Thursday, January 18, 2024

Cardiovascular Autonomic Dysfunction at Crisis Levels in Long COVID Patients

A group of cardiovascular-focused expert researchers spanning the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Austria and Sweden investigate cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction (CVAD), a malfunction of the cardiovascular system triggered by deranged autonomic control of circulatory homeostasis. CVAD is a malfunction of the cardiovascular system caused by deranged autonomic control of circulatory homeostasis. CVAD is an important component of post-COVID-19 syndrome, also termed long COVID, and might affect one-third of highly symptomatic patients with COVID-19.

With effects present throughout the whole body, prominent observations include impairment of heart rate and blood pressure control, plus manifestation in specific body regions; for example, manifesting as microvascular dysfunction.

Corresponding author Arthur Fedorowski, M.D., Ph.D., a notable cardiology specialist-investigator with Karolinska University Hospital, as well as Lund University and colleagues, report long COVID patients meeting severe conditions “meet the diagnostic criteria for two common presentations of CVAD” including:

1) postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome

2) inappropriate sinus tachycardia.

Other related CVAD-linked conditions are associated with hypotension, such as orthostatic or postprandial hypotension, and recurrent reflex syncope.

Any Research Breakthroughs?

Fedorowski and colleagues point out that the pandemic did manage to accelerate long COVID research investigation helping to identify “new potential pathophysiological mechanisms, diagnostic methods and therapeutic targets in CVAD.”

The clinician/specialist-scientists point to the need for clinicians in the field who may encounter patients with CVAD on a daily basis and point out that more important than ever is “knowledge of its symptomatology, detection and appropriate management.”


Summarizing the recent medical literature research review in the journal Nature, the cardiology-centered researchers both establish a working definition based on the unfolding long COVID dynamic not to mention delineate the condition’s major forms presently reported on in lost COVID-19 syndrome patients.

Describing etiologies

In this review, we define CVAD and its major forms that are encountered in post-COVID-19 syndrome and describe possible CVAD etiologies (cause of disease) the cardiovascular-focused collaboration seeks to establish a more detailed linking of CVAD and post-COVID-19 syndrome or long COVID.

The goal obviously is to help empower more clinicians to both diagnose and manage this unfolding situation, plus delineate a research trajectory with an aim of a more efficient treatment pathway to address the ever more prevalent and enduring medical condition.


Japanese Vaccine Study Group Holds Press Release Six Months After Launch—Pervasive Safety Problems with MRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

Japan was the scene of a press conference for the General Incorporated Association Vaccine Issues Study Group in that Asian nation of 125.7 million, and the world’s third largest economy as measured by gross domestic product. A major pharmaceutical market, the Japanese group’s January 11, 2024, event centered around a concerted, systematic review of the medical literature covering COVID-19 vaccines. Professor Emeritus Masanori Fukushima, M.D., Ph.D., from Kyoto University cites the database of studies made possible by patient advocacy group React19 along with the TrialSite partnership to continuously promote the existence of a large body of peer-reviewed medical literature tracking adverse side effects, some of them injury causes, associated to the COVID-19 countermeasure program. The Japanese event occurred January 11, 2024.

The COVID-19 vaccines side effects can adversely impact every organ across the human body as more data supports the spike protein hypothesis. That is, that the mRNA induced spike protein can persist and travel in the human body for not only weeks, but months and even years.

Apparently, Japanese volunteer physicians have been amassing their own study hub, a set of documents derived from peer review case studies to more comprehensive population studies.

Substacker Aussie17 circulated the video snippet across the internet but few media picked up the event.

Ongoing medical censorship, according to the press conference, hinders physicians attempting to find ways to collaborate and care for patients. Then there’s the societal pressure, much like what we are experiencing in North America and Europe applying subtle and not so subtle pressure against any critical discussion about the COVID-19 vaccines, including vetting of mRNA-based vaccine injuries.

The participants also raised the specter of censorship at the level of scientific and medical journals, a phenomenon TrialSite has chronicled throughout the pandemic. TrialSite observed such censorship first with the discussion of alternative repurposed drugs such as ivermectin, then this same intuitive applied to critical discussion of the COVID-19 vaccines, or countermeasures as they are formally called by the U.S. government.

Professor Yasufumi Murakami went on the record at the event concerning adverse events, “One thing I want to say initially is that it is clear how the adverse effects occur, which is still holding many victims today. I believe it should be stopped immediately.”

Back to the spike protein hypothesis, not even acknowledged by the medical establishment in the developed nations, a mechanism of action now well understood, documented in multiple peer-reviewed studies and a recognition that the spike protein can at least in some cases circulate In the human body acting as an irritant with toxic impact.

Also problematic, at least for some patients, is the mRNA vaccines’ lipid nanoparticles (LNP), which can induce toxic reactions as well.

TrialSite reviewed and verified the General Incorporated “Association Vaccine Issues Study Group” and its press conference to discuss its report on six-month results.

Note that TrialSite includes multiple COVID-19 vaccine injury forums and publishes articles based on study after study suggesting government need for investment in ongoing investigation. Importantly many of the studies currently covering incidence involving side effects and the vaccine are case reviews, meaning they are not designed to establish causation.

Moreover, much dis-information and mis-information continues to circulate, especially from fringe groups claiming that the COVID-19 countermeasures were designed to specifically hurt people, such as part of a global cabal’s plan to depopulate the planet. This is dis-information and the more governments around the world withhold and suppress safety data the more these fringe groups benefit with an audience.




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