Media-Democrat Tantrum a Fear Response
In 1776, 56 men signed the Declaration of Independence, knowing that their actions would be viewed as treason by the prevailing power.
Fast-forward a mere 240 years. A group of corrupt and craven people gathered in secret to once again consider radical actions. But, unlike the Declaration's signers, they were the prevailing power and intended to remain so, fully confident in their complete control of government, the media, the Judiciary, academia, entertainment, and nearly every form of cultural power.
They feared no consequences. It was simply inconceivable to them that with so many hands on the scales, they could possibly lose an election.
And then they did. All of their treasonous misdeeds that were supposed to not only be covered up, but rewarded by the queen of corruption were suddenly a real vulnerability. They weren't just shattered by the election loss. They were genuinely afraid.
But they weren't defenseless. They had lost the presidency and did not control Congress, but they still controlled the other pillars of power. So they doubled down on lawlessness and planned a coup under the most ridiculous pretenses, knowing that an administration under siege would be much less likely to uncover and expose their villainy.
I believe that the active intervention of Admiral Mike Rogers, the then-director of the National Security Agency, may have prevented its success.
Their efforts certainly delayed any day of reckoning, and the jury is still out on whether that reckoning can still come in this country where the Left has such control of the bureaucracy and media.
But President Donald Trump is a rare politician. Despite all the churn and seditious efforts, he remained the happy warrior, never losing sight of the importance of uncovering the origins of the coup attempt. And, in the appointment of William Barr as attorney general, he finally had the right guy, a kindred spirit with the moral courage to ignore the noise and see it through.
That brings us to today. The media-Democrat establishment is increasingly reacting like a cornered feral beast.
The Schiff show secret impeachment hearings, the Nancy Pelosi decision to move forward on impeachment procedures, the media meltdown over President Trump's success in sending Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to justice, and the increasing comical chorus of calls for William Barr to recuse himself can all be understood as a collective Democrat fear response.
They are pushing their poker chips to the center of the table in a last desperate attempt to discredit the real investigation that is proceeding methodically and relentlessly forward: U.S. attorney John Durham's now criminal probe into alleged misconduct at the Justice Department. The leftist noise is going to only get louder.
It is no coincidence that after this news came out, Adam Schiff amped up his lies, phones in every defense attorney office in Washington lit up like a Christmas tree, and the media screeds became even more of a parody.
It is within this environment that the Washington Post ran one of the most appalling headlines of all time. How dare President Trump ruthlessly kill an austere religious scholar, and one with such beautiful wire-rimmed glasses?
The full media are in one of the craziest spin cycles on record as they desperately try to drown out any favorable news for the president. Every shred of positive news damages their desperate discrediting effort.
This is why the media quickly pivoted to gleefully reporting that government bureaucrats and D.C. elitists booed President Trump at the Washington Nationals baseball game shortly after he oversaw the elimination of the world's most wanted terrorist.
Sometimes, it really does feel as if Trump is playing 4-D chess — or perhaps a more apt description would be that his opponents are playing hangman against themselves.
He could not have better scripted a display of out-of-touch Washington anti-American elitism. A person is known even more by his enemies than by his friends, and Trump has made all the right ones.
It is also within this environment that Nancy Pelosi is moving forward on impeachment procedures. This is not a step she wanted to take. Her preference was to bleed this impeachment façade out behind closed doors, where Democrats could slowly drip out hand-selected soundbites between now and the 2020 election. Pelosi did not want to actually vote on impeachment, when her more vulnerable members would need to go on record. Even worse, she does not want to send this to the Senate, where she knows there are not the twenty Pierre Delectos she would need. Democrats would lose control of the narrative.
But the secret tribunal effort is already losing steam, thanks to the Republicans successfully drawing attention to what is going on.
With the I.G. report and investigations looming over their heads like a guillotine blade, Pelosi took the plunge.
The media-Democrat establishment has a limited window to keep public interest in their own false investigation, which they are trying to time to do the most damage to the credibility of the real investigation unfolding.
If Republicans had tried to hold a secret partisan trial of President Barack Obama, swooning reporters would have chained themselves in front of the door and screamed about democracy dying in darkness in their most self-righteous Tom Hanks voices. Republican villainy would have been the only story on the news until they backed down in shame.
Media bias comes in many forms, but one of the most effective forms is in their ability to frame stories. There is an entire cottage industry in "Republicans pounce" stories to frame even terrible Democrat news as somehow harmful to Republicans. But to frame this story the way the media want to frame it, they needed help.
This is why we now have dueling investigations, one a complete façade and the other deadly serious. There is no secret in how these will be covered by the media. The fraud impeachment circus will be treated with full gravity and seriousness, while what might be the most important investigation in U.S. history will be treated as political payback.
But this is an investigation that is essential to restoring faith in the republic. There is so much we already know. We know that a decorated Soldier, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, was set up in an obscene miscarriage of justice by corrupt and evil FBI agents. We know that the appointed leadership of nearly every intelligence agency illegally spied on and attempted to remove a duly elected president.
The inconvenient fact for the Left is that a secret group of plotters at the highest level of government, perhaps including the then-president himself, committed some of the most outrageous crimes in U.S. history that threatened to forever destroy constitutional governance.
That decision set in motion the news and drama that we hear today. And every single media-Democrat resource is being thrown into the fight to prevent and discredit the justice they fear is coming ever closer.
Poll: Most Americans Oppose Reparations for Slavery
Few Americans are in favor of giving reparations to descendants of enslaved black people in the United States, a poll shows, even as the idea has gained momentum among Democratic presidential contenders.
Only 29% of Americans say the government should pay cash reparations, according to the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll.
But the poll reveals a large divide between Americans of different racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Most black Americans, 74%, favor reparations, compared with 15% of white Americans. Among Hispanics, 44% favor reparations.
Interestingly, the percentage of whites who support the U.S. government apologizing for slavery is just 35 percent. 77 percent of blacks support an apology.
Younger people are far more likely to support an apology or reparations. 45 percent of those 18-29 think we should pay the descendants of slaves while 60 percent feel the government should apologize.
Those kids are the children of parents who mostly oppose reparations. The radicalization of America's children by schools is now complete. The issue of reparations was a radical, fringe idea 15 years ago. It has been brought into the mainstream by a far-left school curriculum that stresses "social justice" instead of critical thinking.
If they had learned anything about critical thinking, they'd know that the is impossible to quantify and a nightmare to administer. Who gets what? Do African immigrants that have been in the U.S. for a few years get any? And how "black" do you have to be. One quarter? One eighth?
And then there's the question of "justice." Former Clinton aide Stuart Eizanstat, who negotiated a Holocaust settlement, thinks reparations are a bad idea.
But reparations in the form of cash payments for descendants of slaves are not the way to right this grievous wrong. I write this having spent decades of my life negotiating more than $17 billion in reparations for Holocaust survivors. What I learned as chief negotiator for both the U.S. government, across several presidential administrations, and for the Jewish Claims Conference, a group representing Holocaust survivors in compensation negotiations with the post-war German government, is that reparations are complicated, contentious and messy, and work best when the crime was recent and the direct victims are still alive.
Based on my experience, I believe that trying to repay descendants of slaves could end up causing more problems than reparations would seek to solve, and that there are better ways to end racial disparities.
It is likely that reparations will become an important issue in the coming presidential elections as candidates look to get support of black voters by promising the undeliverable. But at bottom, reparations are a massive transfer of wealth, confiscated from the innocent that, as Eizenstat suggests, would cause more problems than they would solve.
Demonizing Police & Trump's Crime Commission
Over the weekend, Biden and Sanders intentionally stoked racial discord and hatred of the police.
Over the weekend, a number of presidential candidates attended the Second Step Presidential Justice Forum at Benedict College, a historically black college in South Carolina.
Former Vice President Joe Biden was asked by one of the attendees, “If I were your daughter, what advice would you give me the next time I am stopped by the police?” Biden responded, “If you were my daughter, you’d be a Caucasian girl and you wouldn’t be pulled over.”
Translation: The police are discriminating against young black people, and they never pull over young white people for speeding, drunk driving, or any other issues.
Not to be outdone, Sen. Bernie Sanders took it to whole other level with this response to the same question: “I would respect what [the police] are doing so that you don’t get shot in the back of the head.”
This is now the difference between a moderate and a radical in the Democrat Party. Both Biden and Sanders are intentionally stoking racial discord and hatred of the police. Biden does it by suggesting that police are discriminating against blacks, while Sanders does it by suggesting that cops are deliberately executing blacks.
Biden and Sanders should be ashamed of themselves. Their disgusting comments come at a time when there is a surge in police suicides.
Again, I must ask independents, reasonable Democrats, and my Never-Trump friends: Exactly how are either of these men and today’s Democrat Party supposed to bring America together?
While leading Democrats were demonizing the police and stoking racial divisions, President Trump on Monday addressed the International Association of Chiefs of Police in Chicago. The president told his audience:
You don’t hear it enough: You do an incredible job … and the people of this country love you… Every day of my presidency, I will be your greatest and most loyal champion.
The president also announced that he was issuing an executive order establishing a commission to examine “some of the systemic challenges that burden law enforcement.” It is the first serious review of the criminal justice system in decades.
Among the many issues the commission will study, I was pleased to see this one: “The need to promote public respect for the law and law enforcement officers.” Perhaps Colin Kaepernick, Joe Biden, and Bernie Sanders will learn something!
What a striking contrast! Democrats are fanning the flames of racial tension while the president is trying to come up with ideas to make minority communities safer.

A wardog indeed
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