Monday, October 24, 2005


And this lot don't even need translating!

I guess most readers here will be aware that Britain too had a vigorous Fascist movement during the Hitler era. And the leader of the British Union of Fascists -- Sir Oswald Mosley -- was anything but a nonentity. The King even came to his wedding! And Mosley originally left the British Labour party (in 1930) because it was not socialist enough! As Mosley himself said in 1968: "I am not, and never have been, a man of the right. My position was on the Left and is now in the centre of politics"

Anyway, a picture is worth a thousand words so below are two of Mosley's posters from the 1930s. The first has the familiar "peace" motif that Leftists always use and the second will sound very familiar to Americans today. American Leftists are always claiming that it is the children of the poor who are dying in the American army in Iraq. Mosley said much the same in his time about military service in the British army.

If the pictures fail to come down, there are backup copies here and here



There is a new book out which summarizes the long-known facts about radiation hormesis. Such facts will NEVER be mentioned in the MSM so we need books like this. It is called UNDEREXPOSED: What If Radiation Is Actually Good for You?. Some of the facts that the book mentions: Japanese survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki blasts are outliving (and healthier than) their unexposed peers; nuclear workers in power plants, shipyards, and weapons factories have not only less cancer, but a lower death rate from other diseases; populations in areas with high background-radiation have less cancer than those in areas with low background-radiation..... And there's much more.

Howard Schwartz has a review of the book Memory as a Moral Decision by Steven P. Feldman. Excerpt: "Feldman is conservative in the most unadulterated sense: he believes there is value in the past and in following the traditions that represent it within the present. These traditions contain within themselves the wisdom that previous generations gained through experience. They bring with them the reasons why we are who we are and in this way tie us into the historical and moral community of which we are a part. To deny the value of tradition is to deny everything that goes into our identity. Much of what we know, we know in a way that we cannot say. It is "tacit knowledge.""



British Left the chief antisemites today: "Parallel with this over the past few years, anti-Semitism, which had been in remission for 40 years, has dramatically revived. Violent acts against Jews are soaring, with 532 incidents recorded last year - a 42% increase from 2003. In many respects Jews are now regarded as pariahs, like their antecedents in the 1930s. While many Anglo-Jews insist that anti-Semitism is primarily a product of Muslim immigrants, the reality - as recently confirmed in a London police study - is that the core of anti-Semitism in England emanates from indigenous Britons. They are the ones demonizing Israel in the media. They shamelessly create Nazi-style caricatures like the one published by the Independent newspaper which portrayed Ariel Sharon as an ogre physically devouring Palestinian children. That obscene cartoon was awarded first prize as the best political cartoon of the year. It is "white" British academics, not Muslim immigrants, who promote anti-Israeli boycotts and divestment campaigns. And, needless to say, the BBC which has evolved into one of the greatest global agents demonizing Israel is not run by Muslims... London Mayor Ken Livingstone, who has now assumed the role of a 21st-century Oswald Mosley, continues his anti-Israel and anti-Jewish outbursts unabated. But there are no protests outside the mayor's office".

Sin is not cost effective: "Why do some countries develop economically, while others stagnate? Both the World Bank Institute and economist Alvaro Vargas Llosa point to the problem of corruption as one of the major culprits. They say that the most important 'natural resources' for economic development are not raw materials like oil or coal, but moral qualities like the even-handed enforcement of law, and the transparency of government. The World Bank Institute reports that in poor places like India, people pay bribes when their children are born, when they collect loved ones' bodies from mortuaries, and for everything in between: garbage collection, clean water, medicines, admission to public schools and even police protection."

The constitutional bar on an established church in the USA is routinely interpreted by Leftists to mandate the banishment of anything religious from any government-funded premises. This article gives you the history that you need in order to understand what the founders were really referring to.

As I expected, my recent post on my scripture blog about Romans 13:1-7 produced a bit of correspondence. I have just posted there one of the more interesting emails -- giving some Old Testament background to the text. The key passage under discussion is of course: "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God"?

David Boxenhorn also emailed a comment that the Jewish view of government is "dina d'malkhuta dina" - "the law of the land is the law", which means that Jews have to follow civil law unless it conflicts with halakha [Jewish religious law]. He also notes a Talmudic quotation: Rabbi Chanina, an assistant of the high priest said: Pray for the welfare of the government, since but for fear of it men would swallow each other alive.

I have just heard from Madsen Pirie that the Adam Smith blog is going to feature my GREENIE WATCH blog on their site some time today. I quite often "steal" a post from them for GREENIE WATCH or EDUCATION WATCH so I am very pleased by their kind thoughts.

For more postings, see EDUCATION WATCH, GREENIE WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, GUN WATCH, SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. Mirror sites here, here, here, here and here. And on Social Security see Dick McDonald


Practically all policies advocated by the Left create poverty. Leftists get the government to waste vast slabs of the country's labour-force on bureaucracy and paperwork and so load the burden of providing most useful goods and services onto fewer and fewer people. So fewer useful goods and services are produced to go around. That is no accident. The Left love the poor. The Left need the poor so that they can feel good by patronizing and "helping" them. So they do their best to create as many poor people as possible.

The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialistisch)

Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.


Sunday, October 23, 2005


(We are great abbreviators). The quiz I put up recently about knowledge of Australian slang seems to have been very popular so I thought I might re-post the observations below:

From its foundation in 1788, Australia has always been a traditionally unholy place with a very low rate of churchgoing. Americans trace their founding fathers to religious zealots but Australians trace their foundations to convicts. And other major population elements in the white settlement of Australia -- such as goldrush "diggers" and Irish rebels -- did little to alter the culture originating from our convict origins. Only about 3% of modern-day Australians have convict ancestors (I am one of the 3%) but the early days formed a culture that has been passed on to others as they arrived -- just as only a small minority of Americans now have primarily English ancestry but English is nonethless the language of America. And Australia's only national hero to this day is Ned Kelly -- an Irish highway robber who eventually was hanged for his undoubted crimes.

So how come Australia is a civil, prosperous and pleasant place to live? It is because Australians DO have a widely agreed-on moral code -- but it is not a Christian one. It originates from the values of the English working class of yesteryear and can perhaps be conveniently summed up (in its original Australian slang) as the following five "Commandments":

* Thou shalt not dob in thy mates
* Thou shalt not bung on an act.
* Thou shalt not be a tall poppy
* Thou shalt give everyone a fair go
* Thou shalt be fair dinkum

Translating these into standard English yields APPROXIMATELY the following:

* You must not incriminate your friends to the boss, the police or anyone else. Loyalty to your associates is all-important.
* You must not be ostentatious or pretend to be what you are not.
* You must treat others as your equals. If you are seen as being better than others in anything but sport you will be made to suffer for it.
* You must be fair and permissive in your treatment of others.
* You must not be insincere or dishonest.

From Hammurabi onwards, most moral codes have had much in common and the Australian and Christian moral codes do also have things in common but the Australian moral code is not preached in churches. It is simply traditional and widely heartfelt.


I have regarded Andrew Sullivan as contemptible since 2002 but nothing I say of course has any impact on as big a fish in blogging and journalism as Sullivan is. I am therefore pleased that the widely-read Taranto has a similar view of Sullivan, with a particularly nice innuendo at the end of his latest post. Taranto has of course been having fun with Sullivan for some time (e.g. here) -- often by quoting from earlier Sullivan posts that contradict Sullivan's present stance. Keith Burgess-Jackson also thinks that Sullivan argues disreputably.

California: Dems claim Bush tax plan targeted at them: "A tax reform proposal agreed upon Tuesday by President Bush's advisory panel would eliminate the federal deduction for state and local taxes and sharply limit the tax break for home mortgage interest. That's leading some Democrats in California and New York to assail it as an attack on the blue states -- the ones that voted Democratic in the 2004 presidential election -- which tend to have higher taxes and housing costs. 'The Bush panel's recommendations are a double-barreled blast aimed squarely at California and the middle class,' state Treasurer Phil Angelides said in a press release. 'These recommendations are good for Texas, but bad for California.'"

How long could your state run on ANWR oil? "Recent disruptions in oil production caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, coupled with America's increasing dependence on foreign oil, have once again exposed the frailty of our nation's energy supply. And as Americans continue to face sticker shock at the pump and quiver in anticipation of expensive home heating bills this winter, the need for increased domestic production has reached the forefront of the American psyche."

UK: Microsoft warns of ID card security risk: "Microsoft has warned the UK government's national ID card plans pose a huge security risk that could actually increase the likelihood of confidential personal information falling into the hands of hackers and criminals. A top security and identity management expert at Microsoft said the current technology proposals are flawed and criticised other IT suppliers for failing to speak out publicly about their concerns for fear of damaging any future bids for a piece of the lucrative ID cards contract."

Locking up more criminals for longer works: "The nation's murder rate declined last year for the first time in four years, dropping to the lowest level in 40 years. Experts said local rather than national trends were mostly responsible. The rates for all seven major crimes were down and the overall violent crime rate reached a 30-year low, according to the FBI's annual compilation of crimes reported to the police. There were 391 fewer murders nationwide in 2004 than the year before. The total of 16,137 worked out to 5.5 murders for every 100,000 people."

I have just put up a new post on my Leftists as Elitists blog that looks at one long sneer at Australia and Australians from a noted Australian playwright. He actually manages to make HIMSELF look ridiculous in the process.

Les Bates has a pungent reply to a Leftist assertion that "liberals and progressives are not communists or socialists".

For more postings, see EDUCATION WATCH, GREENIE WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, GUN WATCH, SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. Mirror sites here, here, here, here and here. And on Social Security see Dick McDonald


Practically all policies advocated by the Left create poverty. Leftists get the government to waste vast slabs of the country's labour-force on bureaucracy and paperwork and so load the burden of providing most useful goods and services onto fewer and fewer people. So fewer useful goods and services are produced to go around. That is no accident. The Left love the poor. The Left need the poor so that they can feel good by patronizing and "helping" them. So they do their best to create as many poor people as possible.

The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialistisch)

Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.


Saturday, October 22, 2005

Brookes News Update

US economy, trade deficit and monetary policy: Because of the sheer size of its economy, a monetary-induced deficit by the United States distorts the pattern of international trade as well as disarranging internal investment
Labour market reform attacked by Paul Keating: Keating's attack on labour market reform at least served the purpose of demonstrating just how bad the critics' so-called economic thinking is
Labour market reform and productivity: Liberal Party stuffs it up again: When it comes to productivity and labour market reform the Liberal Government and its advisers just cannot get it right
Liberal Party treats members with contempt: I am not surprised that Liberal Party membership is shrinking. What can one expect when it treats ordinary members with contempt
Does consumer confidence raise economic activity?: The view that by means of opinion surveys one can ascertain the future direction of an economy is somewhat questionable
Australian economy: Inflation and jobs: Critics of 'fight inflation first' policies are wrong. The unemployment they attack is the cost of having inflation
Deflation and economic confusion: Deflation is a greatly misunderstood phenomenon. In fact, I am inclined to go so far as to suggest that very few Australians actually know what it means


I have just put up on my scripture blog a treatment of the important passage in Romans 13:1-7. The passage is one which causes many Christians to ask: "Should Christians obey the government, no matter what sort of government it may be?" What are we to make of: "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God"?

I have just put up here a counterblast to a Leftist parallel between resistance to Hitler and resisting the allied intervention in Iraq.

I have just put up here a short post from one of my regular readers about the infantilization of modern American culture. I don't entirely agree with him but he has some good points. The infantile nature of the modern American Left is something that Evan Sayet often writes about.

I've always said Chomsky is just an entertainer for Leftists: "One of the most persistent themes in Chomsky's work has been class warfare. He has frequently lashed out against the "massive use of tax havens to shift the burden to the general population and away from the rich" and criticized the concentration of wealth in "trusts" by the wealthiest one percent. The American tax code is rigged with "complicated devices for ensuring that the poor -- like eighty percent of the population -- pay off the rich." But trusts can't be all bad. After all, Chomsky, with a net worth north of $2,000,000, decided to create one for himself. A few years back he went to Boston's venerable white-shoe law firm, Palmer and Dodge, and with the help of a tax attorney specializing in "income-tax planning" set up an irrevocable trust to protect his assets from Uncle Sam. He named his tax attorney (every socialist radical needs one!) and a daughter as trustees. To the Diane Chomsky Irrevocable Trust (named for another daughter) he has assigned the copyright of several of his books, including multiple international editions".

Pathetic: "The French campaign against the global tide of American entertainment will take a big stride forward today when almost every nation backs the first world convention on protecting culture. Most of the 191 members of Unesco, the United Nations' cultural agency, are expected to vote for a "convention on cultural diversity", which enshrines on a global level France's longstanding policy of subsidising its arts and imposing quotas on American films and music. The vote will be a big defeat for the United States, which held out against the plan with partial backing from Israel, Australia and Japan".

Threat to jobs averted: "Senate proposals to raise the minimum wage were rejected Wednesday, making it unlikely that the lowest allowable wage, $5.15 an hour since 1997, will rise in the foreseeable future. A labor-backed measure by Sen. Edward Kennedy would have raised the minimum to $6.25 over an 18-month period. A Republican counterproposal would have combined the same $1.10 increase with various breaks and exemptions for small businesses."

Fred Reed on "reparations": "I suggest that blacks ought to be grateful that their faster ancestors caught their slower ancestors -- which is exactly what happened -- and sold them to the slavers. American blacks would otherwise be somewhere on the Slave Coast of Africa, barefoot, illiterate, blankly ignorant, wearing loincloths, living in stick huts that would give Eeyore the willies, and shuddering with malaria. That's what Africa is: primitive, hopeless, godawful. I've been in Masai hutments, spent time in the outback of Cuando Cubango. It's not Stone Age. It's more like Stick Age. No country in Africa today comes close, or ever has, to the culture of Fifth Century Athens, 2500 years ago. Yes, slavery was brutal and ugly. It was, however, hard on the slaves, not on today's blacks. Slavery brought our blacks into contact with a vastly superior civilization from which they benefit enormously, and without the slightest gratitude. Everything blacks enjoy in this country today -- air-conditioning, writing, automobiles, television, medicine, welfare, medicine, everything -- they enjoy only because they were brought here. Further, they have contributed almost nothing to the industrial and technological flowering that has provided the benefits they enjoy."

Taxes and economic growth: "New York Times editorial board member Teresa Tritch believes our tax system should serve one purpose and one purpose only -- to soak the rich. Any reduction in tax rates, especially on saving and investment, has nothing to do with raising growth, but is nothing but a give-away to the ultra-wealthy. The reality is that the wealthy pay almost all of the federal income tax and there is clear and compelling evidence that our tax system - especially its misguided redistributive elements -- impose a heavy cost in terms of growth that is ultimately paid by the non-wealthy in the form of lower productivity and, hence, lower wages and incomes ..."

This site keeps track of the unending atrocities committed in the name of "the religion of peace".

For more postings, see EDUCATION WATCH, GREENIE WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, GUN WATCH, SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. Mirror sites here, here, here, here and here. And on Social Security see Dick McDonald


Practically all policies advocated by the Left create poverty. Leftists get the government to waste vast slabs of the country's labour-force on bureaucracy and paperwork and so load the burden of providing most useful goods and services onto fewer and fewer people. So fewer useful goods and services are produced to go around. That is no accident. The Left love the poor. The Left need the poor so that they can feel good by patronizing and "helping" them. So they do their best to create as many poor people as possible.

The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialistisch)

Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.


Friday, October 21, 2005


I was just leaving Wesley Hospital (A top Brisbane private hospital) yesterday after one of my regular encounters with the surgeon's knife (for skin cancer) when I saw a very recognizable figure walk in -- a member of the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George (CMG). He seemed rather surprised when I greeted him but he shook my hand anyway. I remember writing a congratulatory letter to him about something or other in the 1980s (though I forget what it was about now) so it was a pleasure to shake his hand. And I think it is the only time I have shaken hands with a Prime Minister anyway. Paias Wingti had a couple of terms in the 1980s and 1990s as Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea. He is of course a Melanesian ("black islander"). I grew up with Melanesians around the place and rather like them (as I have noted previously) -- which I would not say of certain other dark-skinned populations. Note however that I say "populations". There are good and bad individuals in all populations.

That got me thinking about Melanesian IQ. Lynn & Vanhanen give the mean IQ for Papua and New Guinea as 84 and at first glance that seems well justified. Melanesians have only recently emerged from the stone age. But it doesn't gell with my experience of them. I have met lots of Africans (both in Africa and in the USA) and I have met lots of Australian Aborigines and I have no doubts whatever about the accuracy of the mean IQ quoted for both those groups. But Melanesians seem in my experience of them to be a lot brighter than that. And with the difficulty of measuring ANYTHING cross-culturally (see e.g. here), I think I am entitled to reserve judgment on the matter.

But if Melanesians are reasonably bright, how come they were in the stone age within living memory? Even a stopped clock is right twice a day and I think this is one case where one of Marx's ideas was right (though Engels tried to talk him out of it). Marx believed in geographical determinism -- a common 19th century idea from which we get the phrase "blood and soil" as a description of what is important to people. Mostly the idea is rubbish but I think it explains New Guinea. New Guinea is very large but it is also extraordinarily mountainous. It is probably the earth's most wrinkled bit of geography. And the people of course live in the many small valleys and are very effectively cut off from one-another by the surrounding mountains -- which is why every valley has its own language. So I think it was simply the isolation of the New Guineans that kept them in the stone age. There was little communication with outsiders and hence no diffusion of ideas. And that of course contrasts greatly with the relative ease of communication across the great Eurasian landmass.

And for some reason New Guinea has very little fauna to hunt. Birds and tree kangaroos are about it (Yes. Some kangaroos do live in trees). So living in those isolated valleys was pretty challenging and meant -- as in Northern Europe -- that you could only survive by planning ahead -- which the New Guneans did by planting their "gardens" and raising pigs. Basically, if your garden did not feed you, you starved. And gardens are not equally productive all the year round so root crops such as cassava had to be grown that could be kept aside for when there was nothing else to eat. So that's my contribution to the theoretical biology of Melanesians anyway. For very different reasons, I think they had pressures on their mental development that were similar to the pressures that produced modern Europeans.

I might mention that the Melanesian population in mainland Australia is small but they generally fit in well, are peacable and are well-liked. I mentioned my own positive view of Melanesians to the lady in my life -- who was for a time a nurse on Thursday Island -- the most populous bit of Melanesia that is still part of Australia -- and her response was simply: "They're lovely". And she is certainly in a position to know.


Keith Burgess Jackson has just taken another swing at that mini-Chomsky, Brian Leiter. Leiter really is execrable. If you want to know what elitist hate is like, read Leiter. Wicked Thoughts has just put up a reminder of his past campaigns against Leiter too.

Capitalizing on capitalist peace: "[W]e are living in remarkably peaceable times. For six decades, developed nations have not fought each other. ... The present peace is unusual. Historically, powerful nations are the most war prone. The conventional wisdom is that democracy fosters peace but this claim fails scrutiny. It is based on statistical studies that show democracies typically don't fight other democracies. Yet, the same studies show that democratic nations go to war about as much as other nations overall. And more recent research makes clear that only the affluent democracies are less likely to fight each other. Poor democracies behave much like non-democracies when it comes to war and lesser forms of conflict. A more powerful explanation is emerging from newer, and older, empirical research -- the 'capitalist peace.'"

It's all about Israel, of course: "Suspected Muslim militants killed a Buddhist monk and five other people in Thailand's restive Muslim south, police said on Sunday, in separatist violence that has claimed more than 900 lives. The militants attacked a Buddhist temple in the southern Pattani province late on Saturday, slit the 76-year-old monk's throat, killed two teenage boys and set fire to the temple, a police report obtained by Reuters said".

Good to hear: "A new resolution introduced in the U.S. Senate offers political backing to the Bush administration by slamming a United Nations effort to exert more influence over the Internet. Sen. Norm Coleman, a Republican from Minnesota, said his nonbinding resolution would protect the Internet from a takeover by the United Nations that's scheduled to be discussed at a summit in Tunisia next month. "The Internet is likely to face a grave threat" at the summit, Coleman said in a statement on Monday. "If we fail to respond appropriately, we risk the freedom and enterprise fostered by this informational marvel and end up sacrificing access to information, privacy and protection of intellectual property we have all depended on."

Senate approves ANWR drilling: "The Senate Energy Committee voted Wednesday to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to oil drilling as part of a broad budget bill to fund the federal government. Within weeks, the measure could become law. By attaching the language to the budget bill, Republicans have made it impossible for Democrats to block it with a filibuster. And the House of Representatives has repeatedly voted in favor of opening the refuge to energy development"

Gateway Pundit has a great roundup of the fact and fiction about New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina.

For more postings, see EDUCATION WATCH, GREENIE WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, GUN WATCH, SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. Mirror sites here, here, here, here and here. And on Social Security see Dick McDonald


Practically all policies advocated by the Left create poverty. Leftists get the government to waste vast slabs of the country's labour-force on bureaucracy and paperwork and so load the burden of providing most useful goods and services onto fewer and fewer people. So fewer useful goods and services are produced to go around. That is no accident. The Left love the poor. The Left need the poor so that they can feel good by patronizing and "helping" them. So they do their best to create as many poor people as possible.

The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialistisch)

Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.


Thursday, October 20, 2005


Forgive me while I have another laugh at some so-called psychology. This article (titled: "The Gender Belief System, Authoritarianism, Social Dominance Orientation, and Heterosexuals' Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men" and written by Bernard E. Whitley Jr. & Stefania AEgisdottir) arrives at the most complex conclusions about who does not like homosexuals. Here is the journal Abstract:

"We tested hypotheses drawn from three theoretical perspectives--gender belief system, authoritarianism, and social dominance--concerning heterosexuals' attitudes toward lesbians and gay men. Data from 122 male and 131 female heterosexual college students with mostly White, middle-class backgrounds indicated that constructs postulated by all three perspectives played important roles in predicting attitudes: Gender differences in attitudes toward lesbians and gay men were mediated by social dominance orientation and gender-role beliefs, indicating that gender role beliefs may act as legitimizing myths to justify antigay attitudes. Authoritarianism had both a direct relationship to attitudes toward lesbians and gay men and an indirect relationship mediated by gender-role beliefs".

All three scales (question-sets) that they used, however, have lots of statements in them that are readily identified as conservative. So all that the "research" really showed is that conservatives are a lot more dubious about homosexuality than Leftists are. Big news!

What a contrast between a modern capitalist economy and a backward Muslim one:

OK: the Pakistan earthquake was stronger but it is still one hell of a contrast. Japanese buildings and infrastructure are of course built to resist earthquakes. That's why they just "shook" instead of falling down

Recent Pakistan earthquake: "New casualty figures from the South Asian earthquake have pushed the death toll to more than 79,000, regional officials said Wednesday. The new numbers come as two strong aftershocks jolted the devastated region, unleashing landslides and setting off another wave of panic among survivors who lost loved ones and homes in the Oct. 8 disaster... Despite brisk sorties of helicopters delivering aid to quake victims, an estimated half-million survivors, many of them in Pakistan's portion of Kashmir, have yet to receive any help since the monster 7.6-magnitude quake leveled entire villages.

Recent Japan earthquake: "A strong earthquake rocked eastern Japan late Wednesday, shaking buildings in Tokyo and nearby areas, but there was no immediate report of injuries or damage. The earthquake, with a preliminary magnitude of 6.5, was centered 24 miles below the sea off the coast of Ibaraki prefecture.... Runways at Tokyo's Narita airport closed temporarily but later reopened, Kyodo News agency said. Bullet train service north of Tokyo also was suspended but quickly resumed"


Oliver Kamm is in good form -- in such good form that some people have not tumbled to the fact that the Tony Blair "apology" he has put up is a spoof. Kamm is however absolutely right in setting out what Blair SHOULD have said about the old Marxist heckler Walter Wolfgang.

Ya gotta laugh: Some group of fruitcake intellectuals has noted that there has been a lot more peace in the world since the fall of the Soviet Union. And who gets the credit for that? The United Nations! The words that occur to my mind (such as "Ronald Reagan", "globalization" etc) do NOT of course get a mention. What a simple soul I must be!

Greenie barriers to oil exploration knocked over: "In an aggressive push by the Bush administration to open more public land to oil and gas production, the Interior Department has quit conducting environmental reviews and seeking comments from local residents every time drilling companies propose new wells. Field officials have been told to begin looking at issuing permits based on past studies of an entire project, even though some of those assessments may be outdated".

There is a BIG article in New York Magazine about the Harpending & Cochran paper on Jewish intelligence. The Harpending & Cochran work does seem to have opened up some public awareness of the academic data about racial differences in IQ so one hopes that the discussion continues to open up. For the sake of respectability, all the old bromides that pretend to offer alternative explanations for the findings are of course trotted out -- saying that we don't really know what IQ is etc. A hundred years of evidence that there is such a thing as general problem-solving ability and that IQ measures it are conveniently overlooked. But some progress towards getting the truth about IQ differences out is better than none.

Dalrymple wisdom: Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to"

The vampire economy: Italy, Germany, and the US : "What is the link between fascism and socialism? They are stages on a continuum of economic control, one that begins in intervention in the free market, moves toward regimentation and greater rigidity, marches toward socialism as failures increase, and ends in dictatorship. The fascist system, wrote Mises, 'clung first to the same principles of economic policies which all not outright socialist governments have adopted in our day, interventionism. Then later it turned step by step toward the German system of socialism, i.e., all-round state control of economic activities.'"

One Cosmos has an interesting psychoanalytic-style post which concludes that the Islamists NEED us as their enemy.

For more postings, see EDUCATION WATCH, GREENIE WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, GUN WATCH, SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. Mirror sites here, here, here, here and here. And on Social Security see Dick McDonald


Practically all policies advocated by the Left create poverty. Leftists get the government to waste vast slabs of the country's labour-force on bureaucracy and paperwork and so load the burden of providing most useful goods and services onto fewer and fewer people. So fewer useful goods and services are produced to go around. That is no accident. The Left love the poor. The Left need the poor so that they can feel good by patronizing and "helping" them. So they do their best to create as many poor people as possible.

The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialistisch)

Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005


"Some 750,000 blogs and other user-generated content will soon show up on Yahoo! News search pages, presented right alongside news from mainstream media. But is Yahoo! taking another big step in the blurring of lines between professional media and grassroots journalism? The company is testing a new search tool that includes results from thousands of mainstream media outlets, and a separate results column for blogs, its new My Web social search and pictures posted to the company's Flickr photo service.

"Traditional media don't have the time or resources to cover all stories," says Joff Redfern, a director in Yahoo! Search. "We want to offer an alternative perspective on news outside of what the mainstream media has to offer." In a prepared statement, Neil Budde, general manager of Yahoo! News, says the company wants to fuse professional journalism with so-called citizen journalism to provide a fuller spectrum of content to its members. Still, Yahoo! is clearly sensitive to the dangers of blurring the lines between professional and amateur journalism. Results from 6,500 of Yahoo!'s content partners (mainstream media) will be displayed on the left side of the page. On the right side, clearly demarcated, will be relevant blog-search results. Below that, MyWeb and Flickr results will be listed. "We will make sure there is enough differentiation and demarcate where the [content] is coming from," says Redfern. "Part of the goal here is to learn from consumers and publishers, he added, noting that blogs aren't necessarily cannibalizing mainstream media. "Sometimes this stuff gets positioned as a zero-sum game, but it's not."

How will Yahoo! determine which search results to display in its blogs column? That's a closely guarded secret. Yahoo! is loath to give content providers the tools that might help them game the system for better visibility. The company won't discuss specifics but says that blog-search results are based in part on the popularity of the blogs within MyYahoo, as measured by a computer algorithm. "If we've got more people subscribed to a blog, there is presumably more credibility to its reputation," says Redfern.... Initially, only blogs registered with the MyYahoo RSS directory--there are about 750,000 today--will be searchable. Bloggers will soon be able to apply to Yahoo! Search to add their blog to its index, even if it's outside the MyYahoo universe".

As Michelle Malkin shows at length, even the conservative "Old Media" hate blogs so this will be a bitter pill for them. Michelle also mercilessly exposes the lies of the MSM about the Toledo riots. A vast riot by blacks was reported as being the work of whites! Thank goodness half a million people a week read her.


I have always thought that GWB is a genuinely decent man who follows the advice of his Lord and does good deeds without announcing them from the rooftops (Matthew 6:1-6) -- unlike the patently psychopathic Bill Cinton or the cracked Al Gore. I have heard various reports of GWB's private good deeds but this story about how the Presidential security detail have experienced him and his predecesors seems to be the most comprehensive account yet. Note that Snopes have been trying to pick holes in the story since June but have not yet succeeded. It reminds me of this wonderful story about Ronald Reagan -- another decent man for whom the Left had nothing but abuse.

Keith Burgess Jackson has REALLY got it in for the despicable Brian Leiter now. I am looking forward to the fireworks.

Conservative Anglicans to expand their influence: "Sydney Anglicans plan to offer refuge to dissidents of rival churches in a move critics warn would poison its relationships with the wider church, trigger legal injunctions and threaten the position of the archbishop. In its most contentious proposal before this year's synod, the powerful Sydney Anglican Diocese last night voted to set up a framework by which like-minded congregations of other evangelical churches and Protestant denominations can officially link up with the diocese. The Dean of St Andrew's Cathedral, the Very Reverend Phillip Jensen, has identified rebel congregations of the Uniting Church who are opposed to gay ministry, and ethnic congregations, as those who might be interested in "fellowship". But critics have warned that the affiliation could be the backdoor means by which the conservative diocese creates a network of like-minded churches outside Sydney, expanding its influence well beyond its boundaries. The move would be likely to fuel tensions between the diocese and the six other NSW bishops, and the wider Anglican Church, about the right to "plant" churches in neighbouring jurisdictions".

Another message from Eleanor French Spreitzer: "PETA, WHEN DO YOU LEAVE???? Hey Peta: Don't forget to see the "Great Wall of China" while you're over there. What am I talking about??? Well, surely an army of you is on your way to China after seeing on the news that they are feeding live Water Buffalos to the Lions at the zoo. Yes, Peta, they are putting live Buffalos right in the cages with live Lions and then standing around to watch the fun. What are you going to do about it? Speaking of animals - maybe you are too CHICKEN to go over to China and straighten out such mindlessly cruel people. A lot easier to push the choir around - right?????"

There is a good quiz here that tests your knowledge of the great Australian slanguage. Don't worry if you get them all wrong. They give you the answers at the end. I got two out of 20 wrong myself and I pride myself on my knowledge of Australian expressions. There is a huge number of them.

"Paradise Now": Antisemitic movie co-financed by German authorities: "Paradise Now" is the first openly anti-Semitic film I've seen in the German cinema. Joseph Goebbels would have praised in glowing terms the fact that the German taxpayer ponied up an essential contribution to the production costs. The materials for discussion of the film in German schools authored by a federal authority from the Central Office for Political Education (BPB)would have met with his grinning approval.... While the Palestinians, without exception in the German version, speak at length in flawless German, there's only one place in the whole film where an Israeli speaks a sentence - German, but with an unpleasant accent..."

Last Friday I put up pictures of some original Nazi posters from the 1930s which showed how Leftist the appeal of Nazism was. The post was a bit ruined because for most readers the pictures did not come up. The place I sourced the pix from seems to have chronic bandwidth problems. I have now however re-posted the exhibition as a separate file, using one of my own sites as the picture source. Click here to see it as it should originally have appeared.

For more postings, see EDUCATION WATCH, GREENIE WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, GUN WATCH, SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. Mirror sites here, here, here, here and here. And on Social Security see Dick McDonald


Practically all policies advocated by the Left create poverty. Leftists get the government to waste vast slabs of the country's labour-force on bureaucracy and paperwork and so load the burden of providing most useful goods and services onto fewer and fewer people. So fewer useful goods and services are produced to go around. That is no accident. The Left love the poor. The Left need the poor so that they can feel good by patronizing and "helping" them. So they do their best to create as many poor people as possible.

The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialistisch)

Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Pravda just reported that Vladimir Putin came out and basically reiterated what President Bush recently said about Islamists who desire to annihilate no-Mohammedans and create a world wide Caliphate. To those who have followed Islamic acts of violence the past several decades and who have extensively read through the Koran, Hadiths, and other Islamic writings this comes as no surprise. Anyone with the ability to read and who has seen he atrocities wrought by Islamists all around the globe could see this as clear as day. It happens almost hourly somewhere on Earth.

The only ones who cannot seem to see these things are Liberals in North America and Europe, and those who call themselves "moderate Muslims." Yet the media for some reason seems to try and paint a picture of a hijacked religion that is essentially peaceful.... And it really irks me to no end to watch our nation, our politicians, and our media tip toe around the issue and pretend it is not a real threat to the civilized world. Yet when our President Bush stands up and calls a spade a spade and he takes action to ensure these zealots cannot get their way and endanger the free thinking world, he is abused in the press and in the political world for being a warmonger....

Liberalism and Sharia are not so different. They both want total domination of their ideologies. They both desire to have the entire world speak their language and blindly follow their rules. They both hate any education that allows free thought, as free thought is the most dangerous enemy to Islam and Liberals. The Muslims have Sharia, Liberals have Political Correctness. Both would have their perceived enemies destroyed with no thought. Ask Michael Moore and his cronies. Listen to the hatred from the lips of both, all one needs to do is disagree with them and the flames will come. Write an article disagreeing with homosexuality or spending wasted billions on failed school systems and social programs that breed only dependency on the government.

More here



Wow! Keith Burgess-Jackson has just done quite a job on Brian Leiter. Keith had a sort of a truce with Leiter for a while (after Keith had called Leiter "nuts") but that is obviously long gone. I think Keith should concentrate on Leiter more. He was concentrating on Krugman for a while (very effectively) but there are quite a few others who regularly fisk Krugman whereas the hate-filled Leiter gets let off free a lot more than he should.

From Samizdata: "My contempt for the Nobel Prize for anything grew dramatically today when I read that Harold Pinter won the award for literature. The fact he is an apologist for Europe's most prolific mass murdering socialist since Joseph Stalin, namely Slobodan Milosovic, is apparently is not something which bothers the worthies in Sweden. A contemptible prize for a contemptible man".

DC: Government employees reward themselves: "The D.C. government employees tasked with providing care to the city's poor have taken home nearly half of the more than $1 million in bonus money awarded by the District during the first half of fiscal 2005. Nearly 400 employees in the D.C. Department of Human Services (DHS) received approximately $479,000 in extra money in their paychecks from Oct. 1, 2004, to March 31, 2005, according to D.C. Office of Personnel records. Citywide, the D.C. government awarded 565 bonus payments for $1.06 million. D.C. City Council member Adrian M. Fenty, chairman of the council's Committee on Human Services, which oversees the Department of Human Services, yesterday said he's going to conduct an inquiry of the department's bonuses."

An American "debacle?" "Iraq is now routinely dismissed as a quagmire or 'lost.' Osama bin laden is assumed to be still active, while we are beginning the fifth year of the war that is 'longer than World War II.' Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo purportedly are proof of our brutality and have lost us hearts and minds, while gas prices spiral out of control. The U.S. military is supposedly 'overextended' if not 'wrecked' by Iraq, while the war in Afghanistan 'drags on.' Meanwhile, it is 'only a matter of time' until we are hit with another terrorist strike of the magnitude of September 11. To cap it off, the United States is now 'disliked' abroad, by those who abhor our 'unilateralism' and 'preemptive' war. All that is a fair summation of the current glumness. But how accurate are such charges? If one were to assess them from the view of the Islamic fundamentalists, they would hardly resemble reality."

Acquiescence and conformity : "In 1967, a middle school history teacher found himself being asked the following kinds of questions by his students in regards to the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime during World War II. How could the German populace claim ignorance of the slaughter of the Jewish people? How could the townspeople, railroad conductors, teachers, doctors, etc., claim they knew nothing about concentration camps and human carnage? How can people who were neighbors and maybe even friends of the Jewish citizens say they weren't there when it happened? His answer was to try a social experiment with his students, unbeknownst to either the students or their parents. I remember it well, since it was the basis for an after-school TV movie that aired in the 70's. The teacher was Ron Jones. His experiment became known as 'The Wave.'"

Louis Hissink is a doughty opponent of the Green/Left. He has previously been posting on The Hissink file -- a subsection of the conservative Henry Thornton site. He has however now started his own blog and has some good posts up already. You can find it here. Consider bookmarking him.

See here for a cartoon comment on recent British police methods

And if you want to know where your money goes when you fill up the tank of your car, part of the answer is here (Broadband needed).

There is a ranking here of the top Australian & New Zealand blogs. I am not sure of their methology but seeing this blog came second, there must be something in it!

For more postings, see EDUCATION WATCH, GREENIE WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, GUN WATCH, SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. Mirror sites here, here, here, here and here. And on Social Security see Dick McDonald


Practically all policies advocated by the Left create poverty. Leftists get the government to waste vast slabs of the country's labour-force on bureaucracy and paperwork and so load the burden of providing most useful goods and services onto fewer and fewer people. So fewer useful goods and services are produced to go around. That is no accident. The Left love the poor. The Left need the poor so that they can feel good by patronizing and "helping" them. So they do their best to create as many poor people as possible.

The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialistisch)

Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.


Monday, October 17, 2005

Brookes News Update

US economy, market bubbles and Adventures in Paradise: No matter how many stock market bubbles there have been, or will be, investors and their advisers always treat the current one as permanent, sometimes even calling it a 'new era'
Australian economy and the wage-inflation myth: Regardless of what our economic commentators claim, wages are not the "key to inflation" any more than oil prices -- money supply is
Oil prices and the inflation myth: The media is once again feeding us myths about oil prices and the threat of oil-fuelled inflation, the latter tale being another pervasive economic fallacy
Inflation and economic growth: Mainstream economics sees inflation as general rises in commonly accepted price indices. Well, the mainstream is wrong -- again
Turkey, Israel and the Palestinians: why now? Turkey must take on a more direct political role and mediate between Israel and the Palestinians
The ACLU and CAIR -- liberals join with Muslim fanatics: Muslim fanatics are intimidating companies, threatening extortion, attacking free speech and generally carrying on as if they live in Saudi Arabia. So why is the ACLU helping them?
The Judge Roberts trap: It remains to be seen whether John Roberts is really the best man to fill the Constitutional shoes of the legendary William Rehnquist



Mobile homes, campers wait at FEMA sites: "More than 9,000 mobile homes and campers meant for the victims of Hurricane Katrina are sitting unused at government staging areas while displaced families continue to live out of tents and shelters. The Federal Emergency Management Agency says the backlog was inevitable: The temporary housing is easier to acquire than distribute because of the limited number of accessible roads, cleared lots and trucks to haul housing to the storm-ravaged region."

MSM lies: A small excerpt: "Media might serve its purposes in a complex society, but the chief purpose, contrary to myth, is certainly not to expose, reveal, alert, or awaken the populace. For that you're better off relying on your God-given eyes and ears and suspending belief about anything you haven't personally witnessed. The purpose of media is to control, parse, and muffle truth, and to punish any rogue reporter who goes after a "truth" that might unsettle the collective media stomach or smash the china-set of cherished beliefs. If you trusted the stampeding herd of what Hunter Thompson called the "press wizards," over the past century, you'd find yourself ruefully misinformed about major events. To cite just a few examples, they'd have told you that the Titanic didn't sink, Hitler had given up on being a dictator and only wanted peace, there was no famine and no liquidations under Stalin in the 1930s Soviet Union and, to cite a more recent example, one quarter of the United States non-IV-drug using population would be dead from AIDS by 1990, i.e. roughly 60 million people"

I love it! Dumb terrorists again: "On Sep. 2, 1999, Israel went off of daylight savings time to make it easier for Orthodox Jews to attend Selichot, a pre-sunrise penitential prayer that runs from a week before Rosh Hashana through Yom Kippur; but the Palestinian Authority refused to follow Israel, leading to a two-week period when the two were an hour apart. To try to undermine the Sharm el-Sheikh accords, signed on Sep. 4, 1999, two Palestinian terrorists a day later tried to attack Israelis. But the Islamists set the bomb timers to go off on one schedule and themselves kept another one. As a result, the bomb went off when they were still transporting it, leading to the deaths of both men but no Israelis".

Putin is fed up with the Islamists too: "Vladimir Putin declared in Brussels on Monday that radical Islamic groups are planning to systematically annihilate non-Moslems and to create a worldwide Caliphate. He added that western civilisation was at risk of being attacked by terrorists, these attacks being more than sporadic one-off attacks. Rather, they are, in the opinion of Vladimir Putin a "concerted effort and programme" by an organisation which has a global structure and which has the intention to commit murderous atrocities in the name of Islam".

Newsbusters has some good coverage of the media claim that the interview between GWB and the troops in Iraq was "staged"

Leftists will never understand this but GWB's tax cuts are financing his big spendning: The US budget deficit shrank to $319bn last year as better economic conditions boosted tax revenues. Despite falling from 2004's record $412bn figure, the federal deficit for the fiscal year ending last month was still the third highest on record. US Treasury Secretary John Snow hailed the fall, which was larger than had been projected, as "encouraging news".

The myth of the "Constitution-in-Exile" movement: "Last week, I wrote about the conspiracy-mongering regarding the existence and function of the Federalist Society that has become part of the judicial confirmation wars and has emerged as a major talking point against right-of-center judicial nominees. There is another conspiracy-mongering campaign that is designed to serve the same purpose and it has something to do with an alleged 'Constitution-in-exile' movement of conservatives and libertarians determined to bring about wholesale changes in the American legal and political structure."

There is a book just out called Righteous Gentiles: How Pius XII and the Catholic Church Saved Half a Million Jews from the Nazis. That should stir the religion-hating Lefties up.

There is a good and wide-ranging answer here to a lot of the rubbishy scare stories you hear about China.

There has been a very good email about the New Orleans problems going around. Nobody seems to know who actually wrote it but whoever did was pretty straight and down-to-earth. Snopes have reproduced it nicely because it has wrongly been attributed to George Carlin.

There is a good new blog called The liberal wrong -- with posts about Democrat elitism etc.

Message for Paul Engel: My emails to you are still getting bounced.

For more postings, see EDUCATION WATCH, GREENIE WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, GUN WATCH, SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. Mirror sites here, here, here, here and here. And on Social Security see Dick McDonald


Practically all policies advocated by the Left create poverty. Leftists get the government to waste vast slabs of the country's labour-force on bureaucracy and paperwork and so load the burden of providing most useful goods and services onto fewer and fewer people. So fewer useful goods and services are produced to go around. That is no accident. The Left love the poor. The Left need the poor so that they can feel good by patronizing and "helping" them. So they do their best to create as many poor people as possible.

The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialistisch)

Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.


Sunday, October 16, 2005


Given the compulsive Leftism that permeates the social sciences, it is not surprising that the standards of scholarship in social science writing are normally so slight as to require a metaphorical microscope to find them. For many years I regularly wrote formal critiques of the most egregious examples of bad scholarship in psychology and sociology and I usually got them published in the academic journals concerned. It was however a great waste of time -- as both facts and reason are noted in the social sciences only insofar as they accord with Leftist prejudices. I think I should however keep the pot boiling to some extent so I do from time to time note on this blog and elsewhere how absurd various current claims from psychology are -- even if I can no longer be bothered to do a full formal critique of the particular article concerned. So I am going to make a few comments today on: Hastings, B.M. & Schaffer, B.A. (2005) "Authoritarianism and sociopolitical attitudes in response to threats of terror". Psychological Reports, 97, 623-630. It is fairly typical of the rubbish that psychologists produce in the guise of research so a critique of it might serve as a useful proxy for critiques of many similar such articles.

As is the usual fashion among psychologists, the authors make no attempt to sample any known population and proceed to base broad conclusions about human psychological processes on the answers to questionnaires given by 61 women and 10 men drawn from various classes at the small Mt. Aloysius College in Pennsylvania. The results are therefore of totally unknown generalizability. For the sake of the exercise, however, let us assume that there is some generalizability to their results and ask how those results were obtained.

What they did was to correlate several "scales" (standard collections of questions) with one another. They found that scales allegedly measuring Right-wing authoritarianism (the RWA scale), Democratic Values and Militarism tended to correlate with one another. They seem to think that this constitutes proof that conservative "authoritarians" are anti-democratic and militaristic. What a laugh! I won't bother reproducing any of the items of the three scales here but all three scales include many statements that would normally and uncontroversially be taken as indicating conservatism. So all that they have shown is in fact that people are consistent in their conservatism. People who express conservative views on one "scale" also tend to express conservative views on all three scales. Big deal! It is what scientists call an "artifactual" (researcher-induced) finding. I have been noting that sort of charade among psychologists for many years (see e.g. here).

The other thing they found, if I read it aright, is that people got more "authoritarian" (Read: "conservative") when they felt threatened. That is however just a regurgitation of the old New York adage: "A conservative is a liberal who was mugged last night". And everybody knows how conservative the armed forces are. As a former Army man myself, it has never surprised me (but has always pleased me) how many supportive emails I get with "mil" at the end of the sender's email address. So even if we take the Hastings & Schaffer results far more seriously than we should, we find that their final conclusion is little more than a commonplace. What would have been interesting is if they had explored WHY encounters with reality make people more conservative -- but that enquiry would have led them in very uncomfortable directions, I fancy.


Interesting that the old Nazi pix that I put up on Friday via Calvin College would not come down for most of the day. Being a cautious old conservative, of course, I had foreseen that and gave backup links to where you could find the same pix on one of my own sites. What I had foreseen was that the links to the Calvin College site might overload their bandwidth but I think there was in fact more to it than that. I put the pix up on four different blogspot sites and and none of the four would bring in the pix from Calvin college. Being a skeptical old devil, however, I also posted the same links on three non-blogspot sites and the pix there always came down promptly over the same period. So I suspect that someone at Calvin College got a bit irked at anybody actually looking at what they have in their archive and blocked all blogspot sites from accessing the pix. Why am I not surprised?

No Pasaran linked to my comments about the Nazi propaganda posters but wisely used my site as source for the pic they used rather than relying on Calvin College.

Proof of the power of the individual: "Political friends and many former foes paid tribute yesterday to Lady Thatcher, the former Conservative Prime Minister, who celebrates her 80th birthday today. Michael Howard, the outgoing Tory leader, placed her alongside Winston Churchill in the gallery of national leaders".

French bungling: "Much has been said about the French social and economic model. There are those who would defend it to the last as the only hope against the deadly forces of globalisation, and those who want it buried as soon as possible, precisely so France can benefit from globalisation. Whichever camp you're in, the case of the state-owned Corsican ferry company SNCM, over whose fate the centre-right government and a couple of radical trade unions are currently scrapping, provides a textbook example of where the model can go catastrophically wrong.... The current crisis is the direct result of an exceptionally well-developed system of government protection that has manifestly had its day, and has been waiting to happen for more than 30 years - ever since a rival, commercial and efficiently run company, Corsica Ferries, appeared on the scene. Flying the Italian flag, which is far less onerous for shipping companies than the French, and employing mainly foreign sailors, Corsica Ferries makes good money. The SNCM, however, forced by its state-owned status to fly the French flag and employ unionised and militant French and Corsican sailors under a very generous French social regime, has been racking up ever-widening losses for years".

Neal Boortz has an excellent fisking of an attempt by a twisted Leftist academic to blame the recent chaotic events in New Orleans on middle America. One excerpt: "Obviously Engle has a problem with achievement. In a word, she harbors great resentment toward those who have gone the extra mile to achieve success and wealth. Somehow she has convinced herself that the problems that afflicted the poor in New Orleans were due to the existence of gated communities and the presence of the evil rich. If there had been no wealthy neighborhoods in New Orleans the poor, somehow, wouldn't have suffered. Engle also finds great fault with the idea that people would go to extra lengths to protect themselves from crime. How hideously insensitive of the rich! How very un-American! No doubt were we to locate Ms. Engle's automobile wherever it is parked while she is out there community-building, we would find it to be unlocked; ditto for her home. After all, Engle certainly wouldn't want to do anything to protect herself from crime, would she? That would be a certain indicator of a complete lack of moral goodness on her part"

There are some new posts from Chris Brand here with a lot of news from Britain that I hadn't heard -- Tony Blair being investigated for "racism", for instance. I have said it before but I think that U.K. must now stand for the "Unhinged Kingdom"

For more postings, see EDUCATION WATCH, GREENIE WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, GUN WATCH, SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. Mirror sites here, here, here, here and here. And on Social Security see Dick McDonald


Practically all policies advocated by the Left create poverty. Leftists get the government to waste vast slabs of the country's labour-force on bureaucracy and paperwork and so load the burden of providing most useful goods and services onto fewer and fewer people. So fewer useful goods and services are produced to go around. That is no accident. The Left love the poor. The Left need the poor so that they can feel good by patronizing and "helping" them. So they do their best to create as many poor people as possible.

The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialistisch)

Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.


Saturday, October 15, 2005


Keith Burgess Jackson has suggested that I explain to all and sundry my motives for being such a dedicated blogger. I post daily to six blogs of my own and also contribute frequently to three other group blogs. So I suppose that is indeed in some need of explanation.

Unlike most bloggers I rarely make comments on my blogs about events in my life but, for some reason that is rather opaque even to me, I do put up a few reports of my personal doings on Majority Rights. It is a high-traffic blog but I don't think that has anything to do with it. I think I do it because that blog is mainly concerned with something that has a high emotional component -- immigration. And as someone who thinks that most (but not all) immigration, is OK I qualify there as the extreme Leftist in the group! (My views on that subject are however mainstream in Australia). So many of my posts are designed to move my co-bloggers and readers of the blog generally towards a greater acceptance of some types of immigration -- legal and selective immigration in particular. And I feel that personal anecdotes are more persuasive in that sphere than are rational arguments.

But that brings me to what I think is Keith's central enquiry: Do I think my blogging makes any difference? And I can answer that very easily. I know it does because my readers often tell me so. I doubt that I have ever converted a single Leftist from his Leftism but a lot of people of conservative views email me to tell me how my blogs are a sort of emotional and intellectual lifeline for them in the sea of liberalism that surrounds them. I am seen as one of the few voices who will invariably speak the plain truth, no matter how unpopular and politically incorrect it may be. Rarely does a day go by when someone does not email me with a grateful message of that kind. And I in turn greatly appreciate and am encouraged by such feedback.

But there is also a certain sense in which I blog for posterity. As an atheist, I have no hope of immortality of any kind so the ancient Greek idea that the only immortality you can have is in men's minds has some resonance with me. And some Greeks even achieved it. Will Socrates or Leonidas and his 300 Spartans at Thermopylae ever be forgotten? And over the period of my lifetime I have already seen many of the views that I have held move from being absurdities to realities. So I think I already have some basis for feeling that, in the future, I will be recognized as someone who got it right when most others did not. I repeatedly find that my theories and assumptions about the world work out in practice (even on the stockmarket!) and I think that, as time goes by, my way of thinking will become more influential precisely because it does yield good predictions. So I actually hope for more influence in the future than I have in the present. So, like many scientists, my goal is to further human knowledge and understanding but my views on most things are so out of the mainstream among intellectuals now that only the future holds any promise of my achieving that. And since many scientists were ridiculed in their lifetime for putting forward what are now accepted truths, I don't think I am being totally unrealistic in that. In particular, I hope that my dissection of the motivations behind Leftism will one day win broad acceptance and thus reduce the evils that Leftists are forever trying to inflict upon us.

And how do I manage to write so much? One reason is that as a retired man I have the time for it. I spend about 12 hours a day in front of my computer screen. Another is that I am a born academic: Writing is what I have always done. And a third reason is that I find the world of ideas far more exciting than any other so I have few other interests in life. And there always seem to be women in my life who put up with that, rather surprisingly. Women are such fine creatures that I will never understand homosexuals.



Japan post office now to be privatized: "Japan's prime minister has scored a huge political victory after three decades of calling for reform of Japan's cash-rich postal system, which has long been a source of wasteful government spending. Friday's passage of postal reform legislation may now allow Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to focus on pressing domestic and diplomatic issues that have been pushed to the sidelines. Japan's upper house of parliament, which rejected the postal privatization bills two months ago triggering national elections, did an about-face on Friday. Upper House president Chikage Ogi announcing that the package of bills has passed by a vote of 134 to 100". [If the Japanese can do it, why can't everybody else?]

Over a week ago I pointed out the nonsense inherent in the claim by "humanist" dinosaur expert Gregory Paul that religion is bad for you. It is good to see that fellow unbeliever Theodore Dalrymple has just had a hefty swing at Mr Paul also.

Useless Australian "social work" bureaucracy kills kids: "Children as young as two weeks old are dying because the NSW Department of Community Services is failing to adequately protect children at risk. In a damning report tabled in state parliament yesterday, NSW Ombudsman Bruce Barbour slammed the performance of DOCS, saying children were dying unnecessarily. He found an under-resourced DOCS closed files of children at high risk and did not respond adequately to concerns about unborn children. In a number of cases, DOCS had failed to take steps to protect children after they were born, even though concerns were raised during pregnancy that the mother had a history of mental illness, drug abuse or other serious problems. "Children as young as two weeks, four weeks or six weeks of age are dying in circumstances which seem to be preventable," Mr Barbour said. The report came ahead of today's funeral of six-year-old Rose Villanueva-Austin, who died last month from a methadone overdose. DOCS officials admitted they had been told about Rose's circumstances but denied reports the department had been notified about problems in her family on up to 200 occasions".

Free markets, social welfare and migration: "Austrian utility and welfare theory observes that all transactions in a free market economy take place only when both parties believe they will be happier as a result of an exchange. People act in ways that maximize their personal well being, subjectively understood. In contrast, in centralized economies the only way the state can enforce its economic decisions is through the threat of force for noncompliance, or fear. We might say that capitalism is a happiness-based system where as communism (and all forms of interventionism) are fear-based systems."

Spaceships and small governments: "During its long life on syndication -- following a short-lived network run -- the original Star Trek became a massive cult phenomenon that used science fiction as a means to spread a multicultural, anti-capitalist, progressive gospel. With its post-money, post-war Earth and its valiant, UN-like Federation of Planets, it reflected the liberal passions of the 1960s. Now, nearly four decades later, another short-lived TV show, Joss Whedon's Firefly, has inspired similar cult adoration and made the leap to the big screen -- only this time the politics are reversed. The result is Serenity, a scrappy, energetic science fiction/western hybrid that is as libertarian as Star Trek was liberal, reminding viewers why even well-intentioned government intervention is more a problem than a solution."

Carnival of the Vanities is up again with lots to read.

For more postings, see EDUCATION WATCH, GREENIE WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, GUN WATCH, SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. Mirror sites here, here, here, here and here. And on Social Security see Dick McDonald


Practically all policies advocated by the Left create poverty. Leftists get the government to waste vast slabs of the country's labour-force on bureaucracy and paperwork and so load the burden of providing most useful goods and services onto fewer and fewer people. So fewer useful goods and services are produced to go around. That is no accident. The Left love the poor. The Left need the poor so that they can feel good by patronizing and "helping" them. So they do their best to create as many poor people as possible.

The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialistisch)

Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.


Friday, October 14, 2005


Note the similarity to modern Leftist themes

The first poster below is about Nazi "compassion". It advertises the Nazi charity, the NSV. The text translates: "Health, child protection, fighting poverty, aiding travellers, people's community, helping mothers: These are the tasks of the National Socialist People's Charity: Join up"

The poster below shows how big the Nazis were on collective action rather than individuality. It translates as: "National Socialism -- the organized will of the nation". It depicts storm troopers and was a favourite Nazi poster

And this next one must be the most amusing peace poster of all time. Note the date. It was issued in the very year the war began. It promoted the 1939 Nuremberg Rally and the slogan translates as the "National Party Rally of Peace". But the rally (or "assembly") was cancelled when World War II began. The message of the imagery seems to be: "Peace -- or else!". We all know how vicious and aggressive peaceniks can be (see e.g. here) but this image expresses that with unusual clarity.

But most interesting of all is probably the last poster below. It shows not a Soviet hammer and sickle (standing for worker and peasant) but just a hammer. And the text tells us why. It translates idiomatically as: "Workers with the mind and with the hands, choose the frontline soldier: HITLER!" How modern! Leftists today don't give a damn about country people either. They claim to be an alliance between the intellectuals and the workers. The more things change ....

I am grabbing bandwidth off the German Propaganda Archive of Calvin College to put these pix up but if they do not come up, you can also find them here and here and here and here



The Dutch get tough: "The Netherlands is likely to become the first country in Europe to ban the burka, under government proposals that would bring in some of the toughest curbs on Muslim clothing in the world. The country’s hardline Integration Minister, Rita Verdonk, known as the Iron Lady for her series of tough anti-immigration measures, told Parliament that she was going to investigate where and when the burka should be banned. The burka, traditional clothing in some Islamic societies, covers a woman’s face and body, leaving only a strip of gauze for the eyes. Mrs Verdonk gave warning that the “time of cosy tea-drinking” with Muslim groups had passed and that natives and immigrants should have the courage to be critical of each other. She recently cancelled a meeting with Muslim leaders who refused to shake her hand because she was a woman".

Economic illiteracy: "Whenever I teach a seminar on basic economics, I always survey the audience: What proportion of the American labor force earns the minimum wage or less and what is the standard of living of the average American today relative to 100 years ago? Even among highly-educated groups such as journalists or congressional staffers, the median answer is depressingly similar -- they think 20% of the American work force earns the minimum wage or less. In fact, the actual number is something less than 3%. Usually a non-trivial portion of each group thinks that our material well-being is lower today than 100 years ago. Their median answer is that we are 50% better off than we were 100 years ago. In fact, the average American is at least five and maybe 30 times better off than we were in the good old days."

Blacks who say they are Indians: "For the better part of the 20th century, black Indians were permitted to vote in elections, sit on tribal councils, and receive benefits. Tribal leaders now insist that the Freedmen were never actually citizens and that they will never attain the honor of membership because they don't have Native American blood. In 1983, the Cherokee tribe established a rule requiring citizens to carry a Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood. This federal document is available to anyone whose ancestors are listed on the Dawes Roll - a 1906 Indian census that excludes Freedmen. In 2000, the Seminoles expelled all 2,000 black members and denied their families a cut of the reparations money - never mind that their ancestors joined the tribe in the 18th century, endured the march from Florida to Oklahoma in the 1830s, and have considered themselves Indian for generations".

A good article by an ex-Leftist here. Excerpt: "This war will be long and difficult, because it is much broader than Iraq and Afghanistan. It is not a matter of "taking out" an individual dictator or terrorist, but a matter of defeating a political movement aimed at conquest and power. "Taking out" Osama Bin Laden or any other individual dictator or terrorist is a part of the war, but it cannot substitute for victory. Victory means stopping the war drive of the Iranian mullahs, preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, and helping the Iranian people win the democracy and freedom they deserve. Victory means a fundamental transformation throughout the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Defeat by such an enemy is unacceptable, unthinkable. The U.S.-led war against terrorism is justified and a noble effort, one that will change the course of history. Support our troops. Support their mission, which is the fight for liberty. There is no greater cause."

Lost Tooth Society says that atheism is a religion so therefore REMOVING crosses from public places violates the separation of church and state!

I have just put up a post on SOCIALIZED MEDICINE that needs a bit of thought, in my opinion.

For more postings, see EDUCATION WATCH, GREENIE WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, GUN WATCH, SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. Mirror sites here, here, here, here and here. And on Social Security see Dick McDonald


Practically all policies advocated by the Left create poverty. Leftists get the government to waste vast slabs of the country's labour-force on bureaucracy and paperwork and so load the burden of providing most useful goods and services onto fewer and fewer people. So fewer useful goods and services are produced to go around. That is no accident. The Left love the poor. The Left need the poor so that they can feel good by patronizing and "helping" them. So they do their best to create as many poor people as possible.

The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialistisch)

Comments? Email me here (Hotmail address). If there are no recent posts here blame and visit my mirror site here or here. My Home Page is here or here.
