Friday, February 24, 2023

F is for Fauci’s failed vaccines

The ‘worst possible thing you could do is vaccinate someone and make them worse,’ said Dr Anthony Fauci on March 26, 2020. He was talking about vaccine associated enhanced disease (VAED), the nightmare scenario where a vaccine not only fails to prevent infection, it causes a more serious illness in a vaccinated person than one who is unvaccinated.

To prevent just such a catastrophe, a global, non-profit vaccine safety research network was created in 2000 called the Brighton Collaboration (BC). Its task is to develop vaccine safety protocols to monitor whether new vaccines were protecting people or making them sicker than unvaccinated people. In 2020, BC experts published a peer-reviewed paper defining vaccine enhanced disease in relation to Covid vaccines.

The BC is no anti-vaxxer organisation. It is funded by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation whose single largest private donor is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

But the BC experts state bluntly that any Covid infection in a vaccinated person after the normal time it takes to develop immunity is a ‘vaccine failure’ and that, ‘All cases of vaccine failure should be investigated for VAED’, that is, vaccine enhanced disease.

In simple terms this means that every time a vaccinated person gets Covid, their infection should be investigated to see if it is more severe or more frequent than a Covid infection in an unvaccinated person with equivalent health status, especially if they are hospitalised, go into ICU or die.

NSW data over the last six months shows that the rate of Covid cases, hospitalisation and care in an ICU ward all increase exponentially with each additional dose. The rate of Covid deaths are also 1.2 times higher in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. Yet, public health officials have just announced that a fifth vaccine will now be available for all. It doesn’t make sense. But it has taken a young GP from the Whitsunday Islands, Dr Melissa McCann, to reveal the disturbing safety signals that public health officials are ignoring.

McCann was vaccinated like most doctors but she started to notice an alarming increase in adverse events in her practice as the vaccine was rolled out. She audited the cases and examined the database of adverse events collated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and found a dramatic increase in strokes, heart attacks and neurological disorders compared with previous years.

McCann knew that in 2010, Western Australia halted and then suspended the rollout of the childhood flu vaccine after an increase in the proportional reporting ratio (PRR) of febrile convulsions from one to two.

On 1 November, 2021 she wrote to the federal health minister and TGA detailing her findings and requesting an immediate suspension of the vaccination program. Nothing happened.

But McCann didn’t give up. Through Freedom of Information (FOI) disclosures, she discovered that the TGA was ignoring an increase of ratios for many serious adverse events including an increase of over 20 for myocarditis and over 50 for pulmonary infarction – when a clot blocks an artery to the lung causing part of it to die.

These were not the only alarm bells ringing. The increase strongly coincided with the vaccine rollout and there was mounting evidence in hundreds of published medical reports that the vaccine could cause precisely the adverse events that were occurring.

In March last year, McCann and 14 other doctors wrote again to the federal health minister and the TGA requesting an immediate suspension of the vaccine program and a review of safety issues including risks due to microRNA sequences in the vaccines which potentially cause cancer, the unknown metabolism of the lipid nanoparticles that deliver the mRNA into the cells which is highly inflammatory, stays in the body for an unknown period of time, can cross the blood brain barrier invading neurological tissues, and penetrate cells in the ovaries and the testes. The TGA again dismissed the doctors concerns.

So McCann soldiered on with an arduous FOI process uncovering three cases where a 7-year-old boy, a 9-year-old girl and a young woman of 24 had each died of cardiac arrest after a Pfizer vaccine. In these cases the ‘Decision’ recorded was ‘causality’ or ‘causality assessment outcome’ as opposed to ‘causality unlikely’ or ‘causality?’ which appeared on other records.

The TGA claims that ‘causality’ on these reports means a ‘clear decision on causality could not be made for these cases at the point in time that the document was released’. Yet, the TGA failed to make the reports public on its FOI disclosure log as it is obliged to do. When McCann asked why, the TGA wrote that the reports ‘contain sensitive personal information about deceased person’ and ‘disclosure of the documents could undermine public confidence and reduce the willingness of the public to report adverse events to the TGA’. This seems highly unlikely especially since there is no information about the deceased other than their age.

McCann then made a submission to the House of Representatives’ ‘Inquiry into Long COVID and Repeated COVID Infections’ which pointed out that what people call ‘long Covid’ is mostly ‘vaccine failure’ resulting in severe disease, probably enhanced by the vaccine. Mysteriously, her submission, unlike the 546 others, was only published on the parliamentary website this week, after she appeared with world-famous Covid experts Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Pierre Kory at sold-out events in three states organised by the United Australia Party

Outraged by the fact that at present most people with vaccine injuries, including the families of the dead, are not able to access compensation and have been mocked and ostracised, McCann has become a patient advocate and is preparing a class action for compensation to be filed in the Federal Court.

On 11 January, Fauci wrote in an article published in Cell Host & Microbe that the Covid vaccines are ‘reminiscent’ of ‘sub-optimal’ flu vaccines in that both ‘elicit incomplete and short-lived protection against evolving virus variants’ that, unsurprisingly, have not ended the pandemic. Fauci says nothing about vaccine injuries and spiralling excess mortality in highly vaccinated countries. That task has been left to a heroic Aussie doctor who so far has proved more than up to the task.


Republican Senators Push Back Against Accord Giving WHO Power Over US Pandemic Response

As member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) prepare to gather in Switzerland next week to negotiate final terms of an accord that will give the WHO centralized authority over U.S. policy in the case of a pandemic, Republican senators are pushing back with an effort to reinforce congressional power to authorize treaties.

The draft accord, which would be “legally binding” on all 194 member nations, gives the WHO the authority to declare pandemics and submits member countries to “the central role of the WHO as the directing and coordinating authority on international health work,” in areas like lockdowns, treatments, medical supply chains, surveillance, and “disinformation and false news,” once a pandemic is declared.

Seventeen U.S. senators, led by Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), introduced the “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act” on Feb 15, which states that the pandemic accord must be deemed a treaty, thus requiring the consent of a supermajority of the Senate, which is two-thirds, or 67 senators. The legislation comes as the WHO gears up to present what it calls the “zero draft” of the accord, negotiated with the help of U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, to all member nations on Feb. 27 to agree final terms.

Other sponsors of the bill included Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), and Katie Britt (R-Ala.).

“The WHO, along with our federal health agencies, failed miserably in their response to COVID-19,” Sen. Johnson stated. “This failure should not be rewarded with a new international treaty that would increase the WHO’s power at the expense of American sovereignty.”

But some doubt this bill, even if approved, will stop the WHO accord from going into effect once President Joe Biden signs it.

“With all due respect to the sponsoring senators, that will not do the trick,” Francis Boyle, professor of international law at Illinois University, told The Epoch Times. The reason, he said, is that the WHO accord is drafted specifically to circumvent the Senate-approval process, and Congress instead should immediately withhold its yearly contributions to the WHO and take the United States out of the organization.

Currently, the United States is the largest contributor to the WHO’s $6.72 billion budget, of which $1.25 billion is for “health emergencies.” The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the second largest donor to the WHO, contributing 9 percent of its budget in 2021; China is the third.

Will Biden Need Senate Approval for WHO Accord?
It remains unclear if the Biden administration will need Senate approval for the WHO accord to go into effect. The accord itself states that it will become effective and legally binding on member states “provisionally,” as soon as it is signed and before any national legislatures approve it.

“The Biden administration can indicate that it is provisionally bringing this treaty into force upon the mere signature of the treaty,” Boyle said. “Hence, it will come into force here in the United States provisionally until the Senate decides whether or not it is going to give its advice and consent to the treaty. I personally know of no other U.S. treaty that provides for its provisional application pending the U.S. Senate giving its advice and consent to the treaty.”

While the U.S. Constitution states that the president can make treaties “provided two-thirds of the senators present concur,” American presidents have increasingly been signing international agreements without Senate consent, and those agreements have taken effect in the United States regardless.

According to the Senate’s website: “Treaties to which the United States is a party also have the force of federal legislation, forming part of what the Constitution calls ‘the supreme Law of the Land’ … In recent decades, presidents have frequently entered the United States into international agreements without the advice and consent of the Senate. These are called ‘executive agreements.’ Though not brought before the Senate for approval, executive agreements are still binding on the parties under international law.”

A report by Justia, a legal analysis and marketing firm, states that “the executive agreement has surpassed in number and perhaps in international influence the treaty formally signed, submitted for ratification to the Senate, and proclaimed upon ratification.

“During the first half-century of its independence, the United States was party to 60 treaties but to only 27 published executive agreements,” the report states. “Between 1939 and 1993, executive agreements comprised more than 90 percent of the international agreements concluded.”

The U.S. Supreme Court has on several occasions supported the notion that these executive agreements constitute federal law and supersede state laws and regulations. This includes State of Missouri v. Holland, which ruled that treaties supersede state laws, and United States v. Belmont, which ruled that executive agreements without Senate consent are legally binding on Americans. Under the U.S. Constitution, health policy falls under state jurisdiction, but the WHO pandemic accord may be a way to bring health policy under the jurisdiction of the federal government, once the WHO declares a pandemic.

Increasingly, the Biden administration is looking toward international agreements to do what it can’t get be achieved through Congress. Most recently, having failed to increase corporate taxes in Congress, the Biden administration entered into an international agreement with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to set minimum tax levels on all corporations within signatory countries. While GOP lawmakers said the agreement had “no path forward” toward approval as a treaty, provisions written into the agreement allowed foreign countries to tax U.S.-based corporate profits as a punitive measure, if senators do not approve it.




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