Thursday, August 08, 2024

Media Helps Reinvent Kamala Harris in Truth-Optional Campaign

Just when Americans thought they couldn’t be surprised by the press’ bias, Harris’ candidacy has turned them into outright liars, whose in-kind donation is a blanket cover-up for every unpopular policy she’s ever endorsed. And Republicans, who are used to running against the media, have to wonder: Will voters see through the scam?

From defunding the police to banning fracking—even Harris’ assignment as border czar—the Left’s revisionist history has saturated news casts, network interviews, even fact-checkers.

As National Review’s Noah Rothman bleakly put it, “The sense of euphoric inevitability that prevailed when Republicans gathered in Milwaukee for the party’s nominating convention is gone. … The Trump campaign has struggled to break into the Kamala Harris-dominated news cycle in a positive way. Republicans are resigned not just to a race against a tougher opponent but to an array of cultural and journalistic institutions acting with reckless disregard for their reputations to shield Harris from scrutiny. It’s all rather depressing.”

Harris’ dubious record is being scrubbed clean by an army of media water-carriers, who insist that GovTrack’s most liberal senator in 2019 didn’t actually mean those things she said about “Medicare for All,” voting rights for felons, bans on offshore drilling, and gun control.

In one of the more embarrassing displays, CNN’s Daniel Dale even claimed that “Harris was never made [President Joe] Biden’s ‘border czar,’” adding, “In reality, Biden gave Harris a more limited immigration-related assignment.”

“I know it’s a lie. You know it’s a lie. They know it’s a lie,” Becket Adams writes. “That they never bothered to correct this three-year-old ‘misconception’ until she became the presumptive Democratic nominee gives the game away. But the all-too-obvious timing of the thing is not stopping them from trying to revise her record anyway.”

One of Biden’s most feckless Cabinet officials, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, tried to deny the same reality, insisting, “Let’s be very clear about this because there has been a lot of mischaracterization. She was not in charge of the border.” Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., on MSNBC, was even more disingenuous, telling MSNBC, “She wasn’t the border czar, but, boy oh boy, did she do a great job at the border.”

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., could only shake his head. They’re all “trying to rewrite history,” he told Family Research Council President Tony Perkins on Saturday’s “This Week on the Hill.” “And you see all the left[ist] media doing this too. President Biden tapped Kamala Harris to be the border czar. She doesn’t have many jobs as vice president, and that’s one of the few things he gave her. The border is a mess. [She was told to] go figure it out. And she couldn’t do it. She wouldn’t even go down to the border for so long. She ignored this problem.”

The Left is hoping everyone forgets that “she is for open borders,” Scalise insisted. “She’s been very vocal about wanting to legalize people who just roam into the country and giv[e] them free stuff. And by the way, it’s angering most people in America.” The media is “going to try to change history. Sorry,” the House leader said. “They’re not going to be able to get away with it.”

And yet, as Rothman pointed out, “There is no pressure on the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee to sit for interviews, hold press conferences, or even merely speak extemporaneously for more than a few sentences. Even what may be Harris’ foremost vulnerability—her inauthenticity—is presented as an asset.”

His colleague, Rich Lowry, thinks this is the natural outgrowth of the press “elevat[ing] her from also-ran vice president to savior of the republic in the space of about 12 hours a couple of weekends ago.” Now, trusting that the press won’t challenge her on anything she says, Harris has the audacity to claim she’s the tough one on immigration.

At an Atlanta rally, Biden’s vice president actually said, “I will proudly put my record against his any day of the week. Any day of the week, including, for example, on the issue of immigration. … Donald Trump,” she continued, “has been talking a big game about securing our border. But he does not walk the walk.”

As Lowry bemoans, Harris’ “sociopathic dishonesty” on the border “has not been met with a flurry of fact checks, nor have editors been zealously adding the word ‘falsely’ in front of her claims. No, she’s flipping the script, and going on offense, and punching back.” So why not “try to get it to swallow an even more outlandishly implausible notion?” he wondered.

But how long can Harris outrun the facts as troves of videos, sound bites, and speeches burn down the straw woman the press has built?

“As we get closer to November,” Scalise warned, there are three issues that are “crystallizing everywhere you go. And No. 1—far and away—is the border. People want to get this border secured. It’s madness what’s going on at the border, and that comes up no matter what part of the country you’re in.”

And as the stock market freefalls, images like Harris in 2023 saying she’s “very proud of Bidenomics” will be hard even for the magicians of the media to erase. As Scalise says, the second biggest issue on voters’ minds is “inflation, the cost of things.”

And whatever part of the country you go into, they’re complaining about grocery prices. They’re complaining about gas prices and energy prices, [and] just cooling their home in the summer. I mean, these are problems that were created by the Biden-Harris administration. Everybody knows that. … [T]his is where Kamala Harris is going to have a real problem. She was with Joe Biden helping be the architect [of these policies]. Look, she was the deciding vote for the Inflation Reduction Act. She can’t run away from these things—the policies that created the inflation, that when you go to the grocery store, you’re paying 30% more than when Biden took office.

Add that to the explosive situation in the Middle East, and frankly, the House’s second-in-command warned, “I don’t remember a time when America’s projected so much weakness to so many of our friends around the world. … You see what Russia did with Ukraine. You see what Iran, through their proxies—Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis—have done to Israel. And then, of course, you see what China is doing to allies like Taiwan. So all of our enemies are taking advantage of the weakness being projected.”

“So it’s a dangerous place right now, and we’re in a much more dangerous position because of the weakness projected by Harris and Biden. And I think that’s going to be a big factor knowing how strong President Trump was. [There were] no new wars when Donald Trump was president. Our friends knew that we had their back. And we did, by the way, have their back because we weren’t letting the bad guys run roughshod around the world.”

So the Left’s strategy is simple: Change the subject.

They really are going to be focused on how they can divide the American people between now and Nov. 5, because they don’t want the American people talking about the issues people care about. … And the reason that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden don’t want to talk about it is because those problems were created by Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. The inflation, high energy prices, open border, all of those are self-created problems by the Biden-Harris ticket. And again, you go back four years ago, we did not have those problems.

When it comes to Harris’ campaign, “They’re going to want to talk about abortion every day. They’re going to want to talk about mandating [electric vehicles], and Jan. 6. And the American people are saying, ‘Look, I’ve got real problems that you helped create. And I want to talk about those problems.’”


New British PM presides over the collapse of neo-Marxism

Labour in the United Kingdom are presiding over the potential dissolution of civil peace. Instead of deescalating tensions, Keir Starmer – the most left-wing Prime Minister to reside at 10 Downing St – has chosen to spin facts into fearmongering about the far-right.

Starmer’s poor response to the tension on the streets has revealed a leader who is both startled and stupefied. This makes him dangerous.

Instead of addressing Islamism and the apparent failure of multiculturalism, or even the genuine safety concerns of citizens, Starmer has been smack-talking the British working class.

Instead of acknowledging and acting on widespread concerns about mass immigration and two-tier policing, Starmer wants to usher in the Soviet surveillance state.

This over-reach shows that Labour has no idea how to deal with radical Islam, especially when its members protest on the street expressing an intolerable hatred for Israel.

Labour have been politely feeding the radical crocodile for decades, hoping it would never eat them.

Today, Starmer is shifting blame onto the victims.

When the Left cry ‘far-right extremism’ it’s mostly misdirection. They don’t want the public to see that the root cause of social division is, and has been, leftism.

For years, the Left have told us you’re either an ‘oppressor’ or the ‘oppressed’.

For years the Left – via intersectionality – have divided us.

For years, we’ve been told, you’re either an ally to left-wing ideology, or you’re the enemy.

This is why they’re blaming the largely fictional ‘far-right’ for social division.

The hope is you won’t notice their smiles, lies, and hi-fives.

‘Diversity is our strength’ works great in Retail, but no so much in society.

I have long argued that the ideas of Marx and Mohammad are incompatible with Christian civilisation.

Quality, substance, and truth, still outranks, quantity, appearances, and the half-truths of hagiography.

What we’re seeing unfold across the West is a consequence of the ‘get God out of politics’ brigade badgering on about ‘don’t talk to me about religion and politics!’

I would argue that this violent storm is also part of the dangerously ignorant, post-modern ‘go along to get along’ ethos.

Starmer, and the whole Westminster crowd, have no one to blame other than their own wilful ignorance.

British authorities have had plenty of advanced warning. None so profound, nor as recent, as the debanking of Nigel Farage and Suella Braverman’s brilliant criticisms of multiculturalism.

Socialist Starmer’s gaslighting of reasons, and citizen dissent, will go down as one of the greatest misdirection’s about cause and effect in history; right next to ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’.


Don’t be fooled by Tim Walz’s blandness

Roger Kimball

OK, it’s August 6, the anniversary of the detonation of Little Boy over the city of Hiroshima in 1945. That marked the end of World War Two. (I know, it took one more bomb and a little more time, but August 6 was the gang plank to the signing of the act of surrender aboard the Missouri.)

Fast forward to August 6, 2024. As of 9:25 ante meridiem there have been no huge detonations. True, the market has yet to open. If we have a repeat of yesterday cautious folk will lock windows on the upper stories in the buildings where the financial experts congregate.

But we do have a little whimper of news, a tiny pssst of a political crepitation. Kamala Harris has just chosen Tim Walz, tapioca progressive and governor of Minnesota as her running mate. Of course, what I mean by Harris has “chosen” is that the Committee that just installed her as the Democratic nominee, and that governs us, has chosen.

Don’t let Walz’s blandness fool you. He is a certifiable (and, yes, I am cognizant of the aura of equivocation surrounding “certifiable”) left-winger. His biggest achievement seems to have been dipping his hands into taxpayers’ pockets to pay for breakfasts for schoolchildren “regardless of income.” His dazzling record otherwise includes dragging his feet on deploying the National Guard after the George Floyd riots alongside progressive priorities such as enshrining the right to gender-transition minors.

Harris chose Walz in order to bolster her standing in the Midwest. Will that work? It depends how long the “don’t-pay-any-attention-to-the-man-behind-the-curtain” show continues. The Dems can claim to have won within the margin of fraud in 2020 only because they were able to keep Biden out of the public eye. Will they be able to do the same with Harris? The jury is still out. They are trying mightily.




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