Major Leftist newspaper discredits itself
Do they WANT to be seen as purveyors of fake news? The reporter, Dave Weigel, is a deep-dyed Leftist from way back, previously involved in the Journolist hate-fest so his involvement now is no surprise
President Donald Trump took a Washington Post writer to task on Saturday after the reporter posted inaccurate photos of Trump's Friday Florida rally.
Dave Weigel, who writes about politics for the Post, tweeted a photo of a largely empty stadium with a quote from Trump: 'Packed to the rafters.'
Trump immediately hit back, quickly getting an apology out of Weigel - and demanded that the Washington Post fire him to boot.
Trump posted a screengrab of Weigel's Tweet, along with photos of him stood in front of a packed arena.
'@DaveWeigel @WashingtonPost put out a phony photo of an empty arena hours before I arrived @ the venue, w/ thousands of people outside, on their way in,' he wrote.
'Real photos now shown as I spoke. Packed house, many people unable to get in. Demand apology & retraction from FAKE NEWS WaPo!'
Weigel responded minutes later, saying he'd been notified of the error by's US political editor, David Martosko, who attended the event.
'Sure thing: I apologize,' he wrote. 'I deleted the photo after @dmartosko told me I'd gotten it wrong. Was confused by the image of you walking in the bottom right corner.'
'An hour later he tweeted: 'It was a bad tweet on my personal account, not a story for Washington Post. I deleted it after like 20 minutes. Very fair to call me out.'
But apparently the mistake stuck in Trump's craw, and an hour after spotting the error he tweeted again
'.@daveweigel of the Washington Post just admitted that his picture was a FAKE (fraud?) showing an almost empty arena last night for my speech in Pensacola when, in fact, he knew the arena was packed (as shown also on T.V.),' he wrote. 'FAKE NEWS, he should be fired.'
At Friday's rally, Trump pointed to a CNN correction and other corrections and clarifications by news organizations in the past week.
The corrections came from stories that initially had been damaging to the president but didn't live up to the scrutiny.
Another recent bit of fake news from the legacy media,/b>
The spectacle began on Friday morning at 11:00 am EST, when the Most Trusted Name in News™ spent 12 straight minutes on air flamboyantly hyping an exclusive bombshell report that seemed to prove that WikiLeaks, last September, had secretly offered the Trump campaign, even Donald Trump himself, special access to the DNC emails before they were published on the internet. As CNN sees the world, this would prove collusion between the Trump family and WikiLeaks and, more importantly, between Trump and Russia, since the U.S. intelligence community regards WikiLeaks as an “arm of Russian intelligence,” and therefore, so does the U.S. media.
This entire revelation was based on an email which CNN strongly implied it had exclusively obtained and had in its possession. The email was a smoking gun, in CNN’s extremely excited mind, because it was dated September 4 – ten days before WikiLeaks began promoting access to those emails online – and thus proved that the Trump family was being offered special, unique access to the DNC archive: likely by WikiLeaks and the Kremlin.
It’s impossible to convey with words what a spectacularly devastating scoop CNN believed it had. There was just one small problem with this story: it was fundamentally false, in the most embarrassing way possible. Hours after CNN broadcast its story – and then hyped it over and over and over – the Washington Post reported that CNN got the key fact of the story wrong.
The email was not dated September 4, as CNN claimed, but rather September 14 – which means it was sent after WikiLeaks had already published access to the DNC emails online. Thus, rather than offering some sort of special access to Trump, “Michael J. Erickson” was simply some random person from the public encouraging the Trump family to look at the publicly available DNC emails that WikiLeaks – as everyone by then already knew – had publicly promoted. In other words, the email was the exact opposite of what CNN presented it as being.
Not Tired of Winning Yet XXX
I am beginning to lose track of all the win gushing forth from the news headlines these days. This is number 30 in columns devoted to this topic.
In times gone by, whenever I was feeling too cheerful, I would listen to the news, until a proper sense of cynical gloom and despair and bitter wrath would settle on me as I watched everything I hold dear slowly or quickly being deconstructed by morally perverted Morlocks. Now, whenever I am feeling blue, I flip the news on, and wait for something to send my spirits soaring.
Here is a partial list of victories and wonders gathered in the last forty days.
A tax cut was passed by the House and Senate, and the politicians and pundits on the Left declare it to be Armageddon sure to result in thousands of deaths. I swear by the tongue of Saint John Chrysostom that I am not making that up.
The sweet savor of covfefe hangs over all, because this is the last in an endless series of things the Left said Trump could not do, which he then did do.
Even the depressing sex scandals cheer me. This is not because the news that Leftists in Hollywood or in DC are lecherous perverts unmoored by common standards of chastity and decency: we all knew that since the Sexual Revolution. The point of the Sexual Revolution was to allow men to act like satyrs and for feminists to act like nymphs. But instead of the Arcadian charm of ancient Greek, what we get is the mainstreaming of uncivilized and unchristian sexual behavior, and the normalization of indecency.
But the nymphs are not happy with the bargain. They are apparently unwilling to don knee pads and perform acts of sexual gratification on adulterous rape-happy sexual predators any longer. They want to be treated with the dignity and civility Christian gentlemen owe to Christian ladies, and not to be treated as, well, Mohammedans treat their female chattels
Where this leads, heaven knows, but to see the downfall of tyrants is always a pleasure, even the petty tyrants of Hollywood moguls and their casting couch. Did I mention 28 Dem senators have called on Al Franken to resign? John Conyers has already been forced to resign.
The Senate tax-reform bill passed Dec. 1 eliminates Obamacare’s individual mandate, the linchpin of Obama’s government-controlled health-care system, which penalizes taxpayers for choosing not to buy health insurance. That nightmare is not over, but it is ending.
An official investigation into the riots on Charlottesville finally puts the blame surely where it belongs: instead of blaming Trump, as the news did and does, the investigation found that the city fathers and the mayor negligently if not maliciously arranged the protest and the violent counter protest to be held the same day, they forbade the police from donning riot gear, and the sheriff’s plan was to let the violence escalate sufficiently to declare the assembly unlawful, and unleash the riot squad. Another fake news story found to be fake.
Remember the clearly Constitutional and unarguably legal and lawful order of the Trump administration to ban travel from certain nations with whose subjects we are currently at war? Now, it seems, the obstruction of the pro-Jihad Leftists posing as judges has been stayed by the Supreme Court. That such judges have not yet been reprimanded, disbarred, or hanged as traitors disappoints me: such lawless activity by those entrusted to interpret the law is unforgivable.The fruits of Trump’s recent visit to China include a decision by the Chinese to slash import taxes on some 187 consumer goods. This promises to open their markets to our goods.
While the previous three U.S. presidents promised during their election campaigns to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, President Trump on Dec. 6 became the first to follow through. In his official order, Trump also ordered the U.S. Embassy to be moved to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced Dec. 3 the Trump administration is withdrawing from the Global Compact on Migration
The Department of Homeland Security released figures Dec. 4 showing Trump is delivering on his pledge to more strictly control immigration and deter trespassers. I will not bore you with the numbers.
I will not bore you with economic numbers either, but do you remember when the Received Wisdom of the Elites all said Trump was a loon for saying his policies would usher in 3% growth? Do you remember all those voices telling us that stagnation was “the new normal”?
President Trump signed two executive orders Dec. 4 that gave back about 2 million acres of land to the state of Utah by modifying executive orders by President Obama. Trump reduced the federal government’s control of the Bear’s Ear National Monument to just 201,876 acres. He also reduced the Grand Staircase National Monument in Utah from nearly 1.9 million acres to about 1 million.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Nov. 17 the Department of Justice will cease the practice initiated by President Obama of issuing “guidance memos” to enact new regulations that sometimes have had the effect of changing federal laws.
The federal government on Nov. 9 made public more than 13,000 additional documents from its files on President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, under orders from President Trump. It was the fourth released since October, when the president allowed the immediate release of 2,800 records by the National Archives.
EPA Director Scott Pruitt placed 66 new experts on three different EPA scientific committees who espouse more conservative views than their predecessors. Pruitt signed a directive Oct. 31 banning scientists who receive EPA grants from serving on the agency’s independent advisory boards.
A great anecdote

Monica Crowley recently gave a speech at the David Horowitz Restoration weekend that has to be one of the best political speeches I have heard. She was fabulous. I reproduce below just her opening remarks
At lunch today, we had the great fortune to hear from Victor Davis Hanson who was talking about those of us who have been repeatedly judged for our support of Donald Trump by the self-righteous, self-described anti-Trump superiors, and it called to mind something that happened to me last July. I had an exchange with a Hollywood heavyweight and no, it was not Harvey Weinstein. That would have been an exchange of a different kind, and this Hollywood heavyweight approached me, and I got the whole condescending treatment about Donald Trump. I got the condescending tap on the arm. I got the look, like, feeling sorry for me that I was a Trump supporter, and he looked at me and he said, "Monica, you're a sweet girl and you're so smart. You can't possibly be for Donald Trump," and I realized in that second that I had a decision to make.
Was I going to go through the usual excuses, like, well, you know, I know, but I still...? I decided in that split second to own it, and I leaned into this guy and I said, "Are you kidding me? I freaking love Donald Trump," and to my great surprise, it completely disarmed him, and he stood back. He wasn't expecting it. I said, "Are you kidding me, I freaking love him, and if I had 100 votes, I'd spend all 100 votes on Donald Trump," and he was immediately taken aback, and he said, "Oh, no, no, no. No, don't get me wrong. I hate her. I just don't know if I can vote for him," and it completely wrecked his entire line of argument. It worked like a charm.
For more blog postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, GREENIE WATCH, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS, and Paralipomena (Occasionally updated), a Coral reef compendium and an IQ compendium. (Both updated as news items come in). GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on THE PSYCHOLOGIST.
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