Leftists are basically all the same
Tasmania has just had an election in which the conservatives won. So how did the Tasmanian Left handle the defeat? There is no doubt that the issues for tiny Tasmania, tucked away at the bottom of the world, are much less portentous than the issues for the great world power that is the USA. So surely we could expect that the response of the Tasmanian Left would be much less embittered and rage-filled than the response of the American Left when Donald beat Hillary?
It was not to be. The big issue in the Tasmanian campaign was the hardly earth-shattering question of whether gambling machines should be permitted. Despite that, the defeated Tasmanian Left erupted in anger and bad grace, accusing the conservatives of not having won fair and square.
So this similarity of results between Tasmania and the USA despite very different circumstances confirms that we have to go down to the psychological level to understand the Left. We have to face the fact that Leftists are born full of anger and hostility to the people around them. Reality doesn't interest them. They just hate it all.
Excerpt from a news report follows:
[Federal] Trade Minister Steven Ciobo has attacked the “extraordinarily ungracious” concession speech by Tasmanian Labor leader Rebecca White, calling Labor’s claims the Hodgman campaign was bankrolled by gaming companies as “sour grapes” and “absurd”.
Tasmania’s Hodgman Liberal government has been re-elected with a majority, after voters turned away from the Greens and shunned the Jacqui Lambie Network.
Ms White congratulated Premier Will Hodgman this morning after neglecting to do so in her concession speech last night.
“I’m incredibly proud of the Tasmanian Labor campaign, our candidates and the values and issues we fought for. We didn’t get there this time but we can hold our heads high.”
The Tasmanian Left too put up a woman for the top job, the blonde bombshell Rebecca White. Once again the Feminist theory that women will vote for another woman falls flat
[Federal Leftist leader] Bill Shorten also added his congratulations, but not without throwing in a pointed barb.
“Rebecca White and her team ran a positive, issues-focused campaign that reflected the best Labor values, against the Liberals who were backed by well-resourced special interests,” the federal Labor lader said in a statement.
“Bec has shown herself to be an energetic campaigner, and a strong and effective leader with a bright future ahead of her.”
Earlier Mr Ciobo said he was disappointed by the Labor response to losing the Tasmanian election last night, calling the party hypocritical given the amount of campaign money it receives from unions.
“I also find it frankly quite extraordinary that the Australian Labor Party, who are effectively a bought subsidiary of the union movement, would for a second start accusing anybody else of throwing too much money at a problem or advertising in excess of the amount that they can advertise,” Mr Ciobo told Sky News.
“I mean seriously? That is probably the most absurd thing I have heard in quite a while from the Australian Labor Party.”
Mr Hodgman claimed victory at 10.30pm on Saturday, thanking voters for sticking with his government, providing it a second term in majority.
While his opponents claimed the government had been purchased by advertising paid for by poker machine interests, Mr Hodgman said voters had rewarded the Liberals for “kickstarting” the economy.
Opposition leader Rebecca White conceded defeat but failed to congratulate Mr Hodgman, instead praising voters for putting his government “on notice”.
“The Tasmanian people have put this Liberal government on notice: today marks a new era in Tasmanian politics,” Ms White said.
“People want transparent, good government that is going to benefit them and not somebody’s rich mate.”
She said the Hodgman government was “nearly defeated” and blamed the cashed-up campaign against Labor by poker machine interests for the party’s failure to secure a better result.
“The Tasmanian people should be represented by the best representatives; not the richest,” she said, accusing the Liberal Party of “buying” seats in the parliament.
A war Europe cannot win
President Donald Trump has threatened to tax European cars after the EU warned it would retaliate if the US placed tariffs on steel and aluminium imports.
"If the EU wants to further increase their already massive tariffs and barriers on US companies doing business there, we will simply apply a Tax on their Cars which freely pour into the US," Trump said on Twitter on Saturday. "They make it impossible for our cars (and more) to sell there. Big trade imbalance!"
Trump also complained about the trade deficit, attributing it to "our 'very stupid' trade deals and policies".
Trump on Thursday announced plans to slap tariffs of 25 per cent on all imported steel and 10 per cent on broad categories of aluminium imports, prompting trade partners to consider retaliatory measures. Trump later boasted that trade wars are "good, and easy to win".
European Commission spokesman Alexander Winterstein said the EU has been preparing for the situation "for a long time". Winterstein said a decision could be taken when top commission officials meet on Wednesday.
He said the EU will also stand ready to protect Europe's embattled steel market in case of a surge of imports as a result of the US tariffs. The EU will further seek to settle the dispute before the World Trade Organisation, he added.
Manufacturing in U.S. Expands at Fastest Pace Since May 2004
U.S. factories expanded in February at the fastest rate since May 2004, indicating sustained strength in manufacturing as demand remains solid, figures from the Institute for Supply Management showed Thursday.
The latest advance extends a series of healthy readings in the survey-based measure of manufacturing that’s being fueled by improving global economies and firm business investment. It also comes on the heels of a late-year pickup in consumer spending, which advanced in the fourth quarter at the fastest pace in more than a year.
The purchasing managers group’s gauge of export orders was the strongest since April 2011. While orders and production were a touch weaker in February than the prior month, the readings are nonetheless robust.
The ISM report showed 15 of 18 manufacturing industries indicated growth last month, led by printing, primary metals and machinery.
Booming: Yet Another Economic Indictor Hits Multi-Decade Best
As we noted earlier in the week, Americans are noticing that the country's economy is in strong shape, with consumer confidence spiking to the best level in 17 years. Now the government has announced another data point that reinforces the string of good news.
These developments don't come in a vacuum; the economy has taken off because of the Republican and Trump administration policies of right-sizing regulation and cutting taxes. Are Americans tired of winning yet?
U.S. filings for unemployment benefits fell last week to the lowest level in almost five decades, indicating the job market remains tight, Labor Department figures showed
Thursday...Overall, the employment picture remains solid, with payrolls continuing to increase and the unemployment rate at the lowest since late 2000. Job growth will help sustain consumer spending, the biggest part of the economy.
In another tax reform-related development, Wisconsinites are experiencing lower utility bills due to passage of the new law. Consumers can thank House Speaker Paul Ryan and Sen. Ron Johnson for these savings:
Customers of Wisconsin utilities are projected to save more than $275 million from the new lower rate for federal corporate taxes, based on estimates compiled by the Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Industrial Energy Group. The corporate tax rate was lowered to 21% from 35% as part of the recent tax reform and tax cut legislation. Projected taxes are included as an expense when setting utility rates and the cost is passed onto customers.
The state's utilities were required to file their projected tax savings with the Public Service Commission last month. Energies electric customers are projected to save $97 million a year from the lower corporate tax rate based on the estimates...Several utilities have proposed giving customers a credit on their bills.
Badger State voters should remember that Sen. Tammy Baldwin voted 'no' on tax reform, as did every single Democrat in Congress. Democrats have attempted to demonize the corporate tax cuts, but it's those very cuts that are allowing businesses all across the country to increase employee benefits, raise wages, pay bonuses, and pass down savings to customers (on top of the law's tax cuts for roughly 90 percent of taxpayers).
Improving America's global competitiveness is smart economics and helps people. Public support for tax reform has jumped by 26 net points since December, according to New York Times polling, because reality is on the GOP's side.
The Coming Trump Landslide
Wayne Allyn Root
I know Donny Deutsch only too well. A stereotypical, spoiled-brat, New York liberal.
The memory of my Donny Deutsch CNBC debacle came pouring back to mind yesterday because I saw Donny made news as a guest on MSNBC. Donny was asked about Trump’s re-election chances. For once I agree with Donny.
Deutsch said Trump will be re-elected in 2020 by a landslide because the economy is booming and Americans have more money in their pockets. Most Americans base their vote on pocketbook issues, explained Deutsch. It’s rare to hear truth from a liberal.
Then Donny spoke more raw truth. He said, “That’s why Trump must be removed from office now.”
My old pal Donny revealed what liberals are all thinking, deep down. Trump is a lock for re-election by a wide margin. As Deutsch admitted, that’s why he must be stopped now.
Crazed liberals scream for his removal…impeachment…even assassination. Because they know he is succeeding, he is effective, he is erasing Obama and fundamentally changing America back to a conservative, capitalist nation. They know they can’t stop him at the ballot box, so they have decided they have to stop him any other way they can- even resorting to violence, conspiracy and sedition.
Liberals and the mainstream media (I know, I repeat myself) love to claim Trump’s ineffective. They say “He’s accomplished very little.” Liberal scholars recently rated Trump as the worst president in history. Really?
I consider The Heritage Foundation my “Bible of conservatism.” Heritage defines conservative. According to their ratings system, Trump is the most successful and effective conservative president in modern history. He scored far higher than my hero Ronald Reagan.
Trump may be unorthodox. He’s certainly not like Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio or John Kasich or Ted Cruz. But he beat all of them. Then he beat “the unbeatable” Hillary Clinton. Then he became, according to the authority on conservatism, the most effective conservative president in history.
In recent days Trump offered up a deal to keep DACA immigrants in the USA. Conservatives weren’t happy. But Trump won over some immigrants.
Then he offered up multiple gun control measures. Conservatives weren’t happy. But Trump won over suburban moms.
Then he offered up trade tariffs on China. Conservatives and Wall Street went on the warpath. But Trump won over working class Americans.
The most conservative president in history won the right to move towards the center on a few issues by building a foundation even more conservative than Reagan. That gave him room for just a little compromise. That's how you win elections by a landslide.
Trump turns out to be a brilliant political strategist. He’s expanding the GOP tent like no other Republican in history.
For perhaps the first time in his life, Donny Deutsch was right. Liberals had better remove Trump from office quickly-by hook or crook. Because the Trump train can’t be stopped any other way.
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