Sunday, October 06, 2024

Corrupt media to rig this election too?

The future of the world seems decidedly gloomier than in many a year.For the United States and the West, 5 November is a fork in the road with its consequences possibly irreversible.

The electoral choice recalls the contrast between Britain and France in 1940 as they faced the Third Reich. Having prevailed in the Battle of Britain, it was not only the superiority of the Royal Navy, the loyal support of her empire and certain technological advantages, especially radar, that made an invasion of the UK unlikely.

It was also that the British, informed by a free and ethical media, inspired by Churchill, and reliant on a loyal political class and civil service with a reigning monarch dedicated to their service were in ‘their finest hour’. The result was that until the US became a participant in the second world war in December 1941, a virtuous UK, inspired by Winston Churchill, continued to lead the West.

This contrasted with France which, despite its standing as a leading and ancient power, with an empire the world’s largest after Britain’s and an army seen as one of the finest, in a mere six weeks suffered the most shameful defeat.

As they witnessed the flight from Paris of a defeatist and, at times, treacherous establishment, and were misinformed by a corrupt media, the French were, as historian William Safire observes, completely demoralised when a fascist dictatorship was installed, with supreme leadership vested in an 84-year-old, nearly senile one-time war hero, Marshal Pétain.

Donald Trump, on his record, offers to make the United States an America which will be great again, one resembling in many ways the Churchillian Britain of 1941. Indeed, Trump’s intensely courageous reaction to both assassination attempts, and to the cowardly lawfare unleashed against him, is in the tradition of the great Churchill.

Kamala Harris, protected by a corrupt media and establishment, comes with the track record of the Biden-Harris administration: massive inflationary spending, supporting far-left policies, running down the defence forces and undermining the nation by opening the southern border to millions of illegal immigrants, including criminals, terrorists and drug dealers who are flooding the country with fentanyl.

That Harris is no more than a political chameleon is proven by the silence of the Democrat nomenclatura in the face of her claimed conversion to Trumpism.

As to foreign affairs, the Biden-Harris administration is notable for disgracefully abandoning soldiers, citizens and a massive cache of the latest arms in their appalling flight from Kabul, as a result of which Colonel Richard Kemp, former British commander in Afghanistan, called for Biden’s court martial.

The Biden-Harris administration is also notable for reversing Trump’s measures against Tehran, thereby releasing US$100 billion to the mullahs who constantly denounce America as the Great Satan, and enabling them to play the role of the world’s biggest terrorist power funding Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and over a dozen militias and terror groups across the Middle East, with outposts around the world. Biden and Harris have as their vocation an America in serious decline appeasing the Beijing-Moscow-Tehran axis, a decline which over time will come to recall the Fall of France.

As to the Harris-Trump debate, the corrupt media were on show where even they have now admitted only Trump was ‘fact-checked’; either wrongly or for having an opinion different from ABC’s so-called moderators.

As suggested above, it is relevant to compare American media corruption with the fact that the emergence of a corrupt, captured media was a major factor in the Fall of France.

This was examined in a 2012 Swiss-published study by Vincent Bignon from the Banque de France and Marc Flandreau, The Price of Media Capture and the Looting of French Newspapers in the Inter-War Period.

Of particular interest is a comparison between the Paris newspaper Le Temps with London’s The Times where the editor’s independence was protected under the corporate constitution.

French newspapers were looted by their owners accepting funding, including funding from hostile powers, to violate their role; a phenomenon reported in the celebrated work by Marc Bloch, L’étrange défaite (The Strange Defeat), where he blames France’s media and elites for the country’s collapse.

It is extraordinary that much of today’s American media have followed the French example of allowing themselves to be captured.

In furthering this, they have abandoned their role and duty of reporting facts to play instead the role of the Democrats’ propaganda arm.

This was best demonstrated in the US 2020 election when they reported, against all evidence, that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation.

This laptop revealed that the Biden family had been corruptly involved in the sale of access and influence at the highest levels in Washington to foreign moguls and agents from various dictatorships, including communist China’s.

Subsequent polling commissioned by the Media Research Centre found that 17 per cent of Americans who voted for Joe Biden would not have done so had they been aware of the truth about the laptop.

Meanwhile, commentator Mark Levin says the true purpose of the recent debate was so that the media could be ecstatic about Harris, no matter what she did.

Harris was trained to memorise a few pat lines to be used as answers to any question, however irrelevant.

Those answers contained what the leading journal the Federalist reported as twenty-five lies by her about Trump. The totally compromised debate hosts of the ABC did not ‘fact-check’ even one.

All the media wanted was that she would not be exposed as completely unelectable, as Biden had been in the first debate.

It is likely few will forget that, until the Biden-Trump debate, the mainstream media along with Harris and her Democrat powerbrokers blatantly lied about Biden’s competence, or lack thereof.

As Levin says, the chameleon Harris’s real plans for the US are for out-of-control and totally unchecked migration, uncontrolled inflationary spending, unpunished crime, and certainly not tackling inflation and reducing prices of things like food, gasoline, vehicles, and housing – all things that affect the American people.


The shadow US election war

In a Georgia courtroom earlier this year, University of Michigan computer scientist Professor J. Alex Halderman opened his testimony by asking the prosecutor for a pen. Duly produced, Halderman took the pen and walked over to a well-known type of voting machine. He held the pen down on one of the machine’s buttons for a few long moments. Then, in front of the judge, he flipped the machine’s tabulations, changing the winner in a hypothetical election. Thus he highlighted the fallibility of a critical element of the US’s voting system, as yet unfixed in Georgia’s seven-year, still-unresolved Curling v. Raffensperger case concerning voting machine integrity.

You might say this is a one-off defect, in one state, in an election the federal watchdog Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency declared the most secure ever, and you would be misinformed. The Agency’s true 2020 election analysis was winkled out in an internal report obtained later through FOIA requests. It said 76 per cent of assessed digital election machinery was vulnerable to attacks by adversaries, 48 per cent had a critical or high severity vulnerability to attack and 39 per cent of digital entities ran at least one risky service on an internet accessible host. Most secure ever? Nope.

The USA’s election system is not like any other, even among nations with electronic voting machines. The Constitution mandates state control of elections, so there are 50 different systems, further customised by state courts, state election boards, local legal precedents and more. In 2020, the elections were modified in varying ways by a raft of new Covid laws allowing an avalanche of mail-in ballots, early voting and other changes. In 2024, the US election will be affected by a new X factor, namely the extraordinary influx of illegal migrants, estimated at 10 million-plus since 2020.

The GOP is awake to this danger, with Speaker Mike Johnson mounting an 11th-hour attempt to require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. But the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act has not passed, and at the moment voting is simply, as Johnson says, an honour system; say you’re a citizen, you get your vote.

And the Biden regime has been working overtime to turn illegals into registered voters; Elon Musk is one of many arguing that US borders have been opened for just this purpose. In March 2021, Biden issued Executive Order 14019, which directs every federal agency to register and mobilise voters. It’s now reported that welfare and other agencies in all but four states (North Dakota, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Wyoming) are giving out voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship. And the rush to naturalise migrants is on, with some 3 million new citizens created under Biden. Processing times have halved, from nearly a year in 2021 to 5 months now, the New York Times reports.

How many illegal immigrants will come out to vote for their new benefactors is anyone’s guess. The non-profit Texas research body Just Facts, which has studied this issue since 2008, predicts up to 2.7 million illegals will vote in 2024, unless laws are tightened. It says 10 to 27 per cent of illegals, estimated at a minimum of 20 million in 2022, are registered to vote, and the vast bulk vote Democrat.

The Democrats’ mastery of the electoral ground game means they will have ample opportunity to use the ballots thus created, as required. Ballots are so much more flexible than votes. You don’t need to win hearts and minds if you can simply mark or duplicate or create or gather ballots at will.

The result of all this is an unprecedented outbreak of election lawsuits this year, with many cases still running, and state electoral laws still changing. The left’s effective legal strategist, Mark Elias, runs a site called Democracy Docket, which tallies the action in terms of ‘pro’ and ‘anti’ voting cases; in his world all efforts at election integrity amount to voter suppression. Last week he announced that the number of election lawsuits had now hit a ‘completely extraordinary’ high of 200. That’s on top of his existing scoreboard, in which he claims twice as many wins as losses in over 250 voting cases already decided.

Dirty voter rolls are a key battleground. Texas recently announced it had removed over a million people from its voter rolls since 2021. Oklahoma has recently removed 450,000 from its voter rolls, including 100,000 dead people and 15,000 duplicate registrations. North Carolina announced a week ago it had purged its rolls of 750,000, including 130,000 dead people and 290,000 duplicate registrations, over the last 20 months. That’s more than 10 per cent of that state’s registered voters. Both Florida and Alabama have complained that federal agencies are uncooperative in providing data on non-citizens, with Alabama now being sued by the Department of Justice for its efforts to cleanse its voter rolls. With the 2020 presidential election decided by some 80,000 votes altogether, these numbers are terrifyingly high.

Moreover, fighting against machines is hard. Data scientist and volunteer Kim Brooks, of a largely anonymous election integrity group called the Georgia Nerds, had been working to clean Georgia’s voter rolls, until she realised she was ‘riding a stationary bicycle’.

She concluded a program within the Georgia voter database was methodically adding back fake voters that she had had removed (dead, felon, stolen ID, etc) within a month. Sometimes those in charge pay the price. On the night of the 2020 election, Milwaukee Election Commission boss Claire Woodall-Vogg ‘misplaced’ a flash drive containing absentee votes and credible observers claimed that boxes of ballots were brought in and tabulated after staff had been sent home around 10.30 p.m. At 3 a.m. Woodall left in a police car, armed with the vote tally. An election colleague sent her an email saying: ‘Damn, Claire, you have a flair for drama, delivering just the margin needed at 3:00 am.’ She was ultimately fired, but not until May 2024.

Such is the anti-Trump vitriol in the US that a recent poll found 28 per cent of Democrats thought the country would have been better off if Trump had been assassinated. Amid such hatred, we can take a willingness to commit election fraud as a given. A Rasmussen poll found nearly two-thirds of Americans were concerned about vote cheating in 2024, with around one-in-five voters reporting having received a duplicate ballot in 2020.

Ballots are already flying out across various states, with Wisconsin admitting some one per cent of voters in a solidly blue county had already received duplicate ballots. So many areas of American life are run corruptly and incompetently, it requires impressive faith to argue the electoral system alone works properly.




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