Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Endocrinologist Forecasts More Hormone-Related Diseases as Spike Proteins Found to Deplete Endocrine ‘Reserves’

Dr. Flavio Cadegiani, a Brazilian endocrinologist, suspects that the worst has yet to come for spike protein-induced diseases in the endocrine system.

The endocrine system, colloquially known as the hormone system, is critical for our health. It regulates growth and development, mood, metabolism, reproduction, immunity, and functions of other organs through the secretion of hormones.

Hormones are one of the three biggest messengers in the body. Compared to the two other messengers—neurotransmitters and cytokines—hormones are slower in responding, and have systemic functions across the body rather than localized actions.

While cells can usually respond to neurotransmitters in milliseconds and cytokines in minutes to hours, cells that respond to hormones can take hours or even weeks.

Since hormones can have slow and systemic actions, a dysfunctional or damaged endocrine system will generally be slow in its symptom onset and recovery.

Studies have shown that spike proteins from COVID-19 infection and the vaccines can damage endocrine glands, including pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands, as well as reproductive organs, and many more.

Cadegiani raised a concern that the slower onset of endocrine pathologies may pose difficulties in diagnosis and treatment.

Depletion of Hormonal Reserves

Endocrine pathologies can take longer to become apparent because endocrine glands have “reserves,” according to Cadegiani.

“What we’re going to see in the future [for endocrine diseases] is a little bit different from the other fields, because glands have reserves and the decrease of the reserve will not be clinically seen right now, but it may be in the future,” said Cadegiani at a Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) conference in Kissimmee, Florida.

Therefore, affected individuals may show no symptoms until their reserves have been depleted.

Cadegiani said that most of his concerns for the future are speculative and based his own clinical observations. But since the pandemic and the administration of COVID-19 vaccines began, there have been increasing reports that implicate endocrine pathologies.

Hormones regulate the entire body, so once the reserved are depleted and underlying endocrine pathologies are unmasked, there may be cases of systemic dysregulations.

Endocrine glands control the function of many organs across the body, and each endocrine organ is also connected through a feedback loop, also known as a hormonal axis.

At the top of this chain is the hypothalamus, which is a diamond structure in the brain and acts as a master switchboard. It sends messages to the pituitary glands, a small, oval structure tucked behind the nose.

The pituitary gland is colloquially known as the master gland; it regulates other endocrine organs, together with the hypothalamus forming hormonal axes.

The pituitary gland is part of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis which regulates the reproductive organs including the ovaries and the testes. In females, it is responsible for regulating the release of ovarian hormones as part of the menstrual cycle, and in males the axis regulates spermatogenesis.

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is a neuroendocrine axis that mediates the adrenal glands, an organ that produce hormones that trigger the fight or flight response. The fight or flight process is a stress response that occurs in response to harmful threats, and can reduce metabolism, suppress immune, as well as activate the sympathetic nervous system.

Another major axis is the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis. This regulates the thyroids and the hormones it secretes. Thyroid hormones are essential for biological functions of growth, regulation of the cardiovascular system, bone replacement, liver function, and metabolism.

How Spike Proteins Target the Endocrine System

The spike protein is the most toxic part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Studies on people with long COVID and post-vaccine symptoms often detected spike protein presence months or even a year after the exposure.

Spike protein particularly favors tissues and organs that express ACE2 and CD147 receptors. Many endocrine glands display ACE2 receptors, including the pancreas, thyroid, testes, ovaries, adrenal glands, and the pituitary gland, making the endocrine system particularly vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2.

The key driver behind spike protein-induced disease is inflammation.

Upon entering cells, spike protein can activate pro-inflammatory pathways by inducing DNA damage, inhibiting DNA repair, causing stress to the cell’s mitochondria, which is critical for cell energy production, and many more. All of this lead to cellular stress, injury, and possible cell death.

When many cells are affected, it can cause problems in tissues and organs, affecting individual endocrine glands and the system.

Spike proteins also inhibit autophagy, the cellular “recycling system,” thereby preventing the cells from clearing the toxic protein out, leading to prolonged damage.

Spike proteins may also contribute to autoimmunity. Since it shares many similarities with common human tissues and proteins—known as “molecular mimicry”—it has the potential to cause immune cells to mount an attack against the body’s own cells and organs, leading to endocrine damage.

Several studies have reported on endocrine pathologies following COVID-19, though data on the exact damage is still emerging.


Are Behavioral Changes Due to Mass Vaccination Behind Fertility Drop in Germany & Sweden? Study Suggests So

Reports of wide-scale fertility declines over the past couple of years have raised concerns about possible causes, including mass COVID-19 vaccination. This media reported on a specific example in Zurich, Switzerland, and broader trends in both Germany and Sweden, while journalist Mary Beth Pfeiffer just investigated the topic.

The research institute of the German federal government, managed under the Federal Ministry of the Interior and tasked with providing scientific advice to the federal government on issues relating to demography and demographic trends in fertility, nuptiality, morality, aging, migration, and other global issues, recently released its disturbing report suggesting dramatic declines which this media reviews in more detail.

The Federal Institute of Population Research led by Dr. Martin Bujard, Deputy Director at the Federal Institute for Population Research and supported by Gunnar Andersson, a Swedish fertility research expert from Stockholm University, found a fertility decline markedly different than an initial fertility trend in Southern Europe during the first stages of the pandemic. Seasonally adjusted monthly Total Fertility Rates (TFR) dropped 14% in Germany and 10% in Sweden in 2022.

After analyzing the trend against various categories from unemployment, infection rates or COVID-19 deaths, the authors report that for the two nations there appears a “strong association between the onset of vaccination programs and the fertility decline nine months after this onset.” Calling out the fertility declines in the first months of 2022 in both Germany and Sweden as “remarkable,” they argue that “common explanations of fertility during the pandemic do not apply in its aftermath.”

Assuming that vaccination is correlated, what's the cause—behavioral change or worse, a real-world impact of the vaccines themselves? The authors of this recent study titled “Fertility declines near the end of the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence of the 2022 birth declines in Germany and Sweden” suggest the former—behavioral changes.

Referred to some by the ‘baby bust,” the report out of Germany most definitely offers novel information as described by the authors. A behavioral change in the populations of Germany and Sweden could have very well led to the disturbing decline in TRF in both nations. The mass vaccination program became a center topic and discussion, and it’s likely that although continuously promoted by health authorities as safe and effective for all (including pregnant persons), people in both Germany and Sweden may have changed behavior during 2021 and into 2022.

That could be the explanation---and it would be one that would have far less ominous implications than another explanation—that the vaccines were directly causing the decline in TRF (instead of behavior associated with the vaccines).

With no birth declines in the first months of 2021, Germany experienced a small increase of about 2.9% in the total number of births in 2021 when compared to 2020. But new births plummeted by February and March 2022, representing a 14.3% and 13.7% drop respectively when comparing them to the previous months last year. When looking at a five-year average in Germany (2016-2020), they still found a notable 8.2% and 11.1 % decline in those first months of 2022.

The trends are comparable in Sweden and in the report, the data can be found in tables 1 and 2.


The authors note that the data is “preliminary” and subject to change. But they do emphasize that any change wouldn’t be substantial when considering the overall trend observed. Certain assumptions underlying seasonal adjustments could be challenged. The authors disclose that their summaries are in part, based on “descriptive associations” not accounting for individual-level characteristics as well as additional contextual elements that could have an impact on the data. Research factoring in individual-level data would offer better insight into the outcomes observed—the fertility declines. For example, a look at parent and non-parent households; socio-demographic elements, etc.




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