Australian Medical Society Investigating Excess Deaths—Suspects the Population Faces a doctor-caused Crisis
The Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS) recently launched an inquiry into Australia’s excess mortality: Unveiling an overlooked crisis. Throughout the medical system, the political system and the media, the fact that there are too many Australian people dying is being ignored. And the group of providers seeks to change that. The group has commissioned studies and expressed concern that mass COVID-19 countermeasures have led to excess mortality.
Recently, the society was in touch with TrialSite, sharing updates on imminent activity and events involving the controversial, but important topic.
This Wednesday, October 18, in Parliament House, Canberra, the AMPS holds an inquiry, addressing the alarming rise in excess mortality in Australia since 2021. This timing is of deep concern given the mass vaccination scheme occurred right at this time.
This inquiry aims to uncover the most pressing question: What is causing Australians to die at unprecedented rates? Why has the death rate rocketed? In response to the Senate's extraordinary decision on 23 March 2023, against investigating this sudden excess mortality, a committed group of Australians, in collaboration with international colleagues, has undertaken the investigation that, unfortunately, Australian political and medical authorities thus far have refused to pursue.
Delving deeper into the regulatory failures hindering the proper analysis of preclinical data concerning experimental COVID-19 vaccines, the Australian Medical Society reports serious shortcomings, potential data discrepancies, and alarming signals of harm being overlooked.
It is hoped that this investigation will in fact shed light on the inadequacies within the Therapeutic Goods Administration's (TGA) pharmacovigilance systems. The TGA regulates drugs and vaccines in Australia.
The analysis conducted by AMPS indicates that Australia is facing an iatrogenic crisis – one that has resulted from policies based on insufficient evidence. A bombshell of an allegation, AMPS alleges that the COVID-19 mass countermeasure response is likely linked to the death signals.
Conclusions from AMPS are documented in a book due for release titled, Too Many Dead – An Inquiry into Australia’s Excess Mortality. In collaboration with peers around the world, the group calls for an immediate suspension of the vaccination rollout, pending a full and transparent investigation.
Invitations have been issued to hundreds of politicians especially ministers; and to health authorities, medical colleges and associations Australia-wide including all members of ATAGI, the TGA, and academics in the health fields.
As a society committed to the well-being of all Australians, AMPS shares its commitment to ensuring accountability, transparency and justice, even when the facts may be unpalatable.
Yale Medicine Refers to the ‘Tripledemic’ That Never Was
Major academic medical institutions such as Yale Medicine go on record that the United States already experienced a “Tripledemic.” That’s the implication of a headliner accompanying the recent piece by Kathy Katella writing for Yale Medicine, implying that the presence of influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and COVID-19 over the past few years led to such an event.
Well, another fact check is in order: one covering one of the most elite of medical institutions. Yes, there was a COVID-19 pandemic, but never a “tripledemic.” But it’s true that all three viral infections can raise the risk of morbidity and mortality in vulnerable individuals, typically the elderly and individuals with comorbidities but also in some cases children.
Katella, a senior clinical writer for Yale Medicine, follows her hyperbolic headline with a report that this year, for the first time vaccines are available that help to “prevent these diseases, including an updated COVID vaccine, as well as vaccines and a monoclonal antibody injection for those most vulnerable to RSV.”
The Yale article borders on misinformation right at the onset with the title: “Can RSV and COVID Vaccines Prevent Another Tripledemic?”
First, it should be noted that there was never a tripledemic over the past “several” years as Katella states. So why refer to “another tripledemic” unless the author purposely seeks attention for this headline? Disingenuous, we expect a lot more from a prestigious place like Yale.
Does the piece fall under the category of misinformation or disinformation? Very possibly. Importantly, the distinction is that the former is false or inaccurate information—getting the facts wrong, while the latter represents false information which is deliberately intended to mislead—intentionally misstating the facts. Based on these definitions including a clearly inaccurate headline likely means the whole piece falls in the latter category, unfortunately.
The writer turns to be honest when addressing actually how helpful would the three vaccines be for individuals this winter, especially vulnerable persons to these viruses, stating it “is still difficult to say.”
But how to know how these vaccines can help? We cannot know for sure, more honestly, thus academia’s penchant for models. The Yale writer refers to the positive prospects of the use of “predictive models” citing a quote from infectious disease specialist Shana Gleeson, M.D.. Honesty again prevails, as the Yale doc states, “But we can’t say for sure how it’s all going to play out.”
Have any formal clinical trials testing approved COVID-19, influenza and RSV vaccines ever been undertaken and completed? Not at all, but you won’t get that information from Yale. What about the fact that Moderna is currently testing its mRNA vaccine with influenza vaccine for safety? Not a peep. But at TrialSite, you can learn more about these unfolding activities. See TrialSite in “Is it Safe to Receive both Moderna mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Influenza Vaccine—Clinical Trial Designed to Find Out.” Why Yale doesn’t take the time for basic research 101 we cannot say, other than it’s following some top-down approach to research and health communications.
Meanwhile, the influenza jab vaccine effectiveness was an abysmal 16% effective in the 2021-22 season. This is NOT to discourage those in high-risk cohorts from getting that vaccine. But for a healthy young person, we should ensure to understand a rational risk-benefit analysis and understand with such low effectiveness many of the vaccinated will still pass on the virus. So like COVID-19, the only reason to get vaccinated at this point is if one falls at risk for more severe flu, or for that matter, if one’s preference is to bolster their protective probabilities, even if it’s more psychological than scientific, for some.
The public health tools definitely help, but they are not the panacea promoted by the government, academic medicine and industry. And there are externalities involved, especially for the COVID-19 mRNA products. During emergency times the math of acceptance was more liberal, than today.
COVID-19 vaccines in the age of Omicron involve many breakthrough infections, meaning vaccinated persons can and do carry and spread the disease. With the COVID-19 vaccines, TrialSite started reporting on this scientific understanding by spring of 2021.
Yet Dr. Gleeson assumes all three of these vaccines are essentially sterilizing, in that they will stop viral transmission in all three viruses. She exhibits this bias upon addressing factors as to their effectiveness and impact. Dr. Gleeson states that one potential factor is how many people get the new shots. She implies the more people that get the shots, the more people will avoid infection, and consequently not spread the disease to others.
But given we don’t know the true effectiveness rates yet, and that these are not necessarily sterilizing vaccines, how can she be certain the volume of shots will make a difference at all? The truth is that she cannot. True, she can look back at epidemiological data and find some correlations, but this does not mean causation.
Other factors according to Gleeson such as masking, and the assumption that fewer people will take their masks off in the forthcoming season, along with crowding and get-togethers in enclosed places (think Holiday Season) all spell potential trouble for the “tripledemic.”
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