Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Deep In The Wombs of Women: The Hidden Harm of Covid Vaccines

Mary Beth Pfeiffer

On a bright October day in Paris, I attended an unusual event in a long reporting career: A rally, just a stone’s throw from Napoleon’s Tomb, at which women spoke about their periods.

Organized by a group called “Where’s my cycle,” the rally focused on intimate revelations: heavy bleeding, unprecedented pain, humiliation, and elemental physical changes. These symptoms began, not coincidentally, at the start of 2021, when women put out their arms and took, or were coerced by employers to take, covid-19 vaccinations.

The 300 women, and men, at this rally—and the 10,000 that Oú est mon cycle represents—are fighting for basic expectations of life: a pain-free existence, a medical system they can trust, and the ability to bear children.

This was not just about inconvenience or embarrassment. It was about fertility.

Among the testimonials:

“I had a miscarriage in July 2021 [a month after the first vaccination]…I didn’t even know I was pregnant when I took my first dose.”

“My second dose was done at the same time that I became pregnant…this pregnancy [after bearing two healthy babies] was dramatic with a chromosomal abnormality of the fetus, heart also. It ended with an IMG [Interruption Médicale de Grossesse, or medical termination of pregnancy].” A year later, “I took a smear and it turned out to be abnormal with the presence of pre-cancerous lesions.”

“My menstrual cycle is completely out of order. I have them randomly, once bleeding and the next time almost nothing, not to mention that I can no longer get pregnant.”

So far, the collective has received about 1,000 reports of concerning and bizarre abnormalities, like 20-year-olds in pre-menopause and 70-year-olds suddenly menstruating. The list of complaints is a veritable gynecological glossary of woe: amenorrhoea, menorrhagia, adenomyosis, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, miscarriage, and hysterectomy.

European Union overseers concluded in June that the complaints of these women had “no link” to the vaccines. It’s difficult to know how such conclusions are drawn, since data is scant on fertility issues and vaccines. The only completed pregnancy study, in a September vaccine risk plan posted by the EU, was performed on rats, while research on human beings is incomplete. That lack of evidence—for or against vaccination—was one of many reasons Oú est mon cycle demanded, in a fifteen-page letter in September, that the EU reconsider the risk of covid vaccines to women.

Nonetheless, the EU is recommending fourth boosters to women of all ages. To that, the three hundred people at the rally had one word: “No.”

Dormant pathologies explode

Dr. Laurence Kayser, a gynecologist from Belgium, attended the rally as one of few doctors speaking out about the denial faced by women who report gynecological problems. Indeed, women said doctors routinely told them, when they questioned the inoculations, that they needed mental health care or were anxious. Rejected was any suggestion that vaccination was to blame.

Since the vaccine was rolled out, Kayser says she’s seen more miscarriages, babies too small for birth age, and rapidly growing fibroids that she said were unusual in shape and composition, “partially watery, necrotic.” She treated a 17-year-old whose period stopped for eleven months after vaccinations and may be infertile.

“The injections didn’t create a new disease, no,” she told me. “They revealed the frailties of people, the dormant pathologies, and allowed them to explode in broad daylight. You see more diseases, more often and more quickly than before.”

People like Kayser, whose Twitter profile describes her as a “rebellious…independent thinker,” have paid dearly for bucking covid directives. At a demonstration last January 30, she criticized doctors who failed to treat covid early, said masks do not work, and said that vaccines have side effects. For that, she faces professional charges and may lose her medical license. Nonetheless, she told me, “I’m in a good way. I’m not afraid about losing my job.”

Typhaine Pinsolle, a PhD microbiologist, lost her job in a hospital laboratory for refusing to be vaccinated. First, she saw injuries around her: four senior doctors hospitalized in ICU a week after their first shots; a 23-year-old colleague “blue from feet to head” after injection, and many women with “hemorrhagic periods.” Then, in May, her mother, 78 and otherwise healthy, died weeks after receiving the vaccine from a blood clot in the brain.

“It killed my mother,” she told me. But she had long before decided to refuse vaccines that were, to her, “scientific nonsense.” Her rationales? Her laboratory work showed robust antibodies after infection, but natural immunity was discounted. The spike protein as the foundation of vaccines was toxic. She worked closely with patients and took hydroxychloroquine; she had not gotten covid. And a hematologist advised against vaccination for health reasons, which her employer would not honor.

At the Oú mon cycle rally, Pinsolle read the emotional testimony of a friend whose covid vaccination caused a river of bleeding, a sudden fibroid that her doctor insisted was normal, thickening of the uterus and, finally, a recommended hysterectomy. “I blame the people who injected me with the anti-covid products,” the friend, Annelise Bocquet, wrote after I contacted her via email. “I believe that every caregiver, doctor or nurse (and even pharmacist), is responsible for the medical acts they perform.”

Bocquet holds a PhD in biology and, should surgery take place, said she will analyze “my damaged tissue” to look for key markers of inflammation in order to establish, or rule out, a link to vaccination. “I can’t understand why no team of scientists, nor high-ranking doctor, tries to determine the pathophysiological mechanisms induced by the injections,” she wrote.

Alexandra Henrion-Caude, a PhD geneticist for seventeen years who spoke at the rally, said she warned of infertility from the start, knowing from SARS-CoV-1 that “the spike went to the testes, placenta, and some to the ovary.”

“I believe in the therapeutic potential of RNA, relevant to people who are at risk,” she told me. “It was mad to give it to people when we knew so little about them.” Despite an Eisenhower fellowship and twelve years of research in mRNA, she has been censored by Facebook and LinkedIn, along with others who disagree.

The abnormal normalized

Changes in the cycle that governs human reproduction have been documented in recent months in several post-covid-vaccination studies. A July study in Science Advances reported “breakthrough bleeding” in 42 percent of women with regular periods, 71 percent on birth control, and 66 percent who were post-menopausal. Nonetheless, it concluded the changes were “not uncommon or dangerous.”

Another study, in Obstetrics & Gynecology found what the National Institutes of Health called a “small, temporary” increase—less than one day in the overall cycle length—in 6.2 percent of vaccinated women. A third study, in British Medical Journal, also found a one-day extension in women’s cycles, which it called “small and likely temporary.” A carefully worded NIH post assures women that the “normal” changes they may experience should not feed “vaccine hesitancy.”

Mélodie Feron, the rally organizer, argues that such conclusions are flawed because they excluded many women—on hormonal therapy, in menopause, or suffering other common problems. “What about endometriosis?” she asked.

Like Dr. Henrion-Caude, she sees pervasive censorship. “As long as you are talking about the vaccination, you are shadow banned,” she said, referring to suppression of information that does not support established covid doctrine. “It’s a very bad moment for women.”

A French Parliament report from June concluded that dismissing such reported menstrual irregularities as “frequent, self-limiting and…due to stress is not acceptable.”

“Given their volume and therefore the unlikely nature of a temporal coincidence,” the report stated, “…it is very surprising that they are not already considered as a proven adverse effect of the vaccine.”

That may be changing. In late October, a committee of the European Medicines Agency recommended that heavy bleeding in menstruation be added as a potential side effect of Moderna and Pfizer covid vaccines.

Quiet nurseries, empty wombs

The experiences of these French women may explain, at least in part, a concerning trend in countries around the world: Fewer babies are being born or born alive.

In Scotland, a “significant” increase in stillbirths in September of 2021 and March of 2022 led to a government investigation. Inexplicably, the probe ruled out any the role of covid vaccines, without even checking whether mothers were vaccinated.

In Zurich, Switzerland, births declined 21 percent in the first five months of 2022 compared to a year earlier, according to the newspaper Inside Paradeplatz. When the newspaper studied five years of pre-pandemic data, a second article found a decline of 31 percent in June 2022. Nearly 600 fewer babies were born in the first half of 2022 compared to the average for 2015 to 2019.

“This is a magnitude 10 earthquake,” the article stated. The headline: “Baby crash in the city of Zurich is accelerating massively.”

Unlike the Swiss newspaper report, a new research report from Europe points to Covid vaccinations as a factor in declining birthrates in Germany and Sweden. In early 2022, the fertility rate dropped 14 percent and 10 percent, respectively, in those countries.

Performed by the (German) Federal Institute for Population Research and Stockholm University, the analysis, using birth data since 2000, found a “strong association between the onset of vaccination programmes and the fertility decline nine months after of this onset.” It ruled out at three other possible factors: covid infections, covid deaths and unemployment.

“The fertility decline in the first months of 2022 in Germany and Sweden is remarkable,” the study said.

The media: silence

Similar to reports worldwide of excess deaths, which I wrote about in September, little media attention is being paid to fertility developments. Instead, they are informed often by anecdotal reports.

In Florida, Dr. Kimberly Biss, an obstetrician, states in a widely shared video: “I can definitely say since the vaccine rollout started, we have seen in our practice a decrease in new OB numbers, which would be infertility by about 50 percent. We’ve also seen an increase in miscarriage rates by about 50 percent. And I would say there’s probably about a 25 percent increase in abnormal pap smears as well as cervical malignancies in our area.” (I reached out to Dr. Biss but did not hear back.)

In California, a post-partum nurse from a major hospital center, Michelle Gershman, shared a September 8 email to maternity staff describing record numbers of fetal deaths.

“Well, it seems like the increase of demise patients that we are seeing is going to continue,” the email began. “There were 22 demises in August, which ties the record number of demises in July 2021 and so far in September there have been 7 and it’s only the 8th day of the month.”

“I’m blown away because this is not natural, this should not be happening,” Gershman said in an interview with Del Bigtree on The Highwire. Gershman said many women had been vaccinated shortly before giving birth, often early.

The timing of these deaths indisputably coincides with vaccine rollout, which began in December 2020. But there may be other factors driving these trends, such as covid itself, socioeconomics, or lockdown effects. Not all studies agree on declines in birthrates. An Australian study showed fewer stillbirths among vaccinated women, who tended to be more well-to-do, less apt to smoke, and were more often English-speaking and older first-time mothers.

The issue, amid denial and censorship, is whether the right questions are even being asked. Will women who question vaccines be heard?

“They are in the refusal mode to debate,” said Henrion-Caude, the geneticist at the Paris rally. “It’s never good, especially in science. It’s the path to any extreme.”

“The most awful thing is people have been suffering and dying unnecessarily,” she continued. “I have a strong sadness about this.”


Also see my other blogs. Main ones below:

http://edwatch.blogspot.com (EDUCATION WATCH)

http://antigreen.blogspot.com (GREENIE WATCH)

http://pcwatch.blogspot.com (POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH)

http://australian-politics.blogspot.com (AUSTRALIAN POLITICS)

http://snorphty.blogspot.com (TONGUE-TIED)

https://immigwatch.blogspot.com (IMMIGRATION WATCH)

https://awesternheart.blogspot.com (THE PSYCHOLOGIST)

http://jonjayray.com/blogall.html More blogs


1 comment:

  1. I pray we're not looking at a "Children of Men" scenario.


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