well, Atlas said.

“It created this illusion that there was a consensus among science and public health policy experts that lockdowns should be imposed; it created and perpetrated lies that if you were opposed to lockdowns, you were choosing the economy over lives, and that if you were opposed to lockdowns, you were somehow calling for letting the infection spread without any mitigation whatsoever,” he said.

“They absolutely contributed to policies that killed massive numbers of people and destroyed children and low-income people, who are the most vulnerable. That’s why it’s criminal.”

Atlas has been a vocal critic of COVID-19 lockdowns since early on in the pandemic, saying that “targeted protection was the logical, safer, and ethical way to manage the pandemic.” In May 2020, he wrote an article for the Hill warning about the “millions of years of life” such policies would cost Americans.

Learning loss aside, the pandemic restrictions led to an explosion of child abuse, drug overdoses, mental health issues, and obesity among youth, who were deprived of normal social interaction and forced to continue schooling through remote learning.

Collectively, America’s social media and legacy media, “coupled with incompetent bureaucrats running the policy and ignorant university professors have left a sinful legacy of damage,” said Atlas—the reason for the massive loss of trust in public health agencies that people depend for guidance in future crises.

Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey recently said his “biggest mistake” while at the company was to “invest in building tools for us to manage the public conversation, versus building tools for the people using Twitter to easily manage it for themselves,” a decision he said has “burdened the company with too much power.”

Late last month, Musk announced an end to the COVID-19 “misleading information” policy, which has resulted in 100,000 pieces of content cut from the platform and more than 11,000 account suspensions.

Atlas welcomed the gesture but thought that more individuals need to “rise up”—his term for speaking up, for real change.

“There should be a public outrage that is massive,” he said.

He believes those the American public elected to represent them haven’t done their part. “Where are our elected officials in this, where are they?” he asked. “If they can’t act, simply for ensuring free speech, they should all step down.”

‘Distortion’ Around Vaccine Mandates

A recent study published in Nature of over 15,000 citizens across 21 countries shows that people who have received COVID-19 vaccines are far more likely to be prejudiced against the unvaccinated than the other way around, which Atlas saw as yet another illustration of how social media censorship has shaped public opinion through suppressing critical information.

More than 5.47 billion people worldwide have received at least one dose of one of the COVID-19 vaccines, accounting for roughly 70 percent of the world population, despite lacking a “thorough, detailed understanding of efficacy and side effects from the vaccines,” Atlas noted.

But because of the lockdown mandates, which he called “pseudo-scientific,” throngs of workers in healthcare, education, and the military lost their jobs and hospitals suffered staffing shortages, causing backlogs of patients needing vital treatment for other non-COVID-19 diseases.

In perpetrating a “false narrative,” social media platforms have deviated from their promised role as a digital town hall and a visible source of information, and instead allowed themselves to be a tool for harm, said Atlas.

“We are living in an Orwellian society if this sort of censorship is allowed to keep going.”




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