The Never-Trumpers Are Never Coming Back
Pat Buchanan concludes below that it was overseas meddling which was the big mistake of the pre-Trump GOP. I disagree. I think Americans give foreign policy low priority whichever way it goes.
It is what is happening at home that matters. And there are few things more obvious in most of America than the presence of Hispanic illegals. Americans don't like that transformstion of their society by people who have much lower standards all-round, with immigrant criminality a major concern. It is the failure of the GOP to take a strong stand on immigration that doomed them and paved the way for Trump -- "the wall".
And the GOP was also bullied by Leftists into accepting that any expression of national pride among Americans was "racist". But the average American is proud of his great country so again that was an opening for Trump -- MAGA.
So as Buchanan says the old GOP had its priorities wrong and it won't come back
With never-Trump conservatives bailing on the GOP and crying out for the Party of Pelosi to save us, some painful truths need to be restated.
The Republican Party of Bush I and II, of Bob Dole and John McCain, is history. It's not coming back. Unlike the Bourbons after the Revolution and the Terror, after Napoleon and the Empire, no restoration is in the cards.
It is over. The GOP's policies of recent decades — the New World Order of George H.W. Bush, the crusades for democracy of Bush II — failed, and are seen as having failed. With Trump's capture of the party they were repudiated.
There will be no turning back.
What were the historic blunders?
It was not supporting tax cuts, deregulation, conservative judges and justices, or funding a defense second to none. Donald Trump has delivered on these as well as any president since Reagan.
The failures that killed the Bush party, and that represented departures from Reaganite traditionalism and conservatism, are:
First, the hubristic drive, despite the warnings of statesmen like George Kennan, to exploit our Cold War victory and pursue a policy of permanent containment of a Russia that had lost a third of its territory and half its people.
We moved NATO into Eastern Europe and the Baltic, onto her doorstep. We abrogated the ABM treaty Nixon had negotiated and moved defensive missiles into Poland. John McCain pushed to bring Ukraine and Georgia into NATO, and even to send U.S. forces to face off against Russian troops.
Thus we got a second Cold War that need never have begun and that our allies seem content to let us fight alone.
Europe today is not afraid of Vladimir Putin reaching the Rhine. Europe is afraid of Africa and the Middle East reaching the Danube. Let the Americans, who relish playing empire, pay for NATO.
Second, in a reflexive response to 9/11, we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, dumped over the regime in Libya, armed rebels to overthrow Bashar Assad in Syria, and backed Saudi intervention in a Yemeni civil war, creating a humanitarian crisis in that poorest of Arab countries that is exceeded in horrors only by the Syrian civil war.
Since Y2K, hundreds of thousands in the Middle East have perished, the ancient Christian community has all but ceased to exist, and the refugees now number in the millions. What are the gains for democracy from these wars, all backed enthusiastically by the Republican establishment?
Why are the people responsible for these wars still being listened to, rather than confessing their sins at second-thoughts conferences?
The GOP elite also played a crucial role in throwing open U.S. markets to China and ceding transnational corporations full freedom to move factories and jobs there and ship their Chinese-made goods back here, free of charge.
Result: In three decades, the U.S. has run up $12 trillion in merchandise trade deficits — $4 trillion with China — and Beijing's revenue from the USA has more than covered China's defense budget for most of those years.
Beijing swept past Italy, France, Britain, Germany and Japan to become the premier manufacturing power on earth and a geo-strategic rival. Now, from East Africa to Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean, and from the South and East China Sea to Taiwan, Beijing's expansionist ambitions have become clear.
And where are the Republicans responsible for building up this potentially malevolent power that thieves our technology? Talking of building a Reagan-like Navy to contain the mammoth they nourished.
Since the Cold War, America's elites have been exhibiting symptoms of that congenital blindness associated since Rome with declining and falling empires.
While GOP grass roots have begged for measures to control our bleeding southern border, they were regularly denounced as nativists by party elites, many of whom are now backing Trump's wall.
For decades, America's elites failed to see that the transnational moment of the post-Cold War era was passing and an era of rising nationalism and tribalism was at hand.
"We live in a time," said U2's Bono this week, "when institutions as vital to human progress as the United Nations are under attack."
The institutions Bono referenced — the U.N., EU, NATO — all trace their roots to the 1940s and 1950s, a time that bears little resemblance to the era we have entered, an era marked by a spreading and desperate desire of peoples everywhere to preserve who and what they are.
No, Trump didn't start the fire.
The world was ablaze with tribalism and was raising up authoritarians to realize nationalist ends — Xi Jinping, Putin, Narendra Modi in India, Erdogan in Turkey, Gen. el-Sissi in Egypt — before he came down that escalator.
And so the elites who were in charge when the fire broke out, and who failed to respond and refused even to recognize it, and who now denounce Trump for how he is coping with it, are unlikely to be called upon again to lead this republic.
Nerve agents not found in samples from Syria's Douma – interim OPCW report
No traces of any nerve agents have been found at the site of a suspected chemical attack in the Syrian city of Douma, an interim report issued by the OPCW says. However, traces of chlorine were found at the site.
“Various chlorinated organic chemicals were found in samples” from two locations in the Damascus suburb of Douma, which were examined by specialists from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), an interim OPCW document said. The chemicals were found in two samples taken from canisters found in Douma, the report said. The report confirmed the absence of any traces of nerve agents, such as sarin, at the site.
The OPCW sent a fact-finding mission to Douma in April, around a week after the alleged incident. During the same month, Russia said that chlorine containers from Germany, which apparently belonged to militants, were found in the liberated parts of Douma.
Later, the Russian military found an entire laboratory operated by militants in central Douma, which was capable of producing chemical weapons. The lab had some sophisticated equipment, including an industrial chemical reactor, which was apparently used by the militants to create toxic agents. The footage, taken by Russian journalists inside the facility, also showed vast stockpiles of various chemicals, some of which were produced in Germany, as well as empty mortar shells that can be filled with poisonous substances.
The purported chemical incident in Douma allegedly took place on April 7. A week later, Washington and its allies launched a massive retaliatory missile strike against Syria, without waiting for the OPCW to start its investigation of the incident.
The OPCW report comes about a week after the OPCW was granted authority not only to investigate whether any alleged chemical attack took place, but also to assign blame for them. Moscow then warned that the move that actually drove a wedge between some key OPCW members could lead to a situation, which the chemical watchdog would be used as a political tool.
Trump administration expands government's deportation powers
The Trump administration has expanded the government’s deportation powers, issuing guidelines urging officers at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services — the agency that oversees legal immigration and naturalization — to begin the removal process for people who use fraudulent documents or who illegally took government benefits.
USCIS officers have always had powers, but in the past had usually referred cases to other parts of Homeland Security for decisions on deportation.
But new guidance memos reviewed by The Washington Times show USCIS is now pushing to advance its own role in policing illegal immigration.
“For too long, USCIS officers uncovering instances of fraudulent or criminal activity have been limited in their ability to help ensure U.S. immigration laws are faithfully executed,” L. Francis Cissna, the agency’s director, said in announcing the changes publicly. “This updated policy equips USCIS officers with clear guidance they need and deserve to support the enforcement priorities established by the president, keep our communities safe, and protect the integrity of our immigration system from those seeking to exploit it.”
The memos tell agency employees to be on the looking for people who apply for naturalization or another legal immigration benefit but who have criminal records, used fraudulent documents, lied about their applications or had abused public benefit programs.
Teen Wearing A MAGA Hat Gets Attacked In Restaurant By Unhinged Leftist
This is what the Democrats have enabled. In 2016, there was no shortage of Democratic intimidation tactics against Trump supporters. In 2017, nothing changed. Here we are in 2018 and the war on Trump supporters continues.
A Texas teenager who supports President Trump says he was assaulted by a drink-throwing stranger at a Whataburger restaurant — all because he was wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.
The incident, which was captured on video and has since gone viral, reportedly happened Tuesday at one of the burger chain’s restaurants in San Antonio.
“You ain’t supporting s— n—-!” the man is heard saying on camera after tossing a large drink in the direction of the person filming the video.
The individual, who has not been identified, then walks away while carrying the red hat. The man is heard muttering “b—- a– motherf——” as one of the other teens sitting at the table appears stunned.
The 16 year-old, Hunter Richard, had his hat ripped off and hair yanked when the unhinged man decided to act like an animal.
Hunter told station WOAI, “I support my President and, if you don’t, let’s have a conversation about it instead of ripping my hat off. I just think a conversation about politics is more productive for the entire whole rather than taking my hat and yelling subjective words to me.”
This is the type of “tolerance” the Democrats have enabled. The left sees no foul in Trump supporters being harassed in public.
Why is it always President Trump supporters who are the ones seen on video getting harassed, assaulted, and mocked by leftists?
Because the political left has ZERO tolerance. They’re animals who allow their media masters to control them and their emotions.
Social media outrage sent the video viral. The man was then fired by his employer, a local bar called Rumble bar.
The bar posted on Facebook: “It came to our attention earlier this evening that a part-time employee was captured on cell phone video assaulting another person at a local eatery. The assault took place, presumably, because this employee did not agree with the other individual’s political stance.”
The post added, “We have since terminated this employee, as his actions go against everything that this establishment stands for. THIS BAR IS A SAFE SPACE FOR EVERYONE! No matter your race, creed, ethnicity, sexual identity, and political stance, you are welcomed here!”
Nothing is a surprise at this point with the anti-Trump crowd.
UPDATE: The Hispanic attacker, Kino Jimenez, was arrested without incident at his Universal City home, San Antonio Police said Thursday night. He is charged with felony theft. Mug shot of the thug below:

Angry Leftist Stalks Woman Who Posed With Rifle For Grad Photo
Kaitlin Bennett, the recent Kent State University grad who posed with her AR-10 rifle in a now-viral photo, was stalked by an angry leftist while she dared eat out in public in Ohio last week:
This weekend, a leftist took photos of me at a restaurant, tweeted them out saying she'd punch me in the head if someone sent her $50, told her friends I should die, & told the manager to kill himself. This is EXACTLY why I carry
No wonder she carries a gun. The stalker, naturally, posted the photos to Twitter: Is this the gun slinging slasher from KSU someone help
But she did delete the one where she solicited $50 to punch Kaitlin in the head. Note the bottom message where the stalker says Kaitlin “should not go out in public anymore” if she doesn’t want to be bothered while eating:
Kaitlin: No matter how much the left libels, harasses, and threatens me for supporting the 2nd amendment, I promise that you will not break me or get me to shut up. You're messing with the wrong girl if you thought you could.
Big swing towards Trump among young whites
Democrat advantage wiped out
Young white Americans are fleeing the Democrat Party en masse following the election of President Donald Trump in 2016, a new poll reveals.
The latest Reuters/Ipsos Poll surveyed more than 16,000 registered voters between the ages 18 to 34 over the course of the last three months of 2018. This same poll was conducted in 2016 around the same time period.
Young white Americans, in 2016, favored Democrats over Republicans in 2016 by a 47 to 33 percent margin. Since Trump’s election — and his booming economy which has secured high-paying jobs and record job opportunities — young white Americans’ favoritism for Democrats has disappeared.
Today, 39 percent of young white Americans say they favor Republicans, while another 39 percent of young white Americans say they favor Democrats.
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